Mirai Nikki

Type: Series (26 Episodes)
Video: 1920×1080, 1280×720
Audio: FLAC 2.0 (Japanese)
Subs: GotWoot
1080p: Torrent – 01-08
720p: Torrent – 01-08

236 Responses to Mirai Nikki

  1. Sukigu writes:

    The only change I noticed in the episodes was that the mistake I had noted in the romaji lyrics for the ED song (“doushijou” instead of “doushiyou”) has been fixed.

  2. anonymus writes:

    Excuse me, what video player can you suggest me to use for highest quality?? CCCP doesn’t do the job very well.

  3. Trish writes:

    I’m almost certain that K-Lite Full > CCCP

  4. Search & Destroy writes:

    Why 5 episode is so big?? My laptop almost cant take him an there is no quality difference.

  5. So... writes:

    Why not make 2 sub tracks? One with full gotwoot TS and one with gotspeed diaries to prevent lag?

  6. Trish writes:

    Yes please make another sub track with the GotWoot dairy typesetting.

  7. Kalegrim writes:

    Why the 5th series is a lot of message?

  8. An enthusiastic anime viewer writes:


  9. Xeno writes:

    on the next batch, request SS or Commie subs!!
    GotWoot subs suck!! not to mention their TS

  10. Trish writes:


    Commie is one of the shittiest groups ever, people download from them because they got speed (in this case for Mirai Nikki, they don’t even have that as GotWoot release much faster), their encoding and translation is absolutely crap.

    Not to mention they like to edit CR subs to make them shittier and remove all honorifics.

  11. anonymous writes:

    @Trish Commie ist not the shittiest one 🙂 at some projects they have done good work btw I like the typeset and op/end from commie.

    mplayer(2) >> $MEDIAPLAYER

  12. Verix writes:

    Commie delivers good work on most of their projects, their typesetting is generally very good. Honorifics is a matter of preference, I too like them to remain as they are.. also their encoding is decent as far as HDTV encoding goes. “One of the shittiest groups ever”? Quite the overstatement.

  13. Verix writes:

    Also, thanks a lot coalgirls for these bluray encodes.

  14. HeavenlyArmed writes:

    Commie’s TS better than Gotwoot’s? Dafuq am I reading?!

  15. HeavenlyArmed writes:

    Also, lol @ idiots constantly confusing Gotspeed and Gotwoot

  16. Evangeline writes:

    how about mirai Nikki Special ? i really want it so i want download this BD

  17. An enthusiastic anime viewer writes:

    thanks again!

  18. SaotomeRanma writes:

    Usually, I would be all like “yeah, give ’em time guys and gals,” but… I’m kind of interested in seeing the “unaired” stuff. I heard there was supposed to be a special?

  19. Okiya writes:

    I’m sorry but why can’t we have this beautiful dairy typesetting: http://i.imgur.com/201IE.jpg instead of the ugly black boxes?

    That’s a screenshot of the GotWoot’s v2 of the first episode.

  20. Alexander writes:

    Thanks a lot! I saw the entire season and just had to download a 1080p uncut edition. It took me an unusually longtime to download that 10 GB though, so I’ll be seeding to share the love of Mirai Nikki up to 100 GB =].

  21. bob writes:

    Whats the difference between gotwoots release and Bluray? are the blurays more gory or something?

  22. Alexander writes:

    @Bob, they’re pretty much the same except the bluray releases you can decide between having the things filtered out or not. The current files are the violent versions which don’t censor out some material (nudity, violence).

  23. h. writes:

    First, thank you for your work! These uncensored versions are so cool! I was wondering if you’ll keep on sharing them? Because besides you, there’s no fansub team sharing uncensored versions. Keep up the good work!

  24. anon12345 writes:

    @admin: sorry to be rude! but…..i just wanted to inform that the blu-ray for Mirai Nikki episode 9, 10, 11 has been released in march…
    you are the only fan-sub group which subs the BD version, so please take up the volume 3! 🙂 it would be a big favour, and a humble request ^_^
    THANKS AGAIN, and sorry for the rudeness ! 🙂

  25. Andre writes:

    Can you please do subs for 9,10,11? Raw episodes link – http://jpddl.com/anime/raw/116232-zero-raws-mirai-nikki-vol04-bd-1920×1080-x264-flac.html

    Thanks! 😀

  26. Verix writes:

    Coalgirls doesn’t encode from RAWs, you know.. as to why they aren’t released yet, maybe the uncut version introduced some new lines which have yet to be translated. Be patient, it’ll come, there’s no sign of coalgirls dropping this so far.

  27. KoP3Le7o writes:

    What happened with vol. 4?

  28. schui writes:

    Well… Episode 9 of vol 4 got the Mur Mur Special which wasn’t included at the TV version, so somebody needs to tl it… maybe that is the reason for the delay? 😮

  29. Verix writes:

    Around 0:40 episode 7 I get no subtitles with standard settings MPC-HC vsfilter, probably some overflow

  30. An enthusiastic anime viewer writes:


  31. dada writes:

    we will wait for ep 9 patiently… tnx

  32. Someone writes:

    Well, it’s strange that there are no Mirai Nikki Vol 4 and 5 (ep 9 to 14) Raws yet and Vol 6 is to be released in may 25th. But the only thing we can do is wait.

  33. Someone writes:

    Forget the Raws part, but translated epidodes.

  34. Jesus Alberto Armenta Olivares writes:

    And I’m STILL waiting for the new episodes to come out >_>

  35. patiencemyfriend writes:

    Patient bear is patient (●`・(エ)・´●)

  36. An enthusiastic anime viewer writes:


  37. SaotomeRanma writes:

    Er, is Cyras still alive?

  38. Okiya writes:

    Need… More… Mirai… Nikki…

    I closed MPC as soon as I tried watching the censored TV version.

  39. patienthilter writes:

    (in response to wait) NEIN!NEIIIINN!

  40. BD Eps 9+ When !!IgupUpe8Ajq writes:

    When am I going to get Mirai Nikki episodes 9+? I’ve been refreshing Google and fansubber sites for the past few months, now, and there still isn’t any news on them.

    Will I ever get them? ;_;

  41. Eva-Aug writes:

    you mean Coalgirls not hav any translation for BD vol 4 to 5 ?

  42. Okiya writes:

    Please come back Cyras!!!

  43. Hyu writes:

    R.I.P Cyras.

  44. sayf writes:

    hey guys i have a big problem here i finished downloading Mirai nikki last week but iam pretty sad and disappinted cause i cant open it in my plasma tv (it opens only the audio and there is no image at all) i downloaded fullmetal alchemist brotherhood-baccano …. and many otheres which works just fine without any problem so what should i do to fix this problem???? pleaseee help 🙁

  45. FFFUUUUUUUU- writes:

    Ep 17 is out on BD yet no one is subbing past ep 8?

  46. cyranara writes:

    look at username above

  47. Slashman writes:

    What, exactly, is going on with this show? Does anyone know of any group that has subbed them past episode 8?

  48. Eva-Aug writes:

    i just hoping that coalgirls not drop this

    or they just want code this when get to end @,..,@

  49. Choob writes:

    Any update on the status cyras? Please don’t leave us hanging, the wait’s unbearable.

  50. Misery writes:

    I’d love at least one group to finish the BD subs of this show.. I can’t for the life of me stand watching the low quality, censored shit that’s out there at the moment. Can’t go wrong with CoalGirls, please don’t leave us hanging~

    I’ve been holding off on completing this series for this exact reason.. (Yandere overload, all my hnng!)

    Some sort of status update or confirmation would be highly appreciated, if possible.

    Please and thank-you!