Episodes – 26
Video – 960×720 @ ~1800 kbps
Audio – 2.0 FLAC (Japanese, English)
Subs – R1 (Re-styled)
This ends the Mai Natsuki saga with Coalgirls. We will not be doing Mai Otome Zwei or S.ifr. Please download 3xR or SS for them. For specials, please download Doremi.
Sorry for begging here but any DDL?
I can’t use torrent here so i have no choice.
“Now โ Because Iโm a stubborn immature brat who doesnโt want to v2 for that.”
That’s understandable — any chance they could be included on future unreleased episodes?
Not for this series but next time I release a dual audio series I will.
What’s the difference between the DVD and the BD-specials?
DVD Specials – 960×720 versions of specials that came with each DVD about 4 years ago.
BD Special – 1280×720 extra in the Blu-Ray.
Episodes 17-21 does not have English dub it has the option but when chosen it continues to speak Japanese, does anyone else have this problem or how can I fix it?
Yep, you’re right. Batch delayed at least 1 day, probably 2 to fix this.
No accessible subs for the DVD specials? Didn’t that group Doremi do those?
SS and Doremi did it, but it was in avi, so it was hard-subbed.
Unless you OCR it, or manual type it in.
It’s only 2-3 mins for 8 of the Eps.
Ep5 – 6min only
If you release the RAW encodes it would be good too, or I could try asking [Kira-Fansubs] to manual type it.
So this batch also includes BD special, correct?
any chances of patch for ep 17-22 audio? pwetty please
Read our About. Pwetty please.
If it’s the about in the torrent, I can’t torrent right now; I was just asking for planning my bw for next while. No need to be so mean, I wasn’t -demanding- anything.
Wait, you didn’t put about files in the torrent. My bad. You meant the webpage about. Okye, read it, np then. Just keep the msg here, some kind user might do it (happened in the past I think). And keep up with the great work you’re doing with the BD releases ๐
Hmmm… If you were given ocr-ed and spellchecked for ocr error scripts for dvd specials, would you release your encodes of those?
If so, I might spend some time ripping and correcting those.
Small update – I went through the first special, and I can get the subs, but I not the signs. Also, the subs are in srt (unstyled and time based) format.
Let me know if I should keep going, or just drop it and be glad with SS release.
Just drop it. I’m done.
Someone offer to BakaBT xD
packing 209mb files and uploading it to RS
maybe 2hours or less
packing 24eps at once takes about 20min – uploading with a speed of 5-10MB/s
Rapidshare (incl. v2 (source batch)
use jdownloader
is the epi 17-22 audio fixed in the torrent or not yet?
Yes, it is fixed.
You WISH Natsuki was yours pfshh.
any big advantage over Kira’s release or difference?
@zhile, i did a comparison between Kira’s release and Coalgirl’s release and Kira’s release of Mai Otome seems to have better video quality than Coalgirl’s release of Mai Otome.
thanks for the rapidshare DDL! Really appreciate them!
Nice! Finally done with it huh? Thank you so much for completing this~
Ara ara… Natsuki belongs to Shizuru you know. XDDD
“PS โ The category is โMai Natsukiโ because Natsuki is MINE.”
Ah. Also implying that Mai is clearly better for Natsuki than Shizuru? The show was originally supposed to have been about them.
Cool! Thanks for finishing CoalGirls!
ShizNat wins though… XDD MaiNat seemed fine to me too but the ShizNat pairing just attracts me the most.
Anyways, just how was Mai-HiME originally supposed to be about Mai x Natsuki?
Dunno if coalgirls wants me using their comments thingy as a platform for my OTP shipping. I’ll wait a bit and see if they say anything before replying. ๐
torrent only! i hope got megaupload >_<
Still reading this, ShizNatForever? I forgot about it. Duh.
Need more seeders please, can I get some folks to help me seed this bad boy? Please and Thank You!
can more people seed please dying to watch this ๐