
Type: Series (22 Episodes + OVA)
Video: 1920×1080 @ crf 13 (10 Bit)
1280×720 @ crf 13 (10 Bit)
Audio: FLAC 2.0 – Japanese
Subs: Mazui
Torrent: 1080p – 720p

After 11 months, we are finally done. Enjoy. Minor fixes to ep1, 12, 14, 18. Reupload for the 1080 Torrent. Seems the script fixes for ep1 didn’t make it in.

184 Responses to Hyouka

  1. Darkoulis writes:

    may i ask, how many episodes is this series 21 or 22?

  2. marii writes:

    >Note: The OP in 1080 with subs is extremely CPU heavy, quad core @ 3.4 or better minimum.
    This is exaggerated. No lag on my laptop’s i3-2330M @ 2.20GHz (2 cores with HT, mplayer2 on linux).

  3. TobbRobb writes:

    YES! I’ve been watching with Mazui, but I’ll always go for a CG release instead! This show is so freaking pretty too, definitely deserves the CG treatment.

  4. ChaosMaster writes:

    People, please stop complaining and whining over the recommended specs. No one gives a damn if your rich, much less Tenshi. Quad Core @ 3.4 would apply to AMD Athlon X4 with integrated graphics. Just cos your rich to afford newer tech doesn’t mean everyone’s got it. It’s there so that people with first gen Netbooks don’t come cry over not being able to watch it after burning so much bandwidth on downloading it. If you’re that rich, then how about donating/contributing to groups instead of bragging about it.

  5. deadKaizoku writes:

    Can’t…stop…watching. This…is…too…perfect…
    Btw, there is no 5.1 audio on anime Blu-rays? I always see only 2.0 FLAC in your releases.

  6. coalgirlfan writes:

    Thanks so much for your effort in doing these!

  7. Coalgirls is awesome writes:

    THANK YOU GUYS! The quality is amazing. Hope to see all the episodes here soon

  8. Randy writes:

    Anyone know how many episodes to a volume for Hyouka there is?

  9. Tri_Edge writes:

    “Note: The OP in 1080 with subs is extremely CPU heavy, quad core @ 3.4 or better minimum.”
    Let’s see if this is true.

  10. Kevin writes:

    If I’m not mistaken there is episode 11.5 in the series, so will it including in this or it is count as OVA?

  11. WildSharkBear writes:

    Quality is fantastic. I love this show. I can’t wait to rewatch it when you guys release this completely. Keep up the awesome work!

  12. Cameron writes:

    Volume 5 BDMV is released on Nyaatorrents, gogogogogog!

  13. Fishmoose writes:

    Do the BDs add any new content to this series, as in extra scenes? Thanks.

    • ♦Tenshi♦ writes:

      So far the only extra is No Credit OP and ED.

      I am hoping next volume will have a better quality ep 11.5.

  14. creamynebula writes:

    I hope for a BD version of 11.5 as well

  15. kojika writes:

    The BD version of 11.5 is apparently going to be bundled with a limited edition manga (Vol.3) in January.

  16. david writes:

    Merry Christmas.

  17. coldhell writes:

    there is no ncop/ed2 in the batch and i am pretty sure that they exist in vol.6. Do you have any plans to include them in the future?

    • ♦Tenshi♦ writes:

      Didnt get a chance to dig though the BD. I will have a look and release it at some point.

  18. Derpwagon writes:

    Holy shit you guys are alive.

  19. TheAmassama writes:

    Was the special (11.5) not included on the BD, or did you decide not to bother? I think we all want to see Chitanda in bikini in all it’s 1080p glory.

  20. pondra writes:

    Tenshi, merry christmas..
    Btw, how’s tari tari going?

  21. likevvii writes:

    When do you usually update with more new episodes?
    I’m kinda new to how these BD stuff are released, but if the whole season is already finished how come you take some time before posting a new volume?
    Not trying to rush you guys, i just wanted to know how things work.
    Thanks so much for posting the first 12 episodes. the quality is great.
    Merry Christmas.

  22. Cloud writes:

    If anyone can offer some insight.. is there a big difference between the 720p and the 1080p?
    i would be watching this on both pc and/or tv.. thanks in advance

  23. Anonymous writes:

    Thank you for your hard work! This show is great!

  24. coldhell writes:

    @likevvii BD volumes = 1 each month (and they start 4-6months after the air); In Hyouka’s case – each volume = 2 episodes

    @Cloud No, with good scale algorithm (lancri for sharpness or softcubic for blurriness) there is no big difference, but details can’t be recovered back, so yes 1080p is better. If you can’t see difference between crf 13 and crf 15 you would probably won’t see difference between 1080p and 720p.
    TVs can’t handle 10bit since it is not DXVA compatible and it need to be decoded from the PC anyway.

  25. necromanteion writes:

    Is there a difference in the latest 720p batch’s episode 8? Old CRC is FF15EDA7, new CRC is 873A71DA.

  26. skyhack writes:

    Will hold out for complete batch, and hope for 11.5.

  27. purefmwc writes:

    I’ve pre-ordered the OVA, does CoalGirls want it?

  28. Mayhen writes:

    I liked the soundtrack, art and photography very much in this anime. The story, not so much. Cheers on the new work!

  29. QUICKSORT writes:

    Hi there, Commenting on a random post but didn’t have many options.
    First of all thanks and blah. You know the usual drag, you girls are good etc.

    However I wanted to ask releases for 2 anime series.
    First of all, will you guys do Sakurasou no pet kanojo BD when it airs?
    Second, will you guys consider doing Hagure Yuusha no Estetica BD? Because there is literally no one who does that series strangely. There are only raws available.

    By the way, I wanted to contact through IRC, though I got +b somehow. Even though I don’t remember even joining your channel even once. If it’s possible could you fix that too?

  30. EruGuy writes:

    QUICKSORT, SubDESU did the BDs for Hagure. So did Hadena, iirc.

  31. QUICKSORT writes:


    Subdesu didn’t do the blurays (YET) only TV rip. Already 3 or 4 volumes did release and I couldn’t find any release.
    Now that you said I checked the website of Subdesu And saw the message they posted on 24/12 which says they are waiting for encodes so they WILL do the BD indeed. Thanks for that info.

    And about hadane, as you doubted correctly they did NOT do the BD, again only the TV rips.

    But I’m really grateful for your reply.

    As for Coalgirls. Thanks for all yoru works keep it up etc.
    Looking forward to Nekomonogatari and hopefully yo uguys will do sakurasou too.

    thx ^_^

  32. Doom44 writes:

    Been wondering what are the chances that you will pick the 11.5 ova?

    It look really good one and so far the only version i could fine is really LQ version : o

  33. virox writes:

    V6 should have contained the second OP and ED (creditless).
    Are you putting it off for later?

  34. coldhell writes:

    Btw I was just trying to do 540p hardsub version with AVS for my phone and then I saw something. There is no style named ED in the [Coalgirls]_Hyouka_NCOPED_(1920x1080_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[65DA7CD1].mkv (in the .ass file) and player uses it’s default font for ED.
    interestin fact that font is in the container ^^
    It shoud be like this

    [V4+ Styles]
    Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeOut, ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Encoding
    Style: Episode Title,@Iwata Mincho Old Pro-Fate B,45,&H00FFFFFF,&H000000FF,&H64000000,&H00000000,0,0,0,0,100,100,0,0,1,0,0,2,23,23,23,1
    Style: OP-Romaji,URLCANTMUXANDSINDALFCANTENCODE,68,&H00E0E0E0,&H000000FF,&H00000000,&H00000000,0,0,0,0,95,100,0,0,1,0,0,8,15,15,30,1
    Style: OP-TL,URLCANTMUXANDSINDALFCANTENCODE,68,&H00E0E0E0,&H000000FF,&H00000000,&H00000000,0,0,0,0,95,100,0,0,1,0,0,2,15,15,30,1
    Style: ED,BakerSignetBT,77,&H00FFFFFF,&H000000FF,&H0004090F,&HB40C131C,-1,0,0,0,101,100,0.45,0,1,1.5,0,7,42,42,30,1

  35. orion writes:

    mazui just released a batch with a fixed ep 12. will u guys b updating yours with that improved script?

  36. oreki is best girl writes:

    So what’s the estimated release date for episodes 13-22?

    @Cloud: I’ve downloaded the OP of the 720p and 1080p to compare the quality, and there’s definitely quite a difference between them. If you don’t mind the hard drive space then 1080p really is worth it.

  37. virox writes:

    @Cloud Hyouka was produced at 955.5p, which means that you’ll lose quality when you watch the 720p version. The OPs/EDs were even produced at full 1080p.
    Getting the full dose is definitely worth it.

  38. Alfredonm writes:

    thanks for 13-14

  39. coldhell writes:

    tnx for creditless op/ed
    @virox where do you read that hyouka was produced at 955.5p? Just curious 🙂

  40. aminuzu writes:

    We OVA now. A good day indeed.

  41. Mercury writes:

    Thank you! I’ve been waiting for the next release. Keep up the good work, as always! ^^

  42. Derpsteak writes:

    Thanks for the update. Are you the only one active (besides Cyras doing HxH) in the group releasing BDMV encodes anymore?

  43. Evil Hero writes:

    new project?
    hope its Jojo

  44. Why? writes:

    How about instead of a new project, you guys finish the 18 current projects?

  45. pengu writes:

    Yay, I’m looking forward to downloading the batch, when you’re done :3

  46. nyoron writes:

    Will you fix the errors/missing lines from Mazui’s scripts for the batch?

    For example episode 14:
    2:24 should be 11:30
    11:09 Fire! instead of Wild!
    22:09 missing line ‘Yes’
    22:17 missing line ‘yosha’
    23:42 missing line ‘chotto shitsureshimasu’
    23:48 missing line ‘ara’

    Episode 15:
    22:36 should be ‘were going’

    Episode 16:
    9:33 missing line ‘ara’
    13:36 should be drew instead of wrote

    Most of the errors are mentioned on Mazui’s website.
    Anyway thanks for your release.

  47. Mugen writes:

    Holy shit yes, thank you Tenshi.

  48. c037144 writes:

    Thanks for the release. Very much enjoying this show. Much appreciated!

  49. coldhell writes:

    tnx, however opening subs for episode 18 are horrible 🙁