Highschool of the Dead

Comparison – TVBD

Episodes – 12+1
Video – 1920×1080 @ ~9001 kbps, 1280×720 @ ~4000 kbps
Audio – 2.0 FLAC
Track 1 – gg-weeaboo (Unlocalized, 1-12), Hiryuu (Re-styled, Modified, OVA)
Track 2 – gg (Localized, 1-12), Hiryuu (Re-styled, Modified, OVA)

1080p – Torrents: Series – OVA

720p – Torrents: Series – OVA

186 Responses to Highschool of the Dead

  1. Ice writes:

    omg geif more highschool!! πŸ˜€

  2. Havoc10K writes:

    *didn’t read the other comments*
    about episodes 05-06
    episode 06 has bad timing of subs.

  3. Mr|Bushido writes:

    it was off at multiple lines and i fixed them all (i think) with aegisub with the localized track as reference (720p version). here’s the sub for anyone who wants http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8MHO4TP9 or http://www.mediafire.com/?k2648yf9e6m8tze

  4. korgito writes:

    any patch for episode 6? πŸ™‚

  5. Gigi1017 writes:

    The HOTD 720p (My system cannot handle 1080p) Videos lag or skips in sound in the OP while using CCCP + CoreAVC + Haali Media Splitter + MPC-H. However when playing it in VLC Player, with nothing else installed, it plays without any skipping in sound or lagging in video.
    So it is not my system that cannot handle it something is off with the CCCP, CoreAVC, Haali Media Splitter, and MPC-H. Because it plays completely perfectly with VLC. Which is WEIRD!!!!!! >_> I am running an Intel Celeron 900 @ 2.20GHz 2GB RAM . It originally had WinVista Home Basic 32bit, but upgraded it to Win7 Ultimate 32bit. My PC has always been able to handle 720p perfectly. So I am stumped as to the problem.
    Anyone has any suggestions/ideas as to why this happens with supposedly the best thing around to play HD anime with? Maybe something is off in my settings. Any help will be greatly appreciated. πŸ™‚

  6. amen665 writes:

    @gigi1017~ http://www.cccp-project.net/wiki/index.php?title=CoreAVC if still having trouble try this http://filehippo.com/download_klite_mega_codec/ make sure you clean out all your codecs.

  7. Wrath writes:

    Thanks for the subs Mr|Bushido, works like a charm!

  8. Mr|Bushido writes:


    try this. In Media Player Classic go to View – Options – Playback – Output and use EVR as shown in this screenshot. http://img695.imageshack.us/img695/4013/cccpz.jpg

  9. Sayer writes:

    Thanks for the new episodes!! =D

  10. iron writes:

    i use window media player 11 lol -.- with xp lite codec pack and CCCP

  11. jayc writes:

    are these the new versions for episodes 5-6?

  12. Sayer writes:

    ^They were said to be fixed in the E7&8 batch so most likely. There was only a delay in E6 subs from what I know.

  13. IZEROII writes:

    New site design is a major step up coalgirls ^ ^ Nice job!

  14. cruiseric writes:

    i’m having a problem where windows explorer keeps crashing whenever i do anything to the folder that these files are in. I don’t know what’s causing it, only that I can’t even delete the folder because explorer crashes when i click on it. i googled around, and saw that it might be a preview problem, so i set folder view into something that wasn’t thumbnail, and it didn’t fix it. It only seems to happen with these blu-ray / flac files, as i’ve only gotten them once i started downloading 720p bluray/flac from Coalgirls. it happens with other shows i’m downloading from here as well, like angel beats. Any solutions? perhaps a driver issue/hardware problem?

  15. Bloodios writes:

    @cruiseric: I used to have similar problem a couple years ago (okay, a little bit less than that), but fortunately, it went away after I rebooted the system and chose to “restore to last known good configuration”. The system has been running pretty well ever since (but that’s just me, I’m not sure the same thing will work on your system though.)

  16. cruiseric writes:

    well im looking for a more permanent fix and trying to figure out the actual problem. system restores are nice when they work, but i’d rather know whats wrong than ignore it completely. also, my computer is rather new, and the problem started happening pretty much right away, so there arent any good configurations to restore to. If it helps, I know the files aren’t corrupted or anything because I can load them up just fine on my laptop, but my laptop lags on bluray/flac, so I can’t really watch them on it, otherwise i would.

  17. cruiseric writes:

    sorry for the double post, thought it might be informative if i mentioned that its only with certain episodes too. the preview thing did help a little, as changing the folder view from thumnail to list actually did help a little, as I can now actually enter the folder, but i still can’t click on or even hover over the video files that are causing the problem before it crashes explorer. sometimes it’s only 1 video in the entire batch, sometimes it’s 2 or more videos, which seems strange to me, because if the problem was related to my computer not being able to handle the encoding or having the wrong codecs or something like that, wouldnt every video in that series be a problem?

  18. coalgirls writes:

    Disable mkv thumbnails. The problem is that windows explorer is not detecting the compression properly, so by trying to display a preview thumbnail, it crashes.

  19. Sayer writes:

    ^ Do you disable them through CCCP?

    Also curious as to how you know this o.O..

  20. cruiseric writes:

    thanks for the tip. i already deleted the video files causing the problems, so i’ll let you know how it goes once i redownload them.
    as for above poster, you disable them through folder options. on windows 7, which I’m using, there’s a tab called Organize in the top left corner. click it and go to folder and search options. from there, click the View tab and check the box that says always show icons, never thumbnails, which should be the first option.
    unless there’s another method for disabling MKVs, then ignore me :\

  21. Sayer writes:

    @Cruiseric That’s the way I was thinking of as well, but I think there was something along those lines when you install CCCP.

  22. cruiseric writes:

    i redownloaded some of the shows and the fix did indeed work. thanks a lot!
    is there any way to only disable video previews though?

  23. kaZ writes:

    Please seed! I am only downloading 4.1 kbs with the first 4 episodes.

  24. David writes:

    coal girls never seed their releases.

  25. Sayer writes:

    Cheers on the new episodes =)

  26. mutsu writes:

    donΒ΄t you have the NCOP??

  27. kaZ writes:

    Please Seed I am dead here πŸ™

  28. Ross writes:

    Solution to seeding problem – wait for the last 2 episodes to come out and download the final batch.

    yeah, thats in a month, but whatever. it will be worth the wait.

  29. kaZ writes:

    All I need is episode 2 that is the only thing that isn’t downloading right now I am at like 0.3 kbs WTF! There are 4 of the 13 seeders on but they are not seeding!!

  30. Snorfes writes:

    Firstly, thank you for your awesome releases!

    Am I the only one who get broken frames in Ep 9 and 10?
    (Here an example )

  31. Snorfes writes:

    Sorry for the double post – the link was missing -.-‘


  32. Sayer writes:

    I’d like to confirm it for you, but you didn’t include a time to check =O

  33. Snorfes writes:

    @ Sayer
    The capture I took is from EP10 at ~13:39.
    But as I mentioned it’s not the only one ~~’

    Thanks for your effort!

    • coalgirl writes:

      I checked the time. It was more 13:41. But the released file was perfect on the computer throughout that sequence. You issue is either a corrupt download (check crc), or borked playback settings.

  34. Snorfes writes:

    I checked the crc, it was fine -> file is ok.
    I use normally the PotPlayer -> issue, then I used before I posted here the MPC 1.3.X -> issue.
    Today I installed the MPC 1.5.X -> it worked.

    So your encoding is ok! But it’s surprising that it causes only at HoD Ep 9+ trouble.

    Anyway thank you for your wonderful releases! ^^

  35. Snorfes writes:

    Well here I am again -.-‘

    I have to correct my post, MPC 1.5.X -> issue (I think I’m crazy … it worked a moment ago)! @.@
    I updated my last option when it comes to difficult video files, VLC -> that worked (I’m sure – I did a screen-capture) ^^’
    But I hope that it will never happen again because the VLC uses up my CPU and I cant watch the 1080p.

    Thank you again … and let me know if you solve this mystery. XD

    Edit: I just checked the GPU Box to have VLC use my GPU for better performance -> issue.
    I guess, because the problems appear only on GPU based playback, that something in that direction causes trouble.

  36. vomaufgang writes:

    @Snorfes: I can confirm broken frames when using

    * CoreAVC with CUDA acceleration
    * MPC-HC with h264/avc (DXVA)

    in Episodes 9 and 10. Episode 10 seems to have more problems though – broken Video every few seconds.

    The video is fine when using software rendering. No issues with: ffmpeg-mt, libavc, CoreAVC (without CUDA).

    So your first impression seems to be correct – problems only with hardware acceleration – though I can only speak for NVidia cards…

    Episodes prior to 9 are fine. Did something change on the encoding system between those encodes?

  37. Snorfes writes:


    My GPU is a ATI …

    Also it’s only in Ep 9-10 of HoD – Yosuga no Sora 5-6 and Kaichou wa Maid-sama 18-20 are perfectly fine.

  38. Gigi writes:

    Is it just me, or is the ending song subs of ep2 seem faded out? I checked all other episodes and it’s only that one. And I can’t even change the subs to the other track because the video, everything freezes. Here this is what it looks like: http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/262/85702712.png
    Any suggestions or explanations as to why this happens? Or is Coalgirls going to fix this along with eps 9-10 in the batch? Also, why was ep6 not deemed a v2?

  39. Force Gaia writes:

    when is the 11-12 BD due out? or it it already out and you just haven’t got around to it yet?

  40. Gigi writes:

    @Force Gaia
    Suggested viewing material: http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/8248/81021966.png

  41. Kidd writes:

    What do you mean with unlocalized and localized subs??

  42. pothb writes:

    I’m pretty sure localized means that they make it seem like it a place in USA, if you’re from there or they’re from there.

    I think changing names from like Shinichi to Jimmy (like in Detective Conan) would be localized, and leaving it as Shinichi would be unlocalized. That said, I’m not 100% on that.

    • ChrisK writes:

      More or less, among fansubbers localized means changing the name-order to forename lastname and replacing the suffixes like -sensei/-sama/-chan with an english equivalent like teacher if possible. However these can’t always be accurately replaced and it is possible that some jokes get destroyed or a change in the relationship between two people won’t get noticed anymore.

  43. chieftain20 writes:

    Ok I thought I would say this here as I found an error in the subs.
    Episode 9 @ 13:35
    pry should be pray

    Oh and thanks for your great releases! (Without the bloat bitrate) No problems playing it on my system. AMD x6 1055t, GTX 460 SC, K-Lite Mega version 6.9.0 w/ 64-bit 4.4.0

  44. Force Gaia writes:

    thanks, I missed that on my initial glance

  45. kuma writes:

    the DDL is gone! ;__;

  46. noreason writes:

    jippie they have released HOTD Disc 6 now (or two days ago), i’m hope you release it soon cuz i want this nice piece of shit on my flatscreen!! πŸ™‚ and ofc something to translate πŸ™‚

  47. ken writes:

    No its pry, pray does not make sense. Takashi’s line that follows right after that should explain why.

  48. hina writes:

    the choice of subs is absolute shit, that is what happens when you add random people to the group…. waiting fro TMD

  49. Nettosama writes:

    EP6 is missing on the 1080p folder.

  50. banger writes:

    yeah the subs are painful on this one but thora used gg too so not like theres another option. the horriblesubs one had way better subs…but using those woulda gone against the cg philiosophy i think. oh well