Highschool of the Dead

Comparison – TVBD

Episodes – 12+1
Video – 1920×1080 @ ~9001 kbps, 1280×720 @ ~4000 kbps
Audio – 2.0 FLAC
Track 1 – gg-weeaboo (Unlocalized, 1-12), Hiryuu (Re-styled, Modified, OVA)
Track 2 – gg (Localized, 1-12), Hiryuu (Re-styled, Modified, OVA)

1080p – Torrents: Series – OVA

720p – Torrents: Series – OVA

186 Responses to Highschool of the Dead

  1. ChrisK writes:

    lol, it’s OVER NINE-THOUSAND

  2. eehureum writes:

    so… only difference is flac audio vs ac3?

  3. drago writes:

    Glad to see MU being used again, FS has bad speed and makes it that you have to be premium if you want to download more…if only Coalgirls had bots in IRC channel.

  4. RoadSign writes:

    Wasn’t it dropped? >_>

  5. Merushi writes:

    Great that you’re doing this anime, I’ve heard a lot about it so I’m curious to watch it.
    Any idea about the time between your releases (between the episodes I mean)?
    If it’s too long I’ll wait ’til you got them all.
    No worries, I’ll watch yours anyway, only it depends if I’ll watch it now or later 🙂

  6. philip writes:

    lol at the “J/K” and emotion face.

  7. lvhina writes:

    must everyone use GG subs…. *sigh* waiting for TMD than

  8. OniSamurai writes:

    I lol’d at the weeaboo subtitle track.

  9. puli writes:

    Thora can’t crop now or what?

    lvhina: aRK has released the BDs, and they’re basically the same as TMD since they both use edited official subs.

  10. anon writes:

    Shame Thora’s release looks slightly better but they don’t do 720 but I guess your release will be better encoded than zero-raws BD


    Not really sure how you see it better. I see more aliasing and cropping issues. But meh, your opinion is your own.

  11. anotheranon writes:

    Why? This show is terrible. D:

  12. ningen writes:

    Glad to see you picked this up 😀
    Size is a bit big, but the show itself is short so it’s nothing we can’t live with. keep up the good work 🙂

  13. aniluv writes:

    MU Rocks! FS Sux!!

  14. amen665 writes:

    720!! yah!! i tried encoding thora 1080p to 720p.. which ended up looking like sh1t cuz i suk>>

    thx 4 picking this up!! lol @ weeaboo track, i gotta watch that version also 😛

  15. qurious writes:

    The 1080 DL keeps asking me for part 2 of the rar, but I don’t see a link for it?

  16. Zatoichi writes:

    Coalgirls! My heroes! My saviors! I though i’d be forced to get THORA’S 1080P which will destroy my computer so Thank you.
    Thank you very much!

  17. coalgirls writes:

    Actually, weeaboo is just the name of the group. I disagree with the idea that anyone who likes unlocalized subs is a weeaboo, personally, but credit is due where it is due.

  18. korg writes:

    this rules.

  19. DragoZERO writes:


  20. Safarudin4 writes:

    as you promised, you’ll released in october and now you have released it
    yu’re the best……….

  21. waleedtg writes:

    Can anyone tell me if this is uncensored or just the same episodes with higher quality

    cause i heard that the bds contain premium tv episodes .. dont know exactly what that is :s

  22. Zanz writes:

    These are uncensored, eg 1. In episode 1 you see the gym teacher commit suicide, it could be seen on the PV a while ago though. eg 2. The drill that Saya uses, you see the drill, but it’s seriously disappointing. I expected better drill action.

  23. Required writes:

    high school of the boobs

  24. Widde writes:

    No separate OP/ED files this time…?:P
    Would be nice if there wasn’t…

  25. Widde writes:

    Now what did you do with the codec?
    It doesn’t work on mplayer…?

  26. oaps says writes:

    Subtitles too big and too high as compared to thora’s. Your vid quality is better , their subs is better.

  27. Taytay writes:

    I have the 1080P THORA release and the quality is great, from what I can tell these are better (Still frame comparison), I’m just stoked your file size is slightly smaller? Does that mean THORA use a higher bit rate?

    Ugh feel like a total noob asking this. Could someone tell me the difference between localized and unlocalized? I’m just curious. Oh and another question, are all 1080p releases in CRF13?

  28. Anath writes:


    Unlocalized = honorifics are kept (Ex. Smith-chan/kun/san/sama/dono rather than Smith or Mr./Mrs. Smith) and other well known terms like itadakimasu, sempai or sensei are kept as well rather than everything is translated to the nearest/best fit. The reason that some fans (me for one) prefer non localized is that either it’s hard to find a good English equivalent (ex. nakama) or you miss information (ex. all the honorifics).

    RE: bit rate – have no idea since I don’t have the Thora release & too many variables to guess. Media info may give you a better idea though bit rate isn’t always listed.

    99% sure that only 1080p releases by Tenshi will always be 13 CRF. Others may or may not be CR=13. CG please correct if wrong.

  29. Trinity writes:

    I would like to ask for the requirements of the video files. Although the OP,ED and the specials do work, the episodes 1-4 don’t seem to work with my player, which just seems to hang while trying to play them. I have installed the latest k-lite codec pack wich has never failed me before.
    My setup : Intel Core 2 Duo 2,66 GHz, 2Gigs of RAM and GPU is an ATI Sapphire 4670 with 512 MB memory.
    Any thoughts are welcomed.

  30. Trinity writes:

    umm, yeah…Disregard the comment above. I confused occult gakuen with H.O.T.D. Sry 😛

  31. YinYang writes:

    Any plans for releasing the other episodes?

    ChrisK: We are working on that.

  32. FallofFall writes:

    so, how long until the next episode is released. i’m guessing soon enough cause thora already released their 1080p.

  33. Sayer writes:

    GO GO GO!!!

  34. 1337 writes:

    Loled at K-ON of the Dead pic

  35. Bloodios writes:

    Ho ho ho that pic might actually be foreshadowing that Coalgirls will pick up K-On!!…someday…(a ridiculously wishful thinking, I know.)

  36. suiton writes:

    why not also compare it to [TMD]…?

  37. CTS writes:

    I have the 720p version of TMD. But I think I’m gonna go for 1080p. Wish TMD subs were used though.

  38. red CODE writes:

    Can anyone pls upload 1080p to rs/mu?

  39. YinYang writes:

    @ChrisK, thanks, I have watched a low-res version, looking forward to the 1080p from CoalGirls.

  40. lvhina writes:

    gg still sucks …… ><

  41. tormaid writes:

    Yours dose look a bit better, did you add grain? Yours looks grainier but I suppose your bitrate is so high you might have just picked up more than Thora (lol at the “over 9000”, those were my thoughts exactly). I still think this show sucks.

  42. Sayer writes:


    There isn’t much difference between the 2 from what I first noticed but what made me originally switch over was the colour and cropping.

    And I’m JK about the comment above ;D

  43. dullrath writes:

    It seems episode 6 track 1 subs are off time by like 10 seconds.

  44. Ryu writes:

    Yep, I can confirm that.
    In Episode 06 the unlocalized subtitletrack is off by a few seconds.
    The localized plays just fine.

  45. coalgirls writes:

    Ah, shifting error. I’ll fix it in a batch of 05-08 when I get to episode 8.

  46. Ryu writes:

    No problem, thanks for the fast reply.
    But could you look at the problem I stated in the Haruhi comments?
    I don’t know if its a problem at my side or with the video files.

  47. korg writes:

    Thank you coalgirls!

  48. IZEROII writes:

    Yep thank you! Also, what is the time shift for ep 6 sub track. +/- 10 seconds? because I’ll just shift it myself if I get to it before the batch.

  49. ken writes:

    I shifted the subs 4.75s forward in Aegisub

  50. IZEROII writes:

    Thanks Ken. I’ll do the same when I get to it.