Highschool of the Dead

Comparison – TVBD

Episodes – 12+1
Video – 1920×1080 @ ~9001 kbps, 1280×720 @ ~4000 kbps
Audio – 2.0 FLAC
Track 1 – gg-weeaboo (Unlocalized, 1-12), Hiryuu (Re-styled, Modified, OVA)
Track 2 – gg (Localized, 1-12), Hiryuu (Re-styled, Modified, OVA)

1080p – Torrents: Series – OVA

720p – Torrents: Series – OVA

186 Responses to Highschool of the Dead

  1. tormaid writes:

    ETA on 11 + 12 DDLs?

  2. Mr Lucipher writes:

    If I hadn’t started dl’ing these from Thora first I’d now have the complete series ;_;
    Ahh well.

  3. Zalis writes:

    @hina, banger: TMD’s editing on this show is what I’d call “absolute shit” and “painful.” I don’t see how any sane person can object to the delocalized gg version.

  4. obedience writes:

    You guys should pick up Phantom – Requiem for the Phantom!!!!

  5. Zaggy writes:

    You should have use the horriblesubs, gg sucks. Also making a batch with the 2 last episodes sucks. seeding is always failing for your batches. It’s better the release them as single releases than in a batch. And then again flac is useless. But oh well since I’m the only one that cares and realize it, I dont have any power over it. Oh well I’ll go support and make donation to TMD then.

  6. billy writes:


    You guys check this over?

  7. derpyherpygerp writes:

    @Zaggy I see you trollin.

  8. SKN writes:

    Amazing job you guys, thanks, now I can finally add subtitles to all my blu-rays and put my blu-ray burner to use 😀

  9. Sayer writes:

    Thanks for the series =D

  10. nx6 writes:

    Are you going to make the scripts available as a separate download later?

  11. nx6 writes:

    Oops. Ignore that. Asked on wrong tab. 😛

  12. ANIKI writes:

    Thanx for finishing this series, will get later on and watch, I only saw 4 episodes of the TV Rips, then forgot I was watching it (^_^”) LOL, ANY WHO… thanx again.

  13. Myuzaki writes:

    Wow, This is awesome. You guys(girls?) always do an amazing job. Any chance you’ll do ef? I’m sure someone has already asked you that but I though I would ask as well. And if no, care t0 explain why not? Anyway, Thanks so much for this. It truly is awesome.

  14. Kaz writes:

    Please Seed!!!!

  15. billy writes:

    Why didn’t you use aRK’s subs for this? They are clearly superior than gg’s.


  16. Bernd writes:

    Have any1 the cover of vol.6? Thanks 4 help

  17. Minh writes:

    i should of downloaded from coalgirls first 🙁 i started downloading from thoranime but they stopped at episode 8 and they havent posted anything new on their site since january. does anyone know if thoranime is still even active?? cuz i get all my animes from thoranime n coalgirls but thoranime seems like its dead lately

  18. Kagerou writes:

    Artifacts appear in episode 9, am I the only one seeing it?

  19. Hiro writes:

    @Kagerou No, it’s definitely the file. 10 is even worse, seems like there was zero QC done on them (neither script nor video) or something. It’s a shame because up until the later episodes they were very well done. Not sure what happened to them, but it’s incredibly annoying.
    Example from Episode 10 :: http://i.imgur.com/m2PrC.jpg

  20. Hiro writes:

    Just noticed other people posted about this already and it’s an issue with hardware acceleration. Don’t know what changed between the prior episodes and 9/10, but doing software rendering fixes it.

  21. alex writes:

    I had already downloaded everything and hadn’t even noticed the above issue, but I can confirm that it happens with CUDA. I don’t really care because I can play the video fine without hardware acceleration, but it is kind of annoying that I have to turn it off just for this. Oh well.

  22. TomoyaX writes:

    Got the 720p version, thanks coalgirl!

  23. mrnoname writes:

    you should of used ark at the very least instead of GG, this release is shit

    i mean, what coal girls was 2 years ago is completely different than what it is now….

  24. Kaz writes:

    Thanks for this !!!!

  25. jayc writes:

    I hope you do the OVA as well. Would love to have the whole season/series completed by coalgirls.

  26. cheryl1090 writes:

    is this a BD? 100% Uncensored? .. i am asking because the one in bakabt isn’t…

  27. alex writes:

    I know this is an old post and no one will read this, but I solved my problem with the artifacts when hardware acceleration is on. CoreAVC version 2.5.5 (newest) didn’t solve it, but I updated my graphics card drivers yesterday and that seemed to do the trick. No more artifacts at all for me. So I would look to your graphics card drivers if you’re having issues with it. At the time of this release, I had the newest drivers, and I update fairly often, so it must have been some recent fix. I use an NVidia card btw.

  28. anon696 writes:

    thnx for this epic offering! i have and will continue to support coalgirl torrents! one thing, is there anyway that you could share the english audio tracks??

  29. J writes:

    Okay something is wrong because every time I open the folder holding these episodes, windows crashes trying to load the thumbnail previews.

  30. Scythe writes:

    Do i need download whole series again?Is there something fixed/changed?

    • coalgirl writes:

      I only put the OVA in as a separate torrent. The series torrent is exactly the same.

  31. Nettosama writes:

    Mind saying what kind of stuff was changed from Hiryuu’s script?

    • coalgirl writes:

      Mainly what was critiqued at whiners.pro, and a few lines to feel more natural.

  32. AnimeTosho writes:

    Thanks for the release!
    Here’s some alternative DDLs if anyone needs them:


  33. Sayer writes:

    Thank you!

  34. TheDevian writes:

    Thank you!
    I figured I would point one thing out though. The word is (I believe) Senpai, not Sempai. ;} common error, see it all the time.
    as a ref point…

    Again, arigatougozaimasu, I just loved this series. Getting into Occult Academy too, so thx for that as well ;}

  35. Mirari writes:

    Someone please offer this to BakaBT. I honestly think this is the best version of this OVA. I would do it myself, but I cant offer anything at the moment.

  36. Reazin writes:

    Hmm is it only me or the ending really a bit confusing? Or maybe something i skipped makes me hard to understand.

  37. Twinkieftw writes:

    Love it. <3

  38. MANCHOCHORVA writes:

    guys!! can anyone tell the diff. of LOCALIZED and UNLOCALIZED subs??

  39. Martin writes:

    Love the encode, love the visuals even more :))

    Can anyone recommend other anime titles with similar visuals?


  40. Foyle writes:

    Just wondering… Why no English dub? TCL and Joseole99 included it – but their encodes are not as crisp 🙂

  41. fugdabug writes:

    Thank you. You folks do really good work~! And yes, I do compare…

  42. Furutsuki writes:

    Thanks. Plz seed the 720p batch > <

  43. Kuo writes:

    is there any alternative DDL link ?
    can’t go with FS….too slow @_@

  44. DemonBlade writes:

    is this censored or uncensored??

  45. yesman104 writes:

    >no dub

  46. luizk writes:

    go for 1080p thank you coalgirls

  47. Duncan Idaho writes:

    Eh i am having a small issue with the vids here, i want to record them onto a few DVD’s so i dont have the whole issue of having them stored on my HDD my problem is that when i use VSO convertxtodvd and i run it on my PC or my uncles blue ray the subs are gone, any ideas of why this is happening?

  48. Dev writes:

    @Duncan Idah0–If you’re still following this thread, I’m not sure that VSO convertxtodvd inherently reads all embedded subtitles. If it does, then you’ll see a subtitle record listing found when you add the video files into the conversion window. If you don’t see them, you’ll have to extract them from the video as a seperate file, and then manually add them for the VSO conversion process. This site offers a good tutorial:


    As a tip, you might wanna get something like ImTOO Blu-ray Creator 2 for this; that way you won’t lose out on any quality during conversion.

  49. paul writes:

    Hmmm… dieing to watch the OVA… but can’t get anyone seeding it. : (