Ghost Hound

Episodes – 22
Video – 1280×720 @ ~2500 kbps
Audio – 5.1 FLAC (Japanese, English)
Subs – R1 (Re-styled, Modified)


74 Responses to Ghost Hound

  1. anon writes:

    “Audio ā€“ 5.1 FLAC (Japanese, English)”

    English dub is better that japanese voices

  2. tormaid writes:

    That’s your opinion.

    I liked the 2nd season of Haruhi šŸ™

  3. IZEROII writes:

    Ya there is never a point in saying English > Japanese audio or vice versa as it is purely one’s preference.
    Also I agree…2nd season should still be done but put on the back burner. If anything for the sake of completeness. Just my opinion.

  4. Merushi writes:

    What, you’re not gonna do Haruhi S2? That’s a real pitty. After the spendid job you did on the first season and the movie, why don’t you just complete it?

  5. Boo writes:

    Ghost Hound, a bit on the metaphysical side of things. The plot gets a good mangling in the middle but it sort of gets it together in the end. Using Shinsen Subs?

    Can’t. Hardsubbed.

  6. Boo writes:

    And if I could read – R1.

  7. Vger writes:

    Please do S2 for the sake of completeness.

  8. Ross writes:

    please finish S2 of haruhi. pretty please with a cherry on top.

  9. hikaricore writes:

    I’m pretty sure Doki is doing Haruhi as well so you could just wait for theirs instead of hounding about it. :p

  10. fb456 writes:

    no 2nd season of Haruhi? Where am I going to get my 1080p FLAC quality?


  11. suiton writes:

    Not doing Haruhi S2 means less people will want to download your S1 release…

  12. Superfuzz writes:

    People don’t complain about Haruhi S2. It is popular enough that someone else will do it, like Doki. Just be patient.

  13. Black_Raven writes:

    >Oh, and Iā€™m not doing the second season of Haruhi. Too dull.
    just admit that you’re lazy. don’t said something unreasonably like that.
    and at first you want to use Chihiro translation instead of well known a.f.k. one, just because “a.f.k. is hardsubbed” eh?
    nice effort there. you’re the best ‘fansubber’ ever.

  14. Jesus writes:

    Jesus christ you people are a bunch of whiny fucks.
    Get the hell over yourselves or gtfo.

  15. Anon writes:

    Good Haruhi season 2 is awful anyway
    Deal with it fags

  16. Lemon writes:

    Ghost Hound yes! Thank you.

  17. psuedonymous writes:

    Oh man, Ghost Hound! I think I still have half a season from ThorAnime back in the a.b.hdtv days.

  18. fri writes:

    Ghost Hound is boring and damn slow >_>

  19. Fade writes:


  20. Steve writes:

    @Haruhi S2
    This decision has to be undone. Even if we have to recreate the universe from scratch.

  21. Kasaioni writes:

    People seem to forget that Sighs are also part of season two. If you are really butthurt over how boring E8 is, then do Sighs at least.

  22. kalasboll writes:

    BUT WHY?!?
    Haruhi is a must šŸ™

  23. Zanz writes:


    Do you understand why she can’t use hardsubs. Or are you just complaining because as a leech you’re free to bitch about every minute detail that’s not up to your specifications ?

  24. tormaid writes:

    It is possible to OCR hardcoded subs. It’s just very time consuming. I’m assuming that is what Black_Raven was referring to (however rudely).

  25. muizz93 writes:


  26. saverne writes:

    Haruhi is shit, you made a good choice here

  27. skyhack writes:

    Well, damn. Where can I get the raws?

  28. skyhack writes:

    BTW, can I get your scripts?

  29. Meatrose writes:

    Well, I’ve always wanted a good _and_ complete release for Ghost Hound, thanks for picking it up.

  30. Wrath writes:

    +1 for Ghost Hound.
    Too bad for Suzumiya though, I admit endless eight is the most boring thing I’ve ever seen, but I would have liked to have the complete series from coalgirls.

  31. The Truth writes:

    A shitty group abandoning a hard project halfway done.
    What’s new about it?

  32. garturo62 writes:

    damn not haruhi S2 i was waiting for that shit, hope another group does it, I am disappoint

  33. Jesus writes:

    Like I said, Doki is doing it..

  34. fri writes:

    BDMV vs Doki:
    BDMV vs
    Choose your poison. Comparison by Holo.

  35. skyhack writes:

    Delicious > BDMV, can’t get Doki to load. Probably on my end.
    Got scripts?

  36. DarkChaplain writes:

    Don’t worry about Haruhi S2’s endless eight, but the other few episodes would be nice.
    I know they are dull, I had to force myself to watch them, but I’d rather have a complete archive :’)

  37. qwer writes:

    Delicio > Doki. prefer saturated color ven if its not the original color of the BMDV since it looks better in my eyes.

  38. fri writes:

    It turned out used some other RAW for ED only. The rest is of S1 pretty much the same as other groups’ ( = no magical details taken from seemingly nowhere).

  39. bikar writes:

    fuck microsoft and his VC-1

  40. Lemon writes:

    Looks like no ordered chapters were used. If so can you please release the creditless OP-EDs?

  41. tormaid writes:

    The creditless OP/ED are on disc 3. Coalgirls probably hasn’t downloaded it yet.

  42. Lemon writes:

    thanks tormaid! I hope you release them then šŸ™‚ and thank you for doing Ghost Hound.

  43. Chris writes:

    will you be doing a 1080p?

  44. Chris writes:

    correction “1080p”

  45. tormaid writes:

    Coalgirl’s policy is not to do 1080p if the source is interlaced.

    I don’t suppose we could get some screenshots?

  46. coalgirls writes:

    Blog pic and /wp-content/uploads/2010/12/GhostHound1.png are direct screenshots.

  47. coalgirls writes:

    And yes, I am releasing the NCOP/NCED with the final batch.

  48. Chris writes:

    Oh ok thanks,
    if you don’t mind me asking, I was wondering if you guys use Progressive instead?
    (as I heard it makes the image quality better)

  49. Lemon writes:

    just read your comment coalgirls, thanks a lot!

  50. Labo writes:

    I hate to be the beggar, but the 10-14 torrent is at a standstill.