

Episodes – 13
Video – 1920×1080, 1280×720, crf 15
Audio – 2.0 FLAC (24-bit)
Subs – Commie (Re-styled, Heavily modified)
Typesetting – Commie (Modifed by CoalTsubasa)

1080p – Torrent

720p – Torrent


  1. Big thanks to the hundreds of hours put in by Dabor and Mashiro (QC), Pikminiman (TS), and alucryd (TL for the new OP3).
  2. As per usual, commentary .bats are available, and playalls are available by arc. These will play the arc with only 1 OP and ED.
  3. The font style did receive some tweaks for readability. This will be updated in every other series for the Grand Monogatari Project.

207 Responses to Owarimonogatari

  1. Dylan21 writes:

    Okay never mind, forgot you’ve said this for a lot of series then ended up completing them and the end part of “if you don’t know what this mean, never mind”. Forgot this is a running gag, my bad. (-_-)

  2. Dave writes:

    Since you seem to be looking for QC here.
    ep 5 at 15:59 the subtitle should be “…come to Araragi-sempai’s aid…” you don’t have the ‘s in there.

    I look forward to the rest of the series.

  3. Dave writes:

    Is dropping previews a new trend, or something?
    Am I missing the reason for them not being in this release?

    • coalgirl writes:

      Starting with Hanamonogatari, Monogatari stopped having previews in the BD. We’d include them if there were.

  4. 00SaS writes:

    Well sorry for not being a “faithfull follower”. It was my first time DLing directly from the site… Cut me some slack… (Im one of those who’s been got)?

  5. Kintrex writes:

    Jesus, I didn’t except this arc to be so utterly depressing.

  6. Aisu64 writes:

    When will you release a full batch (1-13)? An ETA would be awesome πŸ™‚

  7. dartallis writes:

    February 31st… The day after never…

  8. 00SaS writes:

    Btw, when I run the Commentary.bat, I get some errors insted of commenterized vudeo files. This happens to all other Monogatari Serieses except Nisemonogatari and Nekomonogatari Kuro (720p and 1080p).

    Is it just me or itsna widespread problem?

  9. MATTHEW writes:

    When will Shinobu mail Bd be subbed?

  10. Rrmun writes:

    Since there seems to be a lack on this kind of comment I’d just like to let it be known that what you girls do is very very much appreciated. Just got my wife into anime and I’m downloading everything I think she might like πŸ™‚

    Thanks a lot!

  11. Grif writes:

    Why is this “dropped” if it’s still in the ongoing category? Inside joke?

  12. Delta TDK writes:

    its not dropped already been down this road just a waiting game

  13. Angel writes:

    Hello Coalgirls, thanks for your awesome work, always.

    I have a semi related question: Are you guys planning to sub Kizumonogatari?

    Thanks! πŸ˜€

  14. MikuruX writes:

    Got a question so if anyone can help me, I would really appreciate it.

    First off I want to say thank you for all the hard work you guys do here at Coalgirls! I know you guys get this a lot but just add another to your list because we all appreciate what you do…..really!

    Okay, with that out of the way, I need some organizational assistance with the “Monogatari” series in general. How does this series go because my folder for everything regarding Monogatari is getting me confused. If anyone uses LINE (sorry, I don’t use Skype), I would really appreciate it.

    LINE ID: mikurux

  15. Delta TDK writes:

    its all over the place to be fair but good story telling none the less there is a order but if you just follow the story easy to put the puzzle together in the right order follow it by the release of each arc some are prequels some are not but again best just to follow it by release and enjoy it that’s what I did πŸ˜‰

  16. Dancho writes:

    This was posted here some time ago, you cand find it if you look hard. The info is a bit old.
    “Yes, the author wrote the story in anachronological order. This was to create mysteries and suspense. It’s not like Haruhi which could be watched in either order.

    The appropriate chronological order (Season 1 + 2):
    1. Kizumonogatari (Volume 3, Still not out)
    2. Nekomonogatari Kuro (Volume 6)
    3. Bakemonogatari (Volume 1 + 2)
    4. Nisemonogatari (Volume 4+5)
    5. Kabukimonogatari (Volume 8)
    6. Onimonogatari (Volume 11)
    7. Nekomonogatari Shiro (Volume 7)
    8. Otorimonogatari (Volume 10)
    9. Koimonogatari (Volume 12)
    10. Hanamonogatari (Volume 9)”

  17. James writes:

    I would recommend watching it by airdate. They would not air the show in a way that does not make sense.

    1. Bakemonogatari
    2. Nisemonogatari
    3. Nekomonogatari (Black)
    4. Nekomonogatari (White)
    5. Kabukimonogatari
    6. Otorimonogatari
    7. Onimonogatari
    8. Koimonogatari
    9. Hanamonogatari
    10. Tsukimonogatari
    11. Owarimonogatari
    12. Koyomimonogatari

  18. Klawdij writes:


  19. Sammy writes:

    When does the Kizu part 1 bluray come out?

  20. Wafflesama writes:

    @Sammy Kizu #1 comes out on Blu-ray July 27th. Also Koyomimonogatari just released on Blu-ray. Hopefully that will be dropped as well soon πŸ˜›

  21. Mari writes:

    I am very excited to watch this! But I will wait until Owarimonogatari is complete. All of my downloaded shows on this series comes from you guys. Thank you for your hard work!

  22. 00sas writes:

    Seriously guys, when do you plan on releasing the batch? It’s been months since your last release :'(

  23. Name * writes:

    You guys think you will release the batch before Kizu is out?

  24. Jonesy974 writes:

    Oh sweet, BD progress is being done for this! Lemme grab it.

    *sees commie subs*

    lmao. no thanks.

  25. pls writes:

    coalgirls pls

    it\’s been years since you started this


  26. Delta TDK writes:

    give it time all good things comes to those who wait πŸ˜‰

  27. Kostas writes:

    Commie is the best fansub group for the Monogatari series, Owarimonogatari being no exception.

  28. Cezar writes:

    What’s the 13th?



    • coalgirl writes:

      Episode 1 aired as 1 50-minute episode on TV, and as 2 25-minute episode on BD. So 13=12, 12=11, 11=10, etc.

  29. Fuzzel writes:

    So concering the grand Monogatari Project you have planned:
    Is Owari already in that “style” concering all the things to correct and streamline, or will you go over it as well once work on the project started?

  30. Klawdij writes:

    Kristen, is it possible to get version without those annoying ordered chapters?

  31. Newyorkdragon14 writes:

    Why commie ? … hes full of memes

  32. VrA writes:

    yay finally! thanks!

  33. 00SaS writes:


  34. mei writes:

    Thank you

  35. wildling-A writes:

    Arigatou Gozaimasu Senpai!

  36. Naruhodo writes:

    Thanks, love.

  37. dan writes:

    All hail coalgirl!
    Thank you for the release, keep up the excellent work!

  38. ArcAngelRyse writes:

    To reply to @Newyorkdragon14, hm Why commie you say? Because Herkz is OG yo. (BTW out of curiousity 1080 version has all OP & ED’s correct? or is it also dead in that? Because I actually don’t mind watching the OP’s & ED’s each episode πŸ˜›

  39. burronius writes:

    Thanks for complete batch, rewatching will be fun.
    Are patches possible / available? Thanks anyway.

  40. nono writes:

    thanks as always

  41. Cheshire writes:

    Thank you.

  42. Gotrys writes:

    TS timing is really off in episode 5 – why?

  43. Gotrys writes:

    Sorry for being an asshole, but other eps have the same problem. In the episode 6, some parts are just unreadable.

    • coalgirl writes:

      It’s playback on your end then. Probably one sign is too difficult for your subtitle render or computer and jamming up the rest.
      I was worried when you said 5 since I made changes in that for the batch (dialogue wise), but since it’s 6 which had no changes and I know for a fact worked in the past, it’s confirmed that it’s just on your end.

  44. jesus writes:

    it shows up as high10?

  45. jesus writes:


  46. anon writes:

    For Monogatari series I always wait for Coalgirls release, worth it. Thank you!

  47. Khendon writes:

    Wooo Coalgirl is the best! πŸ˜€ Have you done Hanamonogatari or do you plan on ding so? Or maybe I’m just blind and cant find it :S

  48. MingLee writes:

    Hundreds of hours for just these 13 eps or whole monogatari project in total?
    Because if its just these 13 eps, damn. Way more work than I thought.

    Last story I watched was Kuro back in 2012-13, I don’t really like to watch and then wait long time for more episodes, so I just opt in to wait for a quite a while.

    Now Im gonna watch all of them from the begining and enjoy.
    Thanks for hard work!

  49. Tanoshii writes:

    For the first 8? eps you have Ononoki refer to Araragi as Devil boy but in the last few eps you have her refer to him as Devil-chan. I actually prefer Devil-chan (mostly because of the Oni / Onii thing) but I’m pretty sure you guys went with Devil boy in all your other releases.

    • coalgirl writes:

      Oni no Onii-chan is Devil boy, Oni-chan is Devil-chan. It was something that started in Tsukimonogatari.