

Episodes – 13
Video – 1920×1080, 1280×720, crf 15
Audio – 2.0 FLAC (24-bit)
Subs – Commie (Re-styled, Heavily modified)
Typesetting – Commie (Modifed by CoalTsubasa)

1080p – Torrent

720p – Torrent


  1. Big thanks to the hundreds of hours put in by Dabor and Mashiro (QC), Pikminiman (TS), and alucryd (TL for the new OP3).
  2. As per usual, commentary .bats are available, and playalls are available by arc. These will play the arc with only 1 OP and ED.
  3. The font style did receive some tweaks for readability. This will be updated in every other series for the Grand Monogatari Project.

207 Responses to Owarimonogatari

  1. ararararararagi-BD writes:

    all hail bestestgirl coalgirl

  2. blahblah writes:

    love you guys

  3. Wailyn writes:

    wow thanks :O

    What’s the status on the Grand Project? I am really looking forward to that! ^_^

    • coalgirl writes:

      No updates yet on it. We’re getting slammed hard by Monogatari for the next few months (Owari part 2 in May or June, Koyomi at the end of June, Kizu at the end of July…) so we’re just trying to stay afloat for now. It’ll come eventually, no doubt, but it has always been a long term dream rather than an immediate goal.

  4. Wafflesama writes:

    Dumb question here: Did you screw up with the OPs and EDs, and u need all the OP and ED patches for every episode or what?

    • coalgirl writes:

      Patches are for commentary files. When you click “Commentary.bat” it generates the series with the commentary dub over it as separate files. Since the OP/ED commentary changes per episode, each episode needs a separate OP/ED patch for that.

      If you’re not interested in the commentary (it’s not subbed, btw), then you just need the main OP/ED files and you’ll be fine.

  5. lhdlovebooh writes:

    Waffleman > The OP and ED are segmented. So you need them to see them on the episode.

  6. pin writes:

    WTF is the numbers thing on OP2? Is that some creative input on your part or what?

  7. ksg writes:

    where did you guys got the Raws?

  8. ararararararagi-BD writes:

    Missing CRC

  9. Dancoulion writes:

    Does this also use ordered chapters like all the others monogataris? For the Arcs and OPEDs I mean.

  10. NoOneImportant writes:

    When it says no 8-10 release, did you mean 8-12?

  11. dan writes:

    Love your releases!
    Greatly appreciated for your hard work. Keep it up!!!

  12. Lordfire writes:

    luv u guys

  13. Eluchal writes:

    Thanks guys can get my monogatari fix now ;).

  14. Who Framed Roger Rabbit writes:

    Thanks! Appreciate the hard work, really.

  15. ararararararagi-BD writes:

    thx for the crc,


    it would be 8-13 here anyway, what they mean is there won’t be any release of this until the batch

  16. Gotrys writes:

    And all is golden! Well… almost. No offense, but your OP1 looks like shit compared to Commie’s version. And that is pretty insulting in my humble opinion.

    • coalgirl writes:

      Yeah, I honestly wasn’t much of a fan of my OP1 style either. I’m still on the fence whether I want to keep as is or change it for the batch, since that OP is pretty hard to find a good style for. But regardless, I hope my OP2 made up for it. I was particularly proud of how that came out. Not just its looks, but that I was able to think through the math problem of how to mirror the text on opposite sides of the screen.

  17. k.o. writes:

    Thanks for this release !
    Can you remind me what’s the Grand Monogatari Project again please? I’ve read about it and forgot. 🙁
    I can’t find any information on your website (maybe I can’t use the search bar well enough …)

  18. BathroomSecurity writes:

    Do you have the full version of “Yuudachi Houteishiki” ?

  19. Zagafon writes:

    What the hell is wrong with Nyaatorrents listing one of YOURS as a “remake”? First Doki, I don’t know the story there, so I can’t say one way or another. Just recently, they pulled the same stunt with Tsundere’s releases, and now yours. Power has gone to there heads. I won’t download from them anymore. I guess it’s IRC for me. Not that I mind. Good luck to all of you. Take Care!

    • coalgirl writes:

      Well, to clear up a misconception – I submitted it as a remake because I knew they’d mark it as one, as opposed to them marking it as one. It’s all because of the policy they’ve had for a while now – if the original group releases a BD first, then the BD group will be labelled as a remake.

      I find it sort of silly since the purpose of a remake category is so that you can filter away a slew of significantly lower quality versions when looking for a series – such as XviD ipod re-encodes, made from the already released file.

      But, whatever. Since nothing I ever submit will ever be considered for A+ status, I’ll just have to either subscribe to their silly system, or sacrifice a significant chunk of downloaders.

  20. Dancho writes:

    love you guys
    btw, will you treat “Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku” with some love at any point in the future?

  21. Knwtmsyn writes:

    You guys are truly the shit.

  22. SenjougaharaLover writes:

    all I can say is: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU… and Grand Monogatari Project -> extreme appreciation XD XD XD

  23. Reo writes:

    i’m sorry, “Grand Monogatari Project”???
    why, i don’t think i’ve ever heard anything so wonderful before.

  24. MingLee writes:

    > There will not be an 08-10 release, so the next will be the batch.

    Confused a bit.
    You mean you’ll finish the rest for the batch and not individually release them?

  25. nineaper writes:

    Can’t wait for the batch! ^^ Thanks for all your efforts!

  26. anonyymi writes:


  27. Dave writes:

    Thank you.

    I just realized that I missed this release by a few days too many, so I set up RSS downloading.
    keep up the good work!

  28. monday writes:

    Any plans to get commentary translations worked on for the Grand Project?

    • coalgirl writes:

      To get a translator sufficiently competent and who has enough time to translate those things would be nigh on impossible. There are only a handful of translators with the skill to do so, and all of them are unwilling to do it. And then there’s the issues of timing and editing and all other fansub aspects.

      So pretty much, unless an R1 release decides to add in commentary subs (only Bake did so), the answer is probably no.

  29. EvilKnight writes:

    Thanks a lot for the release! Though I spotted an error. I was watching episode 5 (Sodachi Lost part 1), clearly Koyomi was speaking multiples of lines of dialogue @0:06-0:17. But the sub is stuck with “However, in the meantime, the fact remains that Oshino Ougi is just Oshino Ougi”. In another version I checked out of curiosity, these were the lines instead:
    “That said, she is who she is after all.”
    “She’s nothing more than herself”
    “So even if I start, even if I start anew, even if I go back…”
    “The fundamental topic ends just like that”.
    Either that sub was stuck because it was Commie’s error while doing the subs, or just some modification error? Can you correct this for the batch please? Thanks again!

    • coalgirl writes:

      That was a commie-ism of combining multiple lines of dialogue into one. I’ll make a note of it and change it for the batch.

  30. don writes:

    Thank you!
    I noticed two errors in the lyrics. OP1 at 1:24 ‘mou idoto’ should be ‘mou nidoto’. And ED1 1:15 ‘ugu’ should be ‘sugu’.

  31. indifference84 writes:

    Thanks for this. I appreciate the work everybody has put in of all of the Monogatari series and I am really looking forward to the Grand Project. Keep up the good work.

  32. EvilKnight writes:

    @coalgirl: Thanks for take notice, and it seems I forgot to mention another error on that same episode. I clearly heard “partner” @22:46, yet the sub is stuck at the previous line that begins with “I chose Hanekawa”. The other version mentions the actual line “That’s why, with the choice between the two, I chose her as my partner”. So Commie appears to be combining lines again. This makes me wonder if that fansub group is really the best choice to base the modification on…it seems to me that Commie is rather risky.

    • coalgirl writes:

      Yeah, Commie is extremely liberal in their translations. We do give it a small TLC to try and undo some of the more egregious liberalizations they have done, but some things can fall through the cracks of 4 QC passes.

      However, Commie right now is the best TV group for this show. Ever since Nekomonogatari Kuro, it’s really just been Commie or official subs. And the official subs for everything except Hana are absolutely terrible. Tsuki was terrible as well, but with our massive changes we made, we feel that our version is very good now as well for that.

  33. Sharif writes:

    Thanks as always!
    A bit desperate so will have to go with the lower quality uplouds for 8-12

  34. Z4ST1N writes:

    Thanks a ton! I suffered the wait, and it was so worth it. I hope you guys are doing Koyomimonogatari the same way. Commie and the Blaze versions both have their strengths tho, so whatever you decide I’ll definitely be looking forward to that!

    @Sharif DON’T! Crunchyroll and Commie were both buttfucking awful, just wait for god’s sake

  35. Anon writes:

    Ordered chapters need to be fixed in Arc 2. The opening scene repeats itself twice before and after the OP.
    There’s a sign that flips in Arc 3 (34:35).
    “Against” is flipped incorrectly.

    • coalgirl writes:

      I checked both. For Arc 2, yeah, that was just a mistake with the chapters of the playall file. I’ll fix that for the batch.

      For the sign flip (which is 34:25), that was just a straight copy from the Commie version. If you didn’t like how it flipped, you probably should talk to them about improving it.

  36. timmy writes:

    DROPPED???? ohh MANN!!!

  37. 00SaS writes:

    Dropped??? Defaq??? Y? Grand project MS?

  38. 00SaS writes:

    Q: Is dropped?
    A: Unless it’s filed under the category “Dropped”, no.

    That was on the faq page

    That droped bit really scared the shit outta me. Don’t joke around like that…

  39. Dancho writes:

    Nope. They forgot to move it to the “Dropped” category. Its dropped.

  40. 00SaS writes:

    But WHY???

  41. zensx writes:

    based CG

  42. Delta TDK writes:

    If its dropped that would suck but monogatari is too awesome the work u guys do can’t be replaced if it is true

  43. la writes:

    I’m betting nyaa and commie put the thumbscrews on somehow. We’ve seen dirty tricks from them in the past, including one of them ratting out another subgroup to an anti-copyright infringement group on twitter.

  44. coalgirl writes:

    I wish I had more faithful followers who realize what “Monogatari is dropped” means.

  45. Shisho writes:

    I got the reference! At least you got someone!

  46. Delta TDK writes:

    and with that *waiting* pull the right strings u get a reply guys 😉

  47. Colly writes:

    i got u.. don’t mind those plebs

  48. Dancho writes:

    Well im sorry, i kinda made it worse.

  49. Monogatari is dropped writes:

    … so fucking based. lol’d pretty hard. many thanks.

    btw how many times has it been? idk anymore.

  50. Dylan21 writes:

    Dropped? Does that mean the Monogatari grand project is also dropped? If so that really sucks. Been especially waiting for the BD batch by Coalgirls.