

Episodes – 13
Video – 1920×1080, 1280×720, crf 15
Audio – 2.0 FLAC (24-bit)
Subs – Commie (Re-styled, Heavily modified)
Typesetting – Commie (Modifed by CoalTsubasa)

1080p – Torrent

720p – Torrent


  1. Big thanks to the hundreds of hours put in by Dabor and Mashiro (QC), Pikminiman (TS), and alucryd (TL for the new OP3).
  2. As per usual, commentary .bats are available, and playalls are available by arc. These will play the arc with only 1 OP and ED.
  3. The font style did receive some tweaks for readability. This will be updated in every other series for the Grand Monogatari Project.

207 Responses to Owarimonogatari

  1. roby bache writes:

    Thanks so much for you work, all 13 eps are finally here ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. ks writes:

    Huh, I just finished watching everything I had and look what pops up here! Thank you so much :*

  3. Gotrys writes:

    Thank you for all your hard work and for pointing out my stupidity (it was my player’s settings fault).

  4. Mei writes:

    Episode 4, 00:09:31


    there is an extra comma

  5. Gotrys writes:

    ^ Yes, it is. And it was there before the batch. It’s not a big deal to me personally, typos are way worse.

  6. Level6 writes:

    ^So will you do a patch for that one episode? Or will we have to live with it
    [autism intensifies]

    • coalgirl writes:

      For a non-obtrusive thing that nobody noticed for the 3 months that the episode had been out, and took several days to even be mentioned after the final release? No. It’ll change if we re-issue the batch for other reasons, but not now.

  7. Mei writes:

    I’ve downloaded the batch and started watching it yesterday so I’m sorry that I couldn’t point it out before the batch’s release.

    I also found another typo at episode 13 00:05:20

    I personally think making a patch is not worth it.

  8. Gotrys writes:

    Well, patch for comma is bullshit but this “strenth” looks pretty awful.

  9. coalgirl writes:

    I guess Owari will need some changes for the Grand Monogatari project too.

  10. Level6 writes:

    ^And not to forget that its also dropped (ยดใƒปฯ‰ใƒป`)

  11. 150ms writes:

    I thought this season has 12 episodes t-t !?

  12. ararararararagi-BD writes:

    12 Episodes TV Broadcast
    13 Episodes Blu Ray

    12=13 because Episode 1 TV was double length and got split into 2 Episodes for the Blu Rays

  13. Wailyn writes:

    Why was Kami(god) translated as spirit? Was this your edit or originally from commie? Either ways I don’t see why it shouldn’t be god instead of spirit ^^

    • Dabor writes:

      I don’t have the specific case in mind, but to give a general idea, “kami” and “god” don’t mean quite the same thing. Gods are sources of ultimate power – the only things that fight gods are other gods, and sometimes not even them. The kami “of something” can be more like the spirit of a forest, the spirit of a town, the spirit of a shrine – it’s some sort of supernatural creature with a domain of responsibility (so you could call it a god in that sense), but it’s not remotely as implying of power as “god” is in English.

  14. Kenshin writes:

    As always thank you for this!! You are awesome!

  15. drunkenturtle writes:

    is there a way to donate to coalgirls? couldn’t find any info on the website.

  16. Wailyn writes:

    I get that Dabor, but the “kami” mentioned is a deity to be worshiped(that also has some sort of power), which is probably better translated to “god” or “deity”. Spirit can be a bit confusing seeing how this story talks a lot about oddities and whatnots(I get that it has a broader meaning, and using it is basically playing it safe). In Koimonogatari, Kaiki specifically mentioned the similarity between Nadeko’s “kami” and Senjougahara’s “kami”, and it was clear that the crab was a god based on what Oshino Meme said in Bakemonogatari.
    Whether it’s “spirit” or “god” might not matter, but seeing how this was mentioned a lot before (Shinobu in Onimonogatari, the crab in Bakemonogatari, and Nadeko in Otori/Koimonogatari), it’s better to keep that in mind for the Grand Project, since consistent in terms and phrases was one of your goals.
    Maybe I am wrong though, I am not sure ^_^

    • Dabor writes:

      It’s not especially weird in English to say something like “the people in Townshire worshiped a local forest spirit.” In that case, saying they worshiped a “forest god” might sound a bit odd (if it’s responsible for just that one forest).

      We don’t necessarily need to always represent “kami” as consistently either “god” or “spirit,” since while it’s used for lesser supernatural figures, it is nevertheless also the term they use when referring to the idea of an “ultimate” deity, but I’ll try and keep an eye out for the line between the two possible translations, although I do agree that “spirit” is the safe option – most of the time you hear “kami,” you’re safe assuming “spirit” rather than “god.” Not all “kami” are “gods,” but pretty much all of them are “spirits.” At least in a broad sense, gods tend to be a subset of spirits.

      I will be keeping this in mind, though.

  17. Wailyn writes:

    consistency* ๐Ÿ˜›

  18. Wailyn writes:

    The broadness of the term – while also makes it the safer option – is exactly what makes it confusing to a watcher who doesn’t know better. I mean… Isn’t Mayoi basically also a “spirit”?
    Using ghost for Mayoi and spirit for something else might not address the differences if any are there. As for consistency… That’s actually exactly what I meant. I don’t want you to use either god or spirit for every use of the word “kami”… Spirit would be weird in a lot of places, like when Koyomi was describing Euler’s identity. How weird would “spirit” look in that dialogue/monologue? xD
    The consistency actually matters a lot in the cases I mentioned before, seeing how they were treated and mentioned similarly before:-
    -Shinobu getting the god treatment (Kami Atsukai)… Spirit treatment would be very weird.
    -The idea that Izuko would rely on Shinobu to be the shrine’s deity because she played that role before and is fit for it.
    -Hitagi’s crab is considered a god because of what we know from Oshino Meme.
    -Nadeko transforming and residing in the shrine.
    -Kaiki describes how Hitagi didn’t rely on her oddity while Nadeko did/had to, which establishes a connection between the two.
    These premises draw the conclusion that they needed a god/deity for that shrine.
    So basically, while spirit would be true, god or deity is more specific but also true, and being specific resolves confusions and addresses differences between oddities in the story.

    This^ is basically what I meant. Still not sure if what I am saying is right though ^_^

    • coalgirl writes:


      After all the years of my concentrated efforts to make sure all instances of oddity are replaced with aberration…

      Excuse me while I go cry in a corner.

  19. Wailyn writes:

    They both work, and oddity is easier to type. xD
    The thing is, I never watch commie’s(or the original) releases, so I never know what exactly are your edits ๐Ÿ˜›

  20. felisconcolori writes:

    Just wondering if it’s stylistic choice, accidental, or my file is borked, but there is one text message at the end of Owari 07 (Sodachi Lost 3) that has no translation/subs and can’t be shown to Hanekawa.


  21. MingLee writes:

    Why not just leave “Kami” as “Kami”. I feel like there is 0 reason to translate that

  22. MingLee writes:

    People who use fansubs and come to specific sites like this know some japanese words for sure, and kami is definitely one of them

  23. Wailyn writes:


    That’s not how it works xD
    If you can translate it, then you should. ^_^

    • Dabor writes:

      Yeah. I mean, we’re not going to leave “watashi” and “boku” untranslated either, thank you very much.

      But I don’t think most people know “kami” that well. Not nearly in the same way they would know something like “sensei,” “senpai” or “watashi.” It tends to refer to something closer to a guardian spirit in a lot of cases, but occasionally is used as an equivalent to the Western idea of a deity. I don’t know how many people would be aware of this gradient of meanings and pick the correct one, instead of just blindly substituting the word “god” in their head, and making unjustified assumptions based on that.

  24. zensx writes:

    I am ready.

  25. Wailyn writes:


    I always thought that the “job” of a sub group is to allow the non-Japanese to experience the anime show exactly as a Japanese would, which is why I hate localization since it “usually” does the exact opposite of that in an attempt to do just that. Leaving honorifics untranslated seems perfect, and TL notes are fine if they’re gonna help clarify every aspect of the show. But not translating stuff like “kami”, “watashi” and “boku” is probably taking that to the extreme (not a good thing of course).

    Translating begins with the acknowledgement that not everything can be translated.

  26. MingLee writes:

    That’s not how it works according to you.
    Honorifics can be translated yet they are left because they add flavor.

    Comparing “watashi” and “boku” to Kami is just stupid… Those 2 mean 1 and 1 thing alone. Kami can mean multiple as you already mentioned, and you struggle to “translate” it to correct one, so might as well leave it to viewer, like honorifics? Whatever

    • Dabor writes:

      They don’t mean one thing alone. Depending on the age, gender, and situation of the speaker, they imply strongly different things. If a young girl is using “boku” instead of “atashi” it’s telling you something very different about her than about a boy in her position. This is cultural stuff we’re all mostly familiar with to understand the implications of personal pronouns in Japanese. Someone might be using “boku” just because it’s their default pronoun, or they might be specially using it to communicate something more complex, like respect or subservience.

      Although I disagree that honourifics can be translated in any meaningful way. There’s a reason localizing groups cut them more often than translating them. Turning “Araragi-senpai” into “upperclassmen Araragi” or “Araragi-senior” or some such thing is… barely a translation, because that’s such an out-of-place thing in English that it doesn’t communicate much meaning, much less the specific intended meaning you’re supposed to get from the Japanese. And even then, there’s often a gradient – Yamato-sensei might stay that way if she’s a teacher, but become “Dr. Yamato” if she is, in fact, a doctor – since knowledge that “sensei” is used for doctors is somewhat rarer. And even then, Japanese students are expected to speak in a more polite register to their teachers than, say, American ones would, so it’s never that perfectly equivalent. Not nearly as clean a translation as turning “kuruma” into “car.”

  27. coalgirl writes:

    Monogatari is translated to the point where an English speaking person can understand everything, and no further. For instance, puns are translated, but references are not.

  28. Wailyn writes:

    I noticed that, and aside from some typos, which don’t really bother me, and the whole “kami” thing, I thought it was – IMO – perfect. Honestly, the only Coalgirls release with subs that bothered me a little was Code Geass, but I guess that was kinda inevitable, and I already edited out some of the mistakes that really irritated me, so it’s all good xD

    Kami and honorifics are two different things, and leaving honorifics untranslated is not “always” to add flavor(I am not even sure if that’s the case). Sometimes they preserve meanings… Most of the time actually. And I believe Dabor mentioned “watashi” and “boku” to make a point o.o

    • Dabor writes:

      Yeah, it was to illustrate a point: that having multiple interpretations isn’t the qualifier for what is and isn’t translated. “Boku,” in many ways has more meanings, implications, and interpretations than “senpai.” A complex term isn’t a reason to keep something untranslated when any individual situation will have a way to communicate what’s necessary.

      I can think of one or two places I saw attention brought to pronouns, generally when a character actively switched them. I.e. “In this sort of situation, you should say I (watashi), not I (boku).”

      Most groups I like, speaking very broadly (VNs, subs, and scans) try to avoid TL notes, and if they must exist, they tend to be out of the way – in a separate file, on the last page (often without even a footnote), or on the website next to the download link. It’s pretty much a case of “the translation we’re putting out should be able to stand on its own merit, but if you want to examine further details, here’s some stuff that might interest you.”

      In an ideal world, I suppose you could have an extra track with TL notes going into anything hard to communicate, but in a practical world, that would probably hurt – it’d give sub groups an excuse not to try as hard to make something natural and easily watchable.

  29. Wailyn writes:


    Exactly, and since a translator is not trying to teach the language/culture but rather help understand what’s going on, leaving words like “kami” and “boku” untranslated is really the wrong thing to do. TL notes don’t hurt too, if say… “boku” was essential to the meaning. Like that one scene in Kanon that i remember clearly xD

  30. Dancho writes:

    I’m on ep8 and so far its fine. A typo here and there but i guess they will be fixed in the Grand Monogatari Project. Also whats up with OP2? its 56Mbps. Is it like Kara no Kyoukai’s part 5 is “plastered with grain”? Im using potplayer + madvr on i7-5500U and it just gave up on it. Its fine with haali tho.
    Other than that its perfect.

  31. Wailyn writes:


    I guess becoming lazy could be the result of relying on TL notes, but to me it’s still better than sacrificing the meaning. It is probably a good approach to try avoiding TL notes but at the same time realizing that they are sometimes inevitable.
    Honestly, I had no idea how to translate “eroi eroi” when I was editing censored(also generally editing) words in Shimoneta, which is full of dirty jokes and “eroi eroi” was a pun on “irai irai”. I didn’t include a TL note cause I am not a TL, but I also didn’t edit the CR subs for it… Sure it wasn’t a good joke/pun, but that scene just lost all of the “intended” meaning.

    My point is… Meanings can get lost during translation, and a TL note is just one of the possible solutions.

    • Dabor writes:

      Well, when it comes to puns, the most you can really do is add some other word-based humour, however forced. If there’s not really a way to keep the feel of it in the immediate moment, you just take the smallest awkwardness possible and try to keep moving.

      I think a TL note on the download page or such is a good middle ground. Sometimes, just due to language limitations, the joke won’t really work that well no matter what, and it’s just there for the people curious /why/ it couldn’t work; it doesn’t really fix the scene or anything, just address the concerns of people going “what was that? I don’t get it.”

      I don’t disagree that TL notes can be inevitable, but I think it’s good to be willing to not add a TL note in one place where it might’ve helped, rather than end up adding it in two places where you could’ve done better. When you’re going through a lot of content, you won’t always make perfectly ideal choices for each situation, so making habits that work out in the long run is the healthy option.

      As an addendum, there is something of a distinction in the show itself. Something meant to be cerebral and though-provoking, where you might read about or discuss the topic externally anyway, can have notes without really breaking the flow, especially if they’re coming alongside diagetic exposition and just further elaborating on it. But in a series with a strong emphasis on audiovisual style, aesthetics, and pacing, you really want to never have to throw the viewer off and make them pause going “huh, what was that other text about? Is it something important?”

      I’m pretty sure I agree with you on everything in principle, I’m just trying to get across why so many opt to avoid TL notes like the plague. I don’t mind them personally, but I can see why leaving them as an absolute last resort is practical.

  32. Wailyn writes:

    I completely agree. The absence of TL notes don’t really bother me as much as localization… Actually it doesn’t bother nearly as much. I just think one of us might have over complicated the “kami” thing… It’s probably me though ๐Ÿ˜›

    • Dabor writes:

      Don’t worry about it. With something like Monogatari, it doesn’t hurt to pay extra attention to little things like that. We’re trying to give it a lot of care.

  33. bonchwan writes:

    about commentary can you upload xdelta application for 32bit.. I cant batch file,

  34. Wailyn writes:

    Can’t wait for the GMP ^^

  35. felisconcolori writes:


    The text message at 22:22; the CR simulcast had translated it along the lines of something about french kisses. Watching the episode it’s the only message that isn’t coming up translated.

    Love the work, looking forward to the GMP.

  36. felisconcolori writes:

    Just an issue with either my download or codecs then I guess. I’ll do some checking and updating and see if that coaxes it out. Still wonderful.

  37. Amono writes:

    Subs at 17:42 – 17:54 make no sense. Shinobu is referring to her 1st kin, but the subs keep saying “my master,” which would seem to refer to Araragi. Kanbaru tells her to see the 1st kin, in the subs she responds, “What good is there in showing my master my present harmony?” What “present harmony” would she be showing Araragi, her master?

  38. trumpet205 writes:


    Yeah, Commie definitely miss translated those two lines (major lines I’d say). It should’ve been “What good is there in showing that man how amiable I am with my current master?” and “What good is there in showing that man no affection?”

    I merely copied and pasted what’s on the HorribleSub’s release.

  39. Idkwhatshapppeninganymore writes:

    Uhm, guys I’m not a regular here so I don’t a lot of what they’re currently doing but can you please humor me. When they talk about the Great Monogatari Project, will they making one whole torrent batch with updated subs and bluray quality, ’cause I plan to wait for that long if they release that way. I’m worried ’cause I don’t know if the Project means that it has already started and you have to download the monogatari series separately.

  40. Mei writes:

    @Idkwhatshapppeninganymore They are gonna make a single batch torrent with everything and also there will be consistency among every anime of -monogatari.

    If you don’t mind waiting then you should definitely grab the ultimate batch when it will get released since it will be without a doubt the best -monogatari release available.

  41. Gotrys writes:

    ^ Ultimate or not, typos and mistakes are unavoidable.

  42. Idkwhatshapppeninganymore writes:

    Thanks for the reply. Will wait since the series is still ongoing anyway. No need to rush.

  43. baldr writes:

    For the Grand Monogatari Project – do you know that Bakemonogatari’s first opening is not in a separate file but directly in the episodes? Can you fix that?

    Thanks for Owari!

  44. jon writes:

    so is this site is dead ?
    no updates ect shows are way behind.

  45. G3n0c1de writes:

    I wouldn’t say the site is dead. Just that real life happens.

    We’ve dealt with long breaks between posts just recently. Have some patience.

    • Dabor writes:

      I would be inclined to agree that real life does indeed happen. Occasionally for non-trivial periods of time. And also a lot of waiting-on-people-who-aren’t-us. But also real life.

  46. Dancho writes:

    Sometimes months pass without an update, it’s normal.

  47. 00sas writes:

    So after reading all these comments and re watching Owari, I must say using the word “spirit” for “kami” is indeed wrong. Why, because according to Japanese culture, at least all the anime and their translations so far (that Iv seen), you enshrine a “god” in a shrine, not a spirit. Other cultures as well, spirits are not to be worshipped; once they are worshipped, they are no longer “spirits”, but “gods”.
    Gods refers to something you worship. Be it the almighty, be it a spirit, be it a statue, or a cow…

    Can we hope for a patch regarding that?

    • Dabor writes:

      Kami are the spirits or phenomena that are worshiped in the religion of Shinto. – First sentence of Wikipedia’s article on “Kami.”

      This isn’t a question about reality, but a question about language. Yes, something that’s being worshiped can still be called a spirit. ‘They are no longer spirits, but gods” is not true, or at the very least I haven’t seen it used as such. A god can be a spirit, as opposed to being, say, a man or a ferret. That being said, we’re left with two words, both somewhat accurate but incomplete, one implying something a bit too weak (Kami implies worship, whereas spirit doesn’t) and the other a bit too strong (most of what westerners call gods, even the lesser deities of classical mythology, tend to be more powerful and significant than Kami are).

      In short, I can understand why you might lean one way or another, but both are rather adequate in some ways and misleading in others. This is a matter of giving a fairly good impression to laymen – the only way to properly understand what exactly Kami are is to, well, look it up. I would agree that “deity” is more technically accurate than “spirit,” but that doesn’t mean I think it gives the clearest impression to somebody who has no idea what Shinto or Kamis even are.

      Also, thanks for correcting the “doesn’t know what a typo is” guy down there. It’s like when people use “hacking” to describe figuring out or phishing someone’s password.

  48. Colly writes:

    We will do what we want, and do not care about your opinion.

  49. Delta TDK writes:

    even with typos like spirit used and you know what kami means anyway just over look it I’ve been studying Japanese for over a year and I can say that no matter how good a translation is there will always be typos like that notice how when same sayings is said over and over it could have 3-4 meanings to it depending on the setting I agree with what every one says just one of those things but the work these guys do in there time cant be soiled by typos just one of those things guys ^^

  50. 00SaS writes:

    “Spirit” is not a “typo”. Its a fluke.