Soul Eater

Type: Series (51 Episodes)
Video: 1280×720
Audio: FLAC 2.0 (Japanese)
FLAC 5.1 (English)
Subs: Retail (Modified)
Torrent: 720p

Thanks to MarukoM (timing 14-39), Alucryd (timing 40-51) and Nettosama (QCing everything).

169 Responses to Soul Eater

  1. MarukoM writes:

    ^You know you’re still my nigga

  2. verix writes:

    Awesome work!! thanks!

  3. Deusz writes:

    Keep up the good work. Hoping to see more soon.

  4. Jonn writes:

    Yeahhhhhhhhh Woooooooooo Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhh Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  5. minmin writes:

    woo, Soul Eater! Can’t wait for next batch ยดuยด
    Thanks Cyrus!

  6. Thade writes:

    This wait is so dramatic!

  7. kill writes:

    8bit or 10bit?

  8. oskaras writes:

    1 and 2 part is 8 bit

  9. minmin writes:

    Do you need any assistance with part 3?

  10. manolli writes:



  11. Sheyra writes:

    Wow manolli, calm down, it’ll come when it comes. Until then, try going outside or something, there’s a whole world out there away from your computer.

  12. manolli writes:


  13. mascthemoney writes:

    i love PAPERMOON

  14. Shandris writes:

    I haven’t watched it yet, is it worth to watch ?

  15. Name writes:

    @manolli, If you can not wait then go buy it.
    @Shandris, I enjoyed most of it, but the end is just a let down.

  16. tech writes:

    modified how… need more explanation

  17. Tyler writes:

    Haven’t all the blu-rays been released already?

    Could of sworn i’ve seen other groups release all 51 episodes already.

    • Cyras writes:

      Eh yea, they were released several months ago, I also encoded this several months ago, as Ive said multiple times.

      We are just taking our time with the scripts, cause we are both busy with other stuff too.

  18. manolli writes:

    there’s no official dvd , bd shops in here only pirated

  19. Berserk writes:

    will u make Squid Girl season 2 ?
    the 1st season was very funny i would like to see s2 in bd quality and with underwater subs
    ๐Ÿ™‚ with the squid puns

  20. skyhack writes:

    Thanks!!!!! MarukoM, you rock!

  21. TheOtherJN writes:

    Wish internet wasn’t ridiculously expensive here in Canada. I’ve put off watching cartoons and dropped Soul Eater midway years ago because I can’t afford to damn watch it. Of course, I can’t support the production companies as well, and that’s something I want to change.

  22. minmin writes:

    Torrent going exceptionally slow for anyone else? :<

  23. manolli writes:

    Thanks alot for ur great work ………
    CoalGirls! is the best

  24. sdeee writes:

    Is this the Late-Night Edition?

  25. Anonymous writes:

    I’m seeding all the torrents the best I can. Currently, I’ve uploaded about 1-2TB. I’ll keep seeding till people stop downloading any of the file for around 2-3 weeks. (Or my server is killed by random gov =o)

  26. Shandris writes:

    Why is second torrent so slow ? I don’t mean to complain but downloading 9.5 gb with 20 kb/sec is quite pain in the ass.

  27. Anonymous writes:

    It could be a variety of reasons. The tracker is very crouded, multiple people were downloaded from only a few seeders, your connection settings are mucked. I’m seeding right now, but, no one is downloaded. So, I can not give you any specific information.

  28. Tylrgamster14 writes:

    Umm..? On your post it says “720p only due to SD upscale” but the file names for the videos say “(1280x720_Blu-ray_FLAC)_” so are these really BD’s or SD upscales?

    Don’t mean to be stupid lol

    Just confused


    • Cyras writes:

      The source is BD, the BDs are in 1080p. But this series is only produced in 540p, which means the BD is upscaled.

      So it’s a SD upscale, but I’m not doing the upscaling.

  29. Shandris writes:

    I didn’t watch this anime since now when u released it. I really enjoyed it, can’t wait for the last torrent. Thank you for releasing it ๐Ÿ™‚

  30. Tylrgamster14 writes:


    I didn’t watch this either until I came on here and saw it, i even got this series for a friend of mine awhile back and never watched one episode of it, I don’t know why just didn’t want to watch it yet i guess.


    Thanks for the reply, now I understand.

  31. John Eckersly writes:

    I swear this anime had the worst ending ever.

    The ending ruined what had been a really good anime.

  32. Shandris writes:

    Is it worse than Death Note ending ?

  33. anonymous writes:

    dumb question but : is it save to download from this torrents ? i havent used torrents in years..(cause of the known fact of ip logging etc..) but since this is “only” anime and not the latest movies and albums etc.

  34. Anononono writes:

    “Safe” is subjective. The only sure way is to not d/l it and purchase the licensed (ie: this series) material if it’s licensed in your country. Funimation is everywhere(almost).

  35. Anon writes:

    Funimation, is the MPAA of anime.

    On another note, any prospect on completion?

  36. dualhu2tler writes:

    you’re gonna have to leg it if you want to meet that 2012/02 deadline…

  37. minmin writes:

    > “20??/??/??”
    Are you trolling or are you genuinely uncertain if you’re going to finish this project at all?

    I hope you do, I love this series ~ fight on Cyras :3 Love you.

  38. Anonymous writes:

    I think the release date is set for 02/31/2012

    That should be right.

  39. dualhu2tler writes:

    looks like you didn’t make it… and the deadline has been pushed off to potentially the end of the century.

  40. wisdom writes:

    i fucking hate waiting but it’s worth doing so if the quality is outstanding like the other batches.

  41. minmin writes:

    What’s happening with this release date? Do you need any help, Cyras? :3

  42. Kontys writes:

    20?? -Atleast it’ll be done this century =D

  43. wlf writes:

    Would you release the OPs and EDs for the Soul Eater Repeat Show?

  44. Anon writes:

    Welp, I guess I’ll just purchase the damned blurays.

  45. Manakemia writes:

    Holy shit. First of: you guys, your work is excellent, but what’s taking so long for the last episodes? I don’t want to know when they will be released, I’m just curious to know the reason what slows the process.

  46. King Kenshiro writes:

    I’m wondering the same thing as Manakemia. Anything the community can do to help out?

  47. Fan. writes:

    Dear Coalgirls,
    I’m a member of VnS Fansub (, a site for Vietnamese community to share manga, anime, and all kinds of stuff related to that.
    I really enjoy your releases, i think you guys did a very good job. I want to use your releases to translate into Vietnamese to share with other member who can’t read English at my site.
    Could i have your permission to use your soft english sub for my project? It is absolutely NOT for commercial purpose, just to share for free.
    Of course your credit will be kept. I will make sure them appear at the topic and at the start of each of episode. Beside that, i would also gladly do everything else you want.
    Thanks for reading.
    Please answer me as soon as you can.

    P/s: Hope for your last release ๐Ÿ˜ก

  48. TooSlowOkumura writes:

    Keep on working hard CGi! I’m anxious for the ending arc… and I wanna see it in CG quality!

  49. Fozu writes:

    Are you there, Cyras? ๐Ÿ™

  50. Anon writes:

    Maria where?…………….Oh crap, I thought I was over at Commie.