Soul Eater

Type: Series (51 Episodes)
Video: 1280×720
Audio: FLAC 2.0 (Japanese)
FLAC 5.1 (English)
Subs: Retail (Modified)
Torrent: 720p

Thanks to MarukoM (timing 14-39), Alucryd (timing 40-51) and Nettosama (QCing everything).

169 Responses to Soul Eater

  1. LL--LL writes:

    Finish it will you please Cyras.I get the feeling you don’t won’t finish this anymore ,when you have already finished most of the show and could complete it very easily now .Thanks.

  2. Solixxx writes:

    I fund this 2 weeks ago and it is awesome. Did already have Soal Eater i 480p, but upgrades are always welcome, but I was wondering then the last release (27-39) was made?

  3. souleater40-51 writes:

    Is 40-51 going to be finished anytime soon?

  4. Anon writes:


  5. Vertigo writes:

    I find it hard to believe that this is an upscale; it’s such a well done upscale!

    Thanks for this release, I’ve been having fun watching it for the first time.

  6. dbx10 writes:

    please finish this ;_;

  7. Chance Wolf writes:

    So… when can we expect the release of the last episodes?

  8. MidBoss writes:

    ^ within the century, of course. (“20??”)

  9. LOL writes:

    ^ Please, make it 201?

  10. Anon writes:

    NO , 2099.9999999999999999999999

  11. nickioli13 writes:

    sad face, need more soul eater nao!!! plus keep up the good work πŸ˜›

  12. animeforever writes:

    Finding this release made me a very happy person! THANK YOU so much for doing this series. Your release is defiently the best version out there πŸ˜€

    I can’t wait to see part 4 one day. Hope it’s sooner rather than later though, i’m burning through this pretty fast lol, it’s so good :p

  13. anon writes:

    has anybody seen Cyras? I seriously hope he’s still alive..

  14. Anon writes:

    he be ded. forget SE and move on.

  15. Vic writes:

    Finish this please !

  16. me writes:

    Please, don’t drop this.

  17. nickioli13 writes:

    Hey Anon, why do you hate the idea of souleater being completed? a lot of people will be disappointed if its not finished πŸ™

  18. animeholic writes:

    Please, finish this ……..

  19. pleaaaaaaaaaaase writes:

    Could you pleaaaaaaase finish this ?

  20. Fore writes:

    Any update on when this will be finished?

  21. R3ep writes:

    Oh wow.

  22. Swaps4 writes:

    Holy jesus.

  23. Corentin writes:

    You guys rock, you know that ??

  24. Bartek writes:

    Thank you

  25. wlf writes:


  26. Th3avatar writes:

    Indeed yay!
    Many thanks for this! ^_^

  27. Th3avatar writes:

    Sorry for double post but for those interested (correct me if I’m wrong):
    episodes 11, 13, 16, 18, 22, 33, 36-39 are all new encodes/patched/V2

  28. Akurei writes:

    I’m also wondering if the first 39 episodes have any changes/new encodes/patched etc. I downloaded the previous batches and just need the last 12 eps. are they same as the ones in this batch?

  29. Shahi writes:

    Omg finally!! THANKS CYRAS!!!!!!!!!
    i’ve been waiting for this for so long now!!

  30. Flyboy writes:

    Thank you so much Cyras!

  31. Tooslow writes:

    Thanks! Now I can complete the series πŸ˜€

  32. dude writes:

    hell yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, thank you coalgirls! definitely worth the wait!

  33. Vic writes:

    omg finally !!! thank you for the hard work !

  34. Jack the Duck writes:

    Coalgirls, hell yeah! Your releases are great as always.

    37 GB. Tastes like quality.

  35. Kurini writes:

    Oh my god, am I dreaming?
    Thank you so much! I love you coalgirls!

  36. Ashall writes:

    Really happy this is now finished although it’s been two days and only at 50% downloaded lol Anyway ignoring the lack of seeds, I would really like to see you finish P4 and Shana in the near future. Thank you for coming back <3

  37. wasabi writes:

    So are this the over the air episode or the DVD/Blu-ray?

  38. wasabi writes:

    never mind i got it its the blu-ray thanks for the upload.

  39. animeholic writes:

    thank u sooooooo much for completing this .. u are the best

  40. Fan. writes:

    Dear Coalgirls,
    I’m a member of VnS Fansub (, a site for Vietnamese community to share manga, anime, and all kinds of stuff related to that.
    I really enjoy your releases, i think you guys did a very good job. I want to use your releases to translate into Vietnamese to share with other member who can’t read English at my site.
    Could i have your permission to use your soft english sub for my project? It is absolutely NOT for commercial purpose, just to share for free.
    Of course your credit will be kept. I will make sure them appear at the topic and at the start of each of episode. Beside that, i would also gladly do everything else you want.
    Thanks for reading.
    Please answer me as soon as you can.

    P/s: Sorry for double post the permission…

    • ChrisK writes:

      Oh come on! This is like the 10th time someone from your shitty group asks us for permission for something. Can’t you idiots just read our FAQ?

  41. Fan. writes:

    Hm… I’ve already read it long time ago. But i dont think that’s a real permission to me.

    Somehow i think that you aren’t respect your own things…

    But whatever, thanks for your reply

  42. pengu writes:

    Pls seed more :3
    20 weeks and 5 days until it’s done…I’m trying to be patient but this torrent programm seems to be trolling me

  43. ANIKI writes:

    Yes the wait was worth it, I have enough space, so grabbed it and am seeding for as long as I can, thank you for getting this one done, look forward to watching it (^-^)

  44. tylrgamster14 writes:

    Thanks for finishing this, it was well worth the wait

  45. BatmanHei writes:

    Thanks guys. Do you guys ever check the peerlist on torrents? A guy from Saudi Arabia is downloading this. I wonder how it feels to know that your hard work is benefiting someone in Saudi Arabia. Keep it up!

  46. Yamahl writes:

    Thank you so much Cyras! 37GB Awesome

  47. akpends writes:

    Thanks for the release! I can at last finish this show. Much appreciated.

    Would it be possible for a kind soul to mirror the patches? I haven’t been able to grab the file for the past week or so.

    Thanks in advance,

  48. Ahmad writes:

    Thank you very much for the best site I’ve seen for anime so far… wish you the best from the bottom of my heart!! πŸ˜€

  49. deathstrike writes: