Soul Eater

Type: Series (51 Episodes)
Video: 1280×720
Audio: FLAC 2.0 (Japanese)
FLAC 5.1 (English)
Subs: Retail (Modified)
Torrent: 720p

Thanks to MarukoM (timing 14-39), Alucryd (timing 40-51) and Nettosama (QCing everything).

169 Responses to Soul Eater

  1. The Truth writes:

    I LOVE YOU GUYS/GIRLS FOR THIS RELEASE <3333333333333333333333333333333

  2. Foreluney writes:

    Been waiting for someone to do these, the quality I have is so terrible

  3. Eri writes:

    Oh my lucky stars thank you good sir

  4. 1337 writes:

    Only 720p? so its an upscale? =/ damn was really hoping for 1080p.

    • Cyras writes:

      Same thing as with Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, this series is animated by BONES, which means it is done in 540p.

      So there won’t be any 1080p from me on this one either.

  5. sage1210 writes:

    I really hope it can be the 10bit version too.
    Is it possible ?

    • Cyras writes:

      I encoded the first 26 eps 2 months ago, it was just that I started working on the subs… a bit later…

  6. Samsauce writes:

    Amagad! Me <heart3 U long time.

  7. Strawberry writes:

    Did you guys buy the blu-ray box set and rip it???

  8. Strawberry writes:

    Only asking because under subs says retail. I know probably dumb question.

  9. skyhack writes:

    Ya’ll are busy, it seems. Fine work.

  10. Larnu writes:

    Surprises me you’re doing this actually, as the DVD’s are available in English in both region 1 and 2. As it’s only an upscale too, is there much point? It would make people buy the anime as it’s available rather than downloading it, and the quality would be the same when watching a DVD on a HD TV, which isn’t always bad.

  11. Aztec writes:

    why not Japanese 5.1 audio?

    just asking

  12. Juniper writes:

    those are encoded from BD US or BD JP ?

  13. bikar writes:


  14. dick writes:

    i’m jealous of dub watchers, they always get 5.1 (¬_¬”)

  15. AvidElite writes:

    YES. THANK YOU. I loved Soul Eater. Thank you CoalGirls!

  16. Zelnick writes:

    I have Blinx01’s DVD version with mixed fansubs. I’ll check out this release to see what Funimation’s translators did and how the original BD compares to the original DVD.

  17. Anoki writes:

    Cyras says:

    I encoded the first 26 eps 2 months ago, it was just that I started working on the subs… a bit later…

    So does that mean that you went through and change some of the things in the retail subs? If so I am looking forward to checking this out.

    • Cyras writes:

      Of course I fixed some stuff, like timing and typesetting signs. I didn’t just muxe the .sup file… But it is not like it took me 2 months to do these first 13 eps, I started working on the subs one week ago, so no need to worry about next part being released in 2 months.

  18. amen665 writes:

    omfg!! need new external hd!! >< thxs!!

  19. CoalFan writes:

    Hey Cyras, I found a Raw out there that uses TrueHD sound.

    The sound from this Raw is great but the video quality is poor >.>

    I dont knew that there a release that has TrueHD, maybe is from the japanese DVD release ¿?

  20. My Required Name writes:

    Fuck yes!
    I can’t wait :3

  21. Deyes writes:

    Thank you! Finally a version of Soul Eater by 1 group (consistency) with proper typesetting (sorry that I like things to look pretty). Going by the OP, I assume that only up to ep 26 is out in BD atm? When are the release dates for 27+ BD if I may ask?

    • Cyras writes:

      Actually, 1-26 was released over 2 months ago, and as I’ve said I encoded em at that time, was just slow with getting started on the subs. 27-51 was released on torrent one week ago, and they are already encoded too. So all releases are based on when I’m done. Keep in mind I have other projects to do too.

  22. Starchild writes:

    Thank you! I love you:)

  23. CoalFan writes:

    Thanks !, looking for the best Soul Eater fansub eva !!


  24. kyuzo writes:

    omG is it possible that you release “late night show” version? pretty please! or was it only on late tv schedule?

    • Cyras writes:

      The late night show is included on the discs on separate files, and they are like 1-2min each, and mostly just random commercials or other random stuff. So they don’t really add anything extra to the series, like extra scenes or anything.

      But maybe I can encode em and include the .sup files (sub files). I will however not put time in fixing the subs (like I do with the regular episodes) since I find these late night show stuff unnecessary, hope you understand why 🙂

  25. Bro writes:

    Too much off win. 😀

  26. anon696 writes:

    EPIC WIN!!!!! i was hoping you guys would pic SE! you guys are the best group around and i hope you pick up more great series’s!

  27. nand writes:

    Superb watch, can’t wait for the rest!

  28. TimL writes:

    Far to many ungrateful ppl. Vids played well, consistent audio volume, upscaling went perfect. Thank you very much.

  29. 私はかわいいです writes:

    hm is this new season? cus on aniDB it says its 50E 2008-2009?

  30. kyuzo writes:

    its really good to hear they are included..back when rumbel was subbing the show before they had to drop, the late night show was much more including puns and behind the scenes..if you include them even without qc on the subs it i would appreciate it xD thx

  31. tech writes:

    you should work with rumbel on this show…they are planning on doing the bd’s as well with the better tl

  32. Amukun writes:

    Thank you Cyras <3

  33. lol writes:

    >~750mb episodes


  34. HariFuri writes:

    Beautiful, isn’t it? :3 Yumyum

    Love you for this project! :> Hows 14-26 progressing Cyras? 😀 *needs soul eater*

  35. ANIKI writes:

    I also need a new external HD, hopefully when you are done with this project I will have a new one, thanx for picking this one up d(-_^) JAANA~

  36. Shalom writes:

    Wtb updates or atleast a made-up ETA.

  37. shinn writes:

    Can’t wait for the rest, love you coalgirls.

  38. wakapac writes:

    Cyras is amazing.

  39. Anononono writes:

    “a made-up ETA.” ………. that would be helpful…………………………..NOT. retard

  40. Sayer writes:

    ^Obviously he wasn’t going to take it serious you drop kick..

  41. Okito writes:

    What are you doing Cyras?!

  42. Seth writes:

    Maybe, Cyras died. Or maybe, even worse, he took his computer with him to the afterlife, effectively ceasing all current and future projects. Or maybe, Cyras might be busy and can’t prioritize Soul Eater as well as his other projects over the duties of his daily life and needs more time to get caught up. He’s only one person, there’s only so much one can do. If he needs more time to complete Part 2, we should be sympathetic. All we can do is wait…

  43. ii:Nimoz writes:

    Quote Cyras: “(…) no need to worry about next part being released in 2 months.”

  44. demonicchibi writes:

    Ok…..whats taking so long?

  45. skyhack writes:

    Thanks, MarukoM!
    Still love you, Coalgirl!

  46. Seth writes:


  47. CoalFan writes:

    Was waiting for ^.^

    Mina, thanks !!

  48. Herman writes:

    Any chance to see your version of Fairy Tail?

  49. My Required Name writes:

    Cool, you’re still doing it.

  50. kliqIMB writes:

    >mfw Maruko on legit subban site.

    Faggot needs to PM me more.