Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko

Type: Series (13 Episodes)
Video: 1920×1080, 1280×720
Audio: FLAC 2.0 (Japanese)
Subs: Track 1: Mazui (restyled, modified)
Track 2: GotWoot (restyled, modified)
OP/k-timings: Kira-Fansub (restyled, modified)
a few signs: UW-C (restyled, modified)
Torrent: 1080p – 720p

So, I heard you like debanding, 10bit, GotWoot subs and 14 minutes of new content.

Thanks a lot to Alucryd (TL), DmonHiro (TL), Clark (TL) and Swaps4 (EngCheck) for their help with the new scenes and Nettosama for QCing this.

245 Responses to Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko

  1. tormaid writes:

    Actually, the de-banding that you’re going to get out of a player is going to look absolutely terrible compared to what the encoder is able to do, and allot of peoples’ computers aren’t going to be able to do that on playback for the 1080p.

    If your encoding style is to “make it look as close to the source as possible”, which I’d imagine it must be as you don’t seem to use (any?) filtering, then why recommend people de-band on playback? Isn’t that how the studio “intended” it be watched?

    But sure, I’ll read that list if you ever get to it.

    +4 for the awesome “SHAFT despair points” list 😀

    • ChrisK writes:

      Yes, my encoding style is “make it look as close to the source as possible” and leave the rest to the viewer, so that he can do with it what ever he likes to (which is not possible anymore once the file went through a filtering process).

      And, I recommend it to people who feel bothered by the banding, not generally.

  2. justadood writes:

    Didn’t get the chance until now to say “thanks” for the releases…kinda hoped to maybe help out during the xlation process, but you guys were waaay ahead of me. Kind Regards, and please keep up the good work!

  3. nstgc writes:

    Just wondering, are these encoded with 8-bit or 10-bit H.264?

  4. virox writes:

    “Then why don’t you go somewhere that does have babes?”

  5. mascthemoney writes:

    ova with final volume…. doki doki… WAKU WAKU!

  6. kimiwakiraidesu writes:


    Use, flash3kyuu_deband(sample_mode=2, precision_mode=4).ditherpost()

    That’s the best on-the-fly-able debanding available. of course, even the best can do nothing against horrible subs shit, but then again, you’d be hard pressed to find bd which looks like that shit.

  7. AlexTo writes:

    What do mean by 8 bit for now? do you intend to create a 10 bit version in the long future?

  8. mascthemoney writes:

    i love u for doing this. let’s get married when you’re finished.

  9. ondi writes:

    Can’t wait for episode 7 – 8 😀 !

  10. triggerr writes:

    is episode 7-8 still coming or is this anime canceled?

  11. Half Blood writes:

    Why do the 720p episodes have no opening themes?

  12. Arachnid writes:

    Will you guys be posting the unaired 13th episode as well?

  13. random writes:

    can you give us any update on when you will finish this please?

  14. Zalis writes:

    Are there any known added scenes in ep 7+ that we should be on the lookout for during this on-hold period?

  15. Fallen writes:

    As for now, only episodes 8 & 9 have new scenes, 7 & 10 don’t.

  16. mascthemoney writes:

    denpa… i want it!

  17. setsuna writes:

    how long Ep7-13 will be on hold?

  18. mascthemoney writes:

    when this releases…. expect an epic nut-bust from me.

  19. usagiaddict writes:

    need more denpa _( ◟‸◞ _)⌒)_

  20. gaffgarion writes:

    More Denpa please (*u*)

  21. ondi writes:

    Time to finish the series, Coalgirls.
    Definitely worth the wait ;o

  22. mascthemoney writes:

    i think all BD’s are released now.

  23. Raven writes:

    Mazui just released Ep. 13, so other than Shaft’s random extra BD scenes there shouldn’t be a problem for Coalgirls now.

  24. Tigera writes:

    Ahhh thank you so much for this! I hope to see the rest of the seasons soon! (シ_ _)シ

  25. John Galt writes:

    I love this series! Just a quick question, since all the BD’s have been released, will this be put off hiatus?

  26. mascthemoney writes:

    your new banner gives me unspeakable amounts of joy.

  27. N4shi writes:


  28. Sweet writes:

    I came here because of the banner :>

  29. BakaAnime writes:

    i just remember this series because banner , plzz coalgirls finish it

  30. Kairi writes:

    Now that episode 13 has been released could you please finish this ?
    Thank you

  31. butala writes:

    Nice banner XDDD

  32. John Galt writes:

    Nice progress, keep on truckin’! And thank you! 😀

  33. Sawa-chan writes:

    ~1 week ETA for Denpa Boromir to Seishun Otoko? Yay!!! (^_^)

  34. Dave Justice writes:

    Hey does that ??? under the Subs mean you’re adding a mystery second sub track?It wouldn’t happen to be Gotwoot, would it? By Odin’s sweaty nutsack, I sure hope so! Mazui’s subs were good but Gotwoot beat them in all categories. They got more of the subtler jokes that Mazui didn’t TL quite right and I liked their flow and editing more. Plus Mazui tends to leave out more signs/background convos since they’re more of a speedsub, even though a very good one. Gotwoot released their Denpa batch just yesterday too. I hope you’ll consider them, mates 🙂

    I’m looking forward to your release, especially since it’s the only bluray release of this quirktacular show (Because working on a SHAFT show is suffering), I’m just hoping it has the best subs too.

    Thanks for the all hard work guys/girls/indeterminates! 😀

  35. Goshtic writes:

    Episodes 01-06 got taken down? Are they being redone? o.O

  36. Julio writes:

    Are getting 10-bit this time?

  37. mascthemoney writes:

    @Julio, not sure, since i’m pretty sure 8-bit was the “standard” when this series was started. i could very well be wrong though.

  38. ondi writes:

    Fuck yeah, 99%, ETA: ~1 day.

  39. LonerPrime writes:

    Hell fucking yes. I was about to start working on Infinite Stratos but I guess I’ll snag this one first. Banzai CG.

  40. Qiz writes:

    I fucking love Erio Touwa, hardcore closet my waifu obsession. You have no idea how happy this is gonna make me.

  41. Kago writes:

    >Status: soon …
    >(99%, ETA: ~1 day)

    Probably means that “It will take 1 more day of work” rather than “it will be finished in one day from”, I think.

  42. mascthemoney writes:


  43. butala writes:


  44. LonerPrime writes:

    Oh ComeOn, you are playing and teasing now you naughty Coal loving girls. Make that 99% a 100% already ONEGAISHIMAS xD!

  45. wraithe writes:

    EEP! Thank you. <3

  46. Captain Leonard writes:

    YES! YES!
    And thanks.

  47. Dave Justice writes:


    Dear God/Allah/Buddha, this is amazing! Coalgirls, you magnificent bastards/bitches, you! The amount of pure liquid awesome you’ve poured into this release would actually and literally blow my mind if it wasn’t already dribbling out of my ears. Manly tears are being shed even as I type this, lubricating my keyboard and increasing my chances of electrocution by 215%!

    …Totally worth it 😀

  48. Sawa-chan writes:

    Happy 100th and thanks!

  49. Anonymous writes:

    Whoa, finally someone released a complete BD-rip. Thanks.

  50. Julio writes:

    Awesome! I can’t wait to see this at full HD glory. You even included the menus, how nice! Thanks!