Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko

Type: Series (13 Episodes)
Video: 1920×1080, 1280×720
Audio: FLAC 2.0 (Japanese)
Subs: Track 1: Mazui (restyled, modified)
Track 2: GotWoot (restyled, modified)
OP/k-timings: Kira-Fansub (restyled, modified)
a few signs: UW-C (restyled, modified)
Torrent: 1080p – 720p

So, I heard you like debanding, 10bit, GotWoot subs and 14 minutes of new content.

Thanks a lot to Alucryd (TL), DmonHiro (TL), Clark (TL) and Swaps4 (EngCheck) for their help with the new scenes and Nettosama for QCing this.

245 Responses to Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko

  1. Goshtic writes:

    Glad to see you care about our opinon(s) afterall on this one and gave us a nice treat, ChrisK.

    Thanks and congrats on the 100th+ release!

  2. Verix writes:

    Definitely like the new content, debanding and 10-bit.
    What’s wrong with mentioning CRF though? It’s nice to know.

  3. Ultima writes:

    Thank you Coalgirls!

  4. mascthemoney writes:

    thanks guys.
    didn’t know u guys had haters.

  5. someguy writes:

    thanks a lot for finishing

  6. Julio writes:

    Where exactly is the new footage added? Is like 2 min added content per episode or something?

  7. PBCurious writes:

    Actually, mentioning crf is a _good_ thing.

    Because we have quite a few different playback circumstances here, I do downward transcoding for both file size and playback size. It’s a fact that transcoding from crf16 ==> crf23 gives better results than from crf20 ==> crf23.

    Frankly, it’s not worth downward transcoding any source with a crf > 20. Period.

    So yes, I’m always interested in knowing the crf of the source I want to use.

    Of course, people who don’t do their own transcoding don’t need to know nor care about crf .. but anyone interested in comparative quality of possible sources should consider crf values as essential info.

    Please – continue to list crf values. It’s appreciated at least here.

  8. Qiz writes:

    YES! My waifu…. jvj

  9. miracles writes:

    Yes,i think know crf won’t kill anyone xD

    So continue to list crf values.

    Thank’s for your awesome releases……

  10. skyhack writes:

    Much love.
    Happy 100th, Coalgirl, you don’t look a day over 22.

  11. pepperoni writes:

    Extra treats with this release, awesome! Thanks ChrisK!

  12. ondi writes:

    Congrats and thank you, Coalgirls.

  13. Kyon-kun writes:

    There seems to be a glitch in episode one when the ED starts, happens with mpc-hc. CRC checks out fine.

  14. Kyon-kun writes:

    Seems to be a problem with Haali splitter, lav splitter works without the glitching, but has no chapter support.

  15. Electromaster writes:

    were the OP deleted? I dont have them

  16. virox writes:

    Hey, thanks for completing. Have there been any changes to 1-6 since the last update?

  17. Julio writes:

    Alright, well my other question is did some parts of the episodes got hardsubbed? It says so on the notes, but I can’t verify since none of the episodes are ready.

  18. comp_ writes:

    I usually prefer your releases over the rest of the fansubs, so keep doing the great job, it’s really appreciated!

  19. R writes:

    Awesome, thanks a bunch. ^_^

  20. Verix writes:

    @ PBCurious, you can always look up the CRF per episode via MediaInfo.
    It’s more convenient if they just list it, though. Can’t see what’s wrong with listing CRF.

  21. Kago writes:

    Mass releasing for commemoration. Awesome sauce.

    Btw, SHAFT sure likes the name “Meme” huh…

  22. seidweise writes:

    swasp4 is a faggot.

  23. Goshtic writes:

    I’m curious to know what’s the total diskspace size of Coalgirls’ release to date now, if one were to download everything of the highest quality bracket? I’ve download a good majorty of your release all in 1080p when possible, while 720p if that’s the only option, and sitting somewhere around 950GB archived, so far.

    • ChrisK writes:

      The total size of torrents tracked by our tracker is 3.2TB, but that includes all variations of a release.

  24. X writes:

    I was waiting for this release, thanks a lot Coalgirls!

  25. moo writes:

    This may be a dumb question, but did you release the OP/ED separately? On the torrent I only see NCED/NCOP…

  26. PBCurious writes:

    @Verix – thanks for the tip. I’d seen refs to MediaInfo before but always, for no good reason, assumed it was windows only. Based on your tip, I figured I would try it anyway under wine. I was pleased to see they’ve taken the dual approach and have it available for *nix based systems as well. I was even more pleased to see that it’s already available through Gentoo portage {woot! woot!}.

    While it’s great to be able to get even the H.264 encoding switch settings, this info is available only after downloading. Not before. So I’d still like to see crf values listed anyway. If I’m looking at several different encodes of the same thing, knowing their respective crf values is still a good thing. It’s simply one of the many factors I use in deciding what to download.

    As an aside, it’s my general observation that encoders {such as Coalgirls} select and use intelligent settings to go with their chosen crf encoding values. So as a decent rule of thumb, not being able to see encoder switch settings until after downloading is fine so long as the crf values are good.

    @lol – Don’t be such a dirtbag. I’m not dumb. I do my own playback and file size downscale transcoding. I do my own remuxing, restyling and occasional retiming.

    1) Personally, I rely on Coalgirls to have just about the best available encodes. So you’ll get no argument from me on that point.

    2) Coalgirls only encodes what they want to encode. Which means that Coalgirls is _not_ going to encode everything out there just because we want the best encodes possible for whatever we happen to like.

    3) Even they stuff they encode doesn’t mean that other people won’t see fit to download other groups’ encodes of the same thing. As an example, Coalgirls doesn’t normally do commentary nor language tracks other than the native dialog and English tracks. Only occasionally does Coalgirls do multiple subtitle tracks. Personally, about half of the Coalgirls releases I’ve gotten I’ve also gotten versions from other groups for doing my own personal remuxing. I’m not the only one who does this.

    4) I don’t read the comments I’ve seen in support of displaying crf values as “complaints”. I do see comments, including my own, which merely point out that some of us feel seeing crf values as helpful. I don’t see our comments as accusing others of being ‘dumb’ or of ‘bitching’. Your negative attitude is rude, unhelpful, ungracious and toddler level.

    5) If you’re so upset and hurt by reading crf values in a release post, I pity you. They are only information and they don’t hurt anyone. Not even you. As a general rule, it’s better to have a little extra information when making a decision than too little information. I really do wonder why you’re so upset about a little extra info to the point of being insulting and harsh. Really.

  27. moo writes:

    Ignore my last comment, now I see that it works with the NCED/NCOP… thanks a lot for this release :).

  28. anmisto writes:

    Thanks a lot you guys for this batch

  29. dark-kyon writes:

    somebody have the same problem whit me,i can not download more than 30 kb,i try yesterday and the same,try with other torrent and go good.

  30. heartfull writes:

    Could someone help explain to me how to encode the OP into the episodes on a Mac? Or is there any good software?

    Thanks for the release ChrisK! This was one of my favorite series from last year. 😀

  31. pigoz writes:

    @heartfull: check out the playback guide

  32. Sheila writes:

    So now that I have a 5.1 surround sound system for my computer, I realized that the majority of your releases have only stereo audio. I find it hard to believe that any Blu-ray releases wouldn’t have at least 5.1 audio, especially big-budget titles like Macross Frontier, so why do you guys only release them with 2.0 audio? I thought you guys were all about offering the highest quality…

  33. DmonHiro writes:

    @Sheila: You’re not so bright, are you? Exactly how many anime releases do you see with 5.1 audio? Could it be because…. there IS no 5.1 audio? Think people, think before you talk.

  34. Sheila writes:

    @DmonHiro: You’re not so bright, are you? Why don’t you tell me what it says for the audio here:

    Think people, before you talk.

    Either way, 5.1, 6.1, how many channels isn’t my point. If they’re ripping from Blu-rays, why is the audio in stereo and not surround sound?

  35. DragooNick writes:

    Sry for that lil Question I got, but how do I patch with this file (ep 03)? q.q”

  36. newvelaric writes:

    I agree with DragooNick, I am at a loss on how to use the xdelta file to update episode 3… Please, some advice!

  37. Nettosama writes:

    Patches, ep03 with windows executable and .bat. Put everything on the same folder:

  38. DragooNick writes:

    Arigatou~ Nettosama :]

  39. Doraguniru writes:

    Preliminary remark –>I’m Italian.
    Thanks for this release and for all the other series I’ve watched from you ^^
    What subtitles (Mazui or GotWoot) would you recommend to me? I’ve tried to watch the first epidode with both, but I’m not able to choose one of them. Some little advises would be really helpful.
    Sorry for my bad English ^^’

  40. DmonHiro writes:

    You can go for either. Maziu is a little more literal, while GotWoot is more liberal. They are both great translations.

  41. Zalis writes:

    @Sheila: Watch moar English dubs, those are more often 5.1 than the Japanese tracks. 5.1 is more rare on the Japanese side because most small Japanese apartments don’t have the space to set up surround sound systems, nor do they have enough sound insulation to prevent the neighbors from complaining.

  42. miracles writes:

    I have a 5.1 audio system can anyone teach me how to set up so that I can play with anime 2channel and 5channel

    I am using the guidelines of to play anime and I have also installed reclok.

  43. poodpick writes:

    How exactly do I use the patches?

  44. Doraguniru writes:

    @poodpick Look six comments before.. There are windows executable and .bat file. Put everything on the same folder (with the third episode) and launch the .bat file.
    @DmonHiro Arigatou ^^ I’ve opted for Mazui in the end.

  45. HaloGuy writes:

    How come my ep3’s crc is 20DC648A not 1EE54328, which is written in the xdelta file?? Need help here! 🙁

  46. Bynoe writes:

    I downloaded the 720p version but I’m getting all sorts of messed up colours, blurring and weird artifacts all over the place trying to play it back. I’d asssume the problem was on my end but I’m running CCCP and everything else (including other Coalgirls encodes) runs just fine… any suggestions?

  47. RyanFlare writes:

    I’ve already download the patch. How to use it ?
    episode 3 has already been patched, but i’m struggling to patch episode 12 .

  48. Corey writes:

    Thanks for releasing this awesome show. ^_^
    Can someone please provide me a patch for the 1080p of episode 12 with a bat file or tell me how to apply it without one.

  49. ss writes:

    Anybody see some minor looping in Episode 2 (E975B4F0, 1080 with OP/ED) at 10:53-10.54? Not whining, just checking out if it’s my own problem, thanks.