

Episodes – 13
Video – 1920×1080, 1280×720, crf 15
Audio – 2.0 FLAC (24-bit)
Subs – Commie (Re-styled, Heavily modified)
Typesetting – Commie (Modifed by CoalTsubasa)

1080p – Torrent

720p – Torrent


  1. Big thanks to the hundreds of hours put in by Dabor and Mashiro (QC), Pikminiman (TS), and alucryd (TL for the new OP3).
  2. As per usual, commentary .bats are available, and playalls are available by arc. These will play the arc with only 1 OP and ED.
  3. The font style did receive some tweaks for readability. This will be updated in every other series for the Grand Monogatari Project.

207 Responses to Owarimonogatari

  1. Delta TDK writes:

    our point is its wrong that’s all I am saying not trying to twist it just want to ease peoples minds regarding it that’s all 00SaS but again I agree with you πŸ˜‰

  2. Poly writes:

    When dealing wit Kizu are we going to get one big batch of all three movies or each film released separately?

    Really looking forward to your work. Great job as always.

  3. Jeremy writes:

    Great Job!

  4. angus writes:

    very nice thanks

  5. ararararararagi-BD writes:

    Here is something you might want to consider dropping in the near future.

    > Kubikiri Cycle: Aoiro Savant to Zaregototsukai <

    The first Volume of the Zaregoto Novel Series will be adapted as a OVA series spanning 8 Episodes. Episode 1 got released today,

    Animated by SHAFT, based on a Novel Series by NisiOisiN <3

  6. ararararararagi-BD writes:

    > Kubikiri Cycle: Aoiro Savant to Zaregototsukai <

    Volume 1: October 26
    Volume 2: November 30
    Volume 3: December 28
    Volume 4: January 25, 2017
    Volume 5: February 22, 2017
    Volume 6: March 29, 2017
    Volume 7: April 26, 2017
    Volume 8: May 24, 2017

  7. Goku1085 writes:

    Any plans to do Dragon Ball Super when FUNi releases it on BD?

  8. QUICKSORT writes:

    Thank you for the amazing work you put up so far. I sincerely thank you, and wish you great luck

  9. Bobby Quo writes:

    OMG. WHY. SAD. The animes your upload are top of the quality compared to most I find in torrents. Lol. I also replaced some of my animes with yours because of the quality. πŸ˜€ Cheers for the great work and hope you can continue doing it in your free time. πŸ™‚ And also a big thank you for your work. πŸ™‚ Greatly appreaciate your work. πŸ˜€ Haha. Cheers and Good luck in this world man. πŸ™‚

  10. Tykee writes:

    Coalgirls please do Fate kaleid liner Prismaβ˜†Illya 3rei!! ill wait even it’ll be 2 years from now πŸ™

  11. WhoFramedRogerRabbit writes:

    Thanks for your hard work, great release πŸ™‚

  12. Zalis writes:

    Will definitely grab this at some point. Got tired of the shoddy Aniplex/CR subs after Monogatari 2nd.

  13. JohnSmith writes:

    Awesome, thanks a heap for all the work you’ve done!

  14. Rlex writes:

    I don’t suppose CG will be interested enough to pick up Owarimonogatari second season later, will they 😑

  15. Amfakh writes:

    damn, gonna rewatch all with these release, also do the koyomi and kizu as well

  16. pessoa writes:

    Don’t die

  17. KhidaSenpai writes:

    where is Owarimonogatari season 2 and Zoku O_O

  18. Atomsk writes:

    Hope I can get a reply but on episode 11, Shinobu Mail Part 5, at 17:40 – 17:55 there are two lines of dialogue where it seems odd. It sounds like Shinobu is referring to the abbreviation slayer but the text mentions Araragi (my master) instead?

  19. Daisojou writes:

    How bout the second season for Owarimonogatari? Hope to see a torrent for that season.