Type: | Series (25 Episodes) |
Video: | 1920×1080, 1280×720 |
Audio: | FLAC 2.0 (Japanese) |
Subs: | Dialogue: Evetaku (Modified) Typesetting: Evetaku, UTWoots (Modified) |
Torrent: | 1080p – 720p |
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Could you please give us the .ass files? please? 😀
I’ve stuck with UTW since ep1, so i don’t know any better. I’ve always thought of Evetaku as one of those westernizing sub groups. Reading through the comments, it appears i should give them a try.
Trust CoalGirls to always choose the best subs to use! 😉
PS. The ‘Yggdrasil’ thing always irked me too.
If you have downloaded the release, you already have the .ass files, You just don’t know it because ninja magic has been used to conceal them from you. However if you must know where they are stashed away at, I’ll tell you this one time free of charge. The first step in becoming a ninja is using what you already know; and since Google knows everything, ask it. If this step has failed you then you must learn the ways of the white magic by finding the correct book of spells containing the MKVToolNix potion. Then you must mix that with the MKVExtractGUI incantation. The ending result of these two powerful magics will need a target to be placed in, but I assure you the result will be what you are after.
i already knew about mkvtoolnix, 🙁
i just have downloaded the raw , and since i dont have much connection speed, i can’t download your release 🙁
sorry for the weird request, let’s just say i’ve never ask this, gomennn
I like the op and ed of UTWoots somehow.
How can you guys make it in 1920×1080? Or do the creators release it in blue ray already!
A torrent of Sword Art Offline Ep 2 already released right..?
Do you guys have episodes 3 and 4 in BD out yet?
Any update on SAO? I’ve been watching the hi10 SAO release and it’s really shit compared to coalgirls releases. The bit rates on their videos are so bad too… mostly less than ~900kb/s and yet they render it as 10-bit? The audio even sounds a bit transcoded from lossy to lossy. Even the subs seemed fucked up on the ending credits. They don’t put as much time or effort into their encodes as you guys.
I really hope you guys can release SAO soon. I’ve been spoiled by you guys for the excellent quality that you guys put into your releases. Other encoders such as hi10 are hard to watch now! All I want to watch now are Coalgirls releases.
Please keep up the fantastic work!
its because hi10 releases the TV version and coalgirls release the BluRay version. thats a LOT of difference in quality.
This is sure taking a long time
Keep yourself busy and watch some dothack
Just finished Eureka Seven, thanks for the suggestion tho
CG, Thank you for all your hard work on so many great titles. Obviously, my first choice is to come here, but i was wondering if you were going to be continueing GC,SAO and Accel? I know you dont live to serve,im just trying to decide if i should wait or look around more. i’l wait if they”l be released eventually. Also, please keep us updated on anything you may drop. Thanks again. keep up the magic
Thank you, I was looking for SAO in the best possible quality. Take your time, no one is hurrying you, your doing this in your free time, from your own free will and I appreciate it very much. Great work 😉
First I found a “KIRITO” character name. Then a sketch. Then briefly spotted him watching what I believe was SAO. Naturally, I’d like to watch what I discovered my little brother likes, now that it isn’t Naruto.
Unfortunately, my virgin run is obviously going to succumb to a downgrade, and this release, while still slated for archival, has failed me. It is a very minor tragedy, to be sure, but the little frown of sad I wore for a moment wasn’t only directed at my own situation.
Vol 4 BDMV is available at the usual sources, anything on continuing this series?
Glad to see an update. Will wait for the final batch~
What was changed in the v2 of episodes one and two?
I’m having a hard time making sense of your post. What are you trying to say?
Persona? Anyone? Please?
thanks that the show was not dropped.
put this audio fro the op
Thank you very much and please continue the awesome work you always do for us. ^_^
Are Evetaku subs better than utw?
Oh Cyras you’re alive. If you still want BDMV for future volumes contact me on IRC.
I thought most groups were like totally stalled on this so I was about to start watching the TV rips. But not that you are nearly there I will stick it out a little longer and wait for a batch to watch this Anime. Thanks Cyras! xD
Why use EveTaku for OP/ED instead of UTWoots who actually did kfx?
EveTaku actually did kfx too?
I simply didn’t want it in my release.
just wondering, all the 16 episodes thus far are only 18.9 GB? What crf was used to encode the videos?
How come it’s not complete anymore? What about the episodes that were done by Nyantaku? o-o
Bad grammar on Episode 16 @ 20:00
Leafa says: I’ll make sure to take at least one you down with me.
request for direct download links?
Any ETA on BD releases for whats left? Ive tried googling but didnt come up with anything. Ive been waiting for this to be completely subbed in BDs before i watch it.
@Billyjoe jim bob Here are the release dates for all the blu-rays :
There is no use to look at those dates since the discs are not available for me at those dates.
That is also the reason I can’t give any ETA.
Thanks for the reply. I’ll keep a eye out for the releases. Thanks for subbing them.
Yay! Thanks for episode 17 to 19 =w=
Will you be doing the “Sword Art Offline” specials as well?
I haven’t decided that yet. I may or may not include them in the final batch.
I have no interest in that kind of extras, so we’ll see.
correct me if i’m wrong, but there’s a difference between cdjapan release dates and japan release dates.
also, i would think the netizen community would upload the bdmv’s really close to the actual release dates, as it would reflect the love we all have for SAO. on the other hand, other obscure titles may never see bdmv encodes.
The release dates listed on cdjapan are the release dates in Japan.
But the late releases from me are actually because of the late uploads of the BDMVs. So the sharing of SAO BDMVs have not been fast at all. Some have even been months late.
@Cyras My apologies, i only tried to give the BD releases and i know it’s takes some time for people to share BDMV. And i would like to thank you for uploading the new episodes (from 17-19). I have a small question about Accel World, do you have an ETA for the rest of the episodes ?
Are these episodes from Bluray?
@sakato kosuke
I believe all CG releases are BDs unless stated otherwise.
Im so hooked, just made my 24th birthday :D!!
@sakato kosuke
It has Blu-ray in the torrent name. -_-
is it actually 1080p or is it only an upscale version from the 720p?
BTW which version are you gonna watch?
I usually only download and watch 1080p bluray to my pc, but I’d like to be able to watch these on my Galaxy s3 as well. Unfortunately my phone does not seem to support these codecs. Is there any similar codecs for android that support what CCCP does?
If not, is there any recommended conversion software that I can use to convert to mp4 or something?
Nevermind, I found out that my phone plays the files perfectly at 720p, so all I had to do was reencode it using something like Handbrake.
Thank you so much for this! Episodes 20-25 may be online, but I shall eagerly await for their release from Coalgirls! Amazing stuff!
there’s error on episode 10 (1080p) version. Stuck on 4:03….cant play further
Nope, it works just fine. Check the crc on your download.
So tantalizingly close to completion. Thank you guys for all of your hard work, I’ve been dying to get this in HD.
Hey did you guys get the..?? …naw just kidding, I love what I get from you guys. Thank you soo much!
@Cyras: Yea ur right….it works….