Type: | Series (24 Episodes) |
Video: | 1920×1080, 1280×720 |
Audio: | FLAC 2.0 (Japanese) |
Subs: | gg (Modified) |
Torrent: | 1080p – 720p |
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Also, those stutters happen at both 720p and 1080p. And yes, my computer can play 1080p smoothly (i5 750, 4GB RAM, GTX 460).
I am also noticing stutters in the places mentioned as well as in the Seizon Senryaku scenes. my computer should also have no problems. 10bit video is no issue either as your Madoka release, for instance, runs flawlessly.
Then all I can think of is that it is intentional, or an error on the disc. I didn’t do anything to the framerate.
So it also happens on the disc?
DLed a Zero-Raws BD encode, and the stuttering issue is not present. Weird thing is that both encodes use 23.976 fps, so I don’t know what’s making it behave differently.
Hm. All right, you’re right, it isn’t an issue prevalent in the BDMV. And I have no idea how to fix it, so I guess I’ll just have to drop this series.
Maybe a bugged x264? IDK, just throwing ideas.
Please don’t drop it, I don’t know where to get it elsewhere.
Like Nettosama said, can you try another x264 version? Are you encoding more video’s with the same version? Do they have those problems to?
Yes, and this is the first show I’ve heard of having the problem.
OMG!!! Don’t drop it!!!!
Yea, I get stuttering too. compared to the Zero-Raws which had no stuttering. Try encoding it again?
The issues are across multiple episodes, and evidently, I’m unable to see them unless given a time where they occur. Re-encoding it will just change where the stuttering happens. I need a solution, not a brute force.
Why do you do releases without checking them over? If you’d had someone to watch your episodes before you sent them out, releases like this wouldn’t happen.
You idiot, of course I check them over. The whole point of me doing this series is to watch it, aka, check it over. I just didn’t catch that because overall it’s a very minor issue.
I really hate it when people like you who do no work whatsoever on a release try to degrade something as a 5 second mux.
Please note – I am aware of the stuttering issue. Unless you have a solution, do not post. I will attempt to talk to some other encoders tomorrow about the problem and if I cannot figure out what is causing it then, I will be forced to drop this project (Seeing as a few reversed frames is a REALLY BIG DEAL). I am not sure why this particular show is giving this problem, as I have used this x264 build on other shows and not run into it.
dammit where am i gonna get my penguin dose now???
this is a really good show!
I do hope you continue with this show, pretty please!
Maybe the opening GOP has B frames before the first P-frame and it is not able to decode them, so it replace them whit the first P-frame for don’t give ugly frames? try to save it using direct stream copy (without temporal filters, no one is better) into virtualdub first of encode it? try to use another import method like DGIndexNV? i’m just trying to help, saying strange things °°v
Where exactly and how can I identify the stuttering? cuz I didn’t notice anything. But I’m looking at it on mac with MPlayerX. Maybe that’s why.
^ check the timemarks that were previously posted.
One frame per episode doesn’t matter. Please continue!
Romme, you mean it happens only once in every episode?
If so, check them all again, it happens MORE than one time.
Okay, more than once, but maybe three or five times at most. Still doesn’t matter.
The thing is that shouldn’t happen. That’s why we are trying to figure out what is causing it to fix it.
Please don’t drop the series just yet
I realy love it I know that there some obsticles in the first release but it’s not worth throwing the whole series I think they will fix it in the next BD
actuly I came here to ask for small size release diden’t expect to ask you not to drop the serise!?
500 is just so much for my hard drive and I wan’t be able to seed it for a long time!?
by the way first time in the site and I got to say cool site that go along with the awosme job you do here
Maybe chrisk, tenshi or cyras can pick this up
hahaha oh wow…
Anyway, it’s a pity that you drop the series. Certainly your encode is better than others but stuttering is unacceptable. Good luck as you try to find the cause of stuttering.
It’s definitely not shounen-ai. Please give it another shot!
Penguin Drum is shounen-ai???? It has some yuri in it but deffo no shounen-ai!!
Good. It’s not shounen-ai but there is symbolism up the yazoo. Like seriously, they overuse it.
:sad emoticon:
1st: no shounen ai, but lots of yuri
2nd: incest is wincest… even if maybe it’s not incest… but maybe it’s incest in another world, but if that world was rewritten by this world then maybe it still is…. but if the diary and the apple have simmilar power but don’t interact, or maybe it’s the same thing….
shounen-ai wtf? you obviously haven’t watched this at all.
I will be okay with stuttering … T___T
You do whatever you have to do – but watch the series to the end! There are too many great episodes you don’t wanna miss, trust me.
in b4 people start finding the same encoding issue in other CGi releases
Well hello there ^^
Is it possible for this awesome group to continue editing gg’s subs and release them as .ass files instead of encoded video’s? I would honestly love that ::)
I hope to hear from anyone saying a clear “yes” or “no” xD
Thank youz!
Weird, I’ve encoded episode 1 to both 720p and 1080p and only the 720p seems to have that stuttering at 2:02. The 1080p doesn’t have that problem, though I’ve only checked for that particular issue.
The stuttering is random, meaning if you encode it again, it could appear on a different time frame; this was tested already.
Oh well… As you know, there were a few of us here awaiting for a quality release, but if it’s not to be had, or, gasp, if you find this show actually boring (you’ve got some guts here, missy…), don’t lose too much sleep over it. When goodies like Howl pop up at the same time, you know us beggars aren’t gonna be crying for long… 😉
To be perfectly honest, Penguindrum is the release I’ve been waiting for from you ever since it came out and I realized what an amazing series it is. Firstly, shounen-ai? Penguindrum? I think you’d have to be unfamiliar with Penguindrum to think it’s shounen-ai, or have only watched a handful of episodes of it to come to that conclusion. There are female stalkers trying to rape unconscious men in this. There are ‘brothers’ involved with their sisters in a sexual way (supposedly). Is that in any way sounding like shounen-ai? *____* If you were meaning shoujo instead, then, also, no, it’s not even close to shoujo even if it has a ‘transformation’ scene and it seems light and ‘girly’ for the first few episodes. It gets pretty damn dark in this series and the way it’s turning out, it’s bound to get even darker.
Penguindrum is, also, done by the same guy that did Sailor Moon and Utena after such a long hiatus, which, imo, is freaking awesome since I loved Sailor Moon as a child and Utena blew my mind way-back-when. Why not give it a chance for a little longer? Have you even seen more than four or five episodes? Have you *seen* episode 9 where the art and story is so goddamn amazing that everyone who watched it was in awe and totally mind-fucked? I think, above all, Penguindrum is a ‘mind-fuck’ series which delves into ‘gray’ territory quite often: attempted female rape, supposed incest, survivor guilt, mass murder, terrorism, etc. It’s the most fascinating series to come out since Magica, imo, and it’d be a shame for you to drop it after only watching a handful of episodes… especially without even getting up to the ‘infamous’ episode 9 🙁
However, in regards to your ‘stuttering’ issue: Is the original file you’re encoding straight from the Blu-ray (i.e. you personally bought the first volume and ripped it yourself) or did you download it off the net somewhere? If it were taken from the net somewhere then I could maybe see the file having some type of issues if they didn’t know what they were doing. Or, if it was ripped directly from Blu-ray from you, maybe it’s just that disc’s fault during production. I’ve had a few Blu-Rays I’ve had to return because of messed up encodes and after swapping it for another copy, it worked just fine. I remember a year back someone asked about stuttering on Blu-Ray encodes and someone replying it might either be the audio/video bitrates being too high or the player itself. I use MPC and I have no stuttering issues on any of the files, even when I skip around. Is this happening on all players or just one in particular? Does it only happen on older computers or newer ones also? Have you asked CCCP community/chatroom for help on this issue? I was having some playback issues a few months back and the mods in the chatroom stuck with me for over an hour to fix it, which makes them uber-awesome in my book so you might want to look there if you’re truly stuck since they know their stuff.
I really wasn’t going to reply to this post because I thought someone else would beat me to it since Penguindrum is quite popular and many fans were looking forward to the Blu-Ray release of this… but it seems either they disregarded the post or only show up on release days to snag it, so I guess I felt I had to step in to plead Penguindrum’s case, as it were. Even if you *do* drop it, I’d really appreciate it if you could at least watch it up to episode 9 before making any concrete opinions about it. I was a bit underwhelmed on the first few episodes, too, but once episode 9 rolled around I was hooked, and every episode since then has been (while not as WTF-AMAZING) still as compelling and involved.
I hope that helped, though I doubt it since I sucked in debate… :\
We downloaded the Blu-ray.
Too bad you’re going to drop this show…
I don’t know about this technical stuff but this is really a good show. Not a shounen ai stuff.
I can’t find other group that do a BD sub… So, this is very very bad news for me…
It’s your decision anyways.
the only reason why it seems like that to you guys is because only you westerners think of such things in the 1st place ==
normal ppl would see there is no shounen ai in this rather trolling show…u guys are taking it too seriously ==
These are really sad news…
I don’t really see any shounen ai in this show though.
Oh… would you look at that… you picked it back up… I’m so shocked I could poop >_<
I meant “you” as in the group, not CoalGirl in particular. I knew I could on the other members of this fine team.
was the stuttering fixed?
Great, good decision!
Thanks for picking it again.
what is changed from the original eps 1-3?
Thanks for picking this back up, Cyras. Now we get both iDOLM@STER *and* Penguindrum in HD. That sounds like a win in my book. 🙂
OMG!!!!! boku ga cho-ureshi!!!!
yeah, my japanese is horrible ….