Type: | Series (24 Episodes) |
Video: | 1920×1080 @ crf 17 1280×720 @ crf 17 |
Audio: | FLAC 2.0 (Japanese) |
Subs: | Track 1: Commie Track 2: Steins;Sub |
1080p: | 01-13 |
720p: | 01-13 |
Volume 6: | Episodes 14-16 – 2011/11/25 |
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I hope you guys/girls edited this before slapping the subs on. They were p. bad for 1-4, prior to a change in staff. Still, better than Steins;Subs. But thanks and keep up the good work.
@rude: google image is your friend, or tineye
So are you guys gonna switch to that 10bit faggotry half way through? Or am I safe in archiving these knowing they will work?
Loved the encode, loved the work through on the subs however I busted my fanboy valve for some reason over Takumi being called Night Heart instead of Knighthart. Nothing major but if you fix everything up when all the BR’s are released could you please fix that one, I had a moment over it and even went and changed it on my copy for the hard drive. nothing major just a fan wank gone wrong…..
Personally, I would have preferred a nice TL Note for the “nuru po” (null pointer) meme, instead of just having it translated to “lurk moar” and wondering why the audio was so off.
I’m not too anal about TL Note usage and think it’s only appropriate when translating something from a completely different culture and language, instead of trying to “fix” the problem via unnecessarily incorrect translations that end up breaking immersion more than they try to preserve it. It’s also annoying when you understand some japanese, but not much, and realize that the translations are often very different from what you’re used to – it makes you feel uneasy more than anything.
That’s just my opinion though. Whatever you decide to do, I’ll still watch it. Can’t wait for the 1080p versions!
I just hope you edit this entry and put something like:
-Subs: Commie (edited)
1080p version of episode 4 uses different font from all previous episodes. Is this intentional?
It was not intentional, thanks for noting it. I didn’t see that Commie decided to muxe another version of the same font all of a sudden (since I have the other version installed). I won’t make a patch for this right now, might be something more that will be patched in, in the future.
Please at least change any instance of “cutesy shit” back to moe.
Any chance we’ll see this in Hi10p?
Commies subs aren’t too bad, but they tend to over localize stuff (tsundere = Hot n’ cold, Moe = Cutesy shit etc), hopefuly you’ll change these into something less retarded.
Conri, IMO that can’t be even considered localization anymore, it’s just plain making shit up.
i honestly can’t stand those terms commie uses, it’s just plain annoying and makes me delete the video ._.
As someone who hopes to turn on a normalfag friend or two on to this show, I am perfectly okay with the localizations. For one, because they capture the basic essence of what’s being talked about without obscuring them behind secret clubhouse terminology (which, to a non otaku, shit like “moe” and “tsundere” certainly are), and for another, if you have any experience watching anime you can clearly hear what the characters are saying in Japanese anyway. If the translated terms were wildly inaccurate, of course, then it would be a different story.
Ideal solution – keep both versions as separate tracks? That way you can have your hot n’ cold shit for 馬鹿外人 friends but keep the moe for experienced viewers.
Nice. You guys (girls) always have the best.
And yes, I still love you.
>Commie subs
Some lines on ep 4 i think appear at the top, but that was due to the TV version having some japanese notice on the bottom. Please fix it on the batch.
i did like the crunchy subs better, personally, but thanks for your encodes. I couldn’t even make 1 episode of crunchy roll b/c VERY terrible audio (and video, too, but the audio was a new low, far worse than the low res vid). I hope that maybe a batch can include Commie and maybe also include Horrible subs, too? I know ya’ll do whatever pleases you, but I would sure appreciate it, as I think they are better subs from the bit I saw.
anyhow, thanks again. the 720 is just what I needed as I am in midst of having just moved and all I have is my laptop and headphones set up (studio headphones at least); we are weeks from unpacking all our shit; can’t wait to see the series in 1080p with big speakers later when i get my place in some semblance of order. If the full BDs aren’t subbed, i will surely grab your 1080p rips =)
(I mean if no one custom subs the BDs, btw, not whether or not the retail are subbed, as I know they aren’t)
PLease put steins; sub as the second subbing group.. its pretty obvious they are not going to drop the series, already on episode 19….i mean cmon
commie subs…… i’ll take these encodes and muk them with steins;sub. thx.
Hi all,
Thank you for the good work!
I need to know if the retail bluray features japanese subtitles though? If so, can you make them available as a standalone file? If not can you share the japanese script you used to do the translation?
Much appreciated ^^
No, there are no Jap subs included on the BDs.
Anyone please?
Hope you guys continue with Hi10p 720p 😀
Hm, seems like the CRCs for 1-4 are different. What changed?
Added Steins;Sub in track 2 as you can see in the post. Also fixed font issue with commie ep 4, so they should all now have the same font.
I still don’t get why the hell you refuse to label v2s.
Seems EP01-04 are v2, hope for patch.
That huge approx 1.7 GB to discard from v1, if no patch 🙁
Aren’t crunchy roll and commie subs the same thing? The other guys using the name of the show as a group name take a while to get it out. There must be a reason for that as in they have their own translator. Last I checked, and this was during Level E, Commie didn’t have one and ripped the subs from Horrible releases.
Commie use CR as sub source, but they have edited the subs for Steins;Gate and localized them, to a point where some people can’t stand it.
Steins;Sub also use CR as sub source, but they do not edit and localize the subs. That is why I’ve added both. Why Steins;Sub still are slower even though they use CR, you will have to ask them.
aha thats cuz ppl think more work goes into the subbing when released late.
anyways thanks for volume 3 and great to them release 3 episodes in this one.
Was the line in ep 3 that was appearing at top of the screen fixed? (in the TV version, a hardsubbed line appeared at bottom thats why it was moved).
>Track 1: Commie
>Track 2: Steins;Sub
This must be Steins Gate choice.
@Nettosama: I hope so, otherwise I’m gonna rage like a 8 years old kid.
steins;subs said there will be a fix for episode 6 in their batch (missed line). hope the change makes it into your version (whenever their batch comes out)
I’ve already done that fix myself though.
then I’ll eat my words. I didn’t even notice. I was mostly just pointing it out to help lol. cool then.
“Why Steins;Sub still are slower even though they use CR, you will have to ask them.”
We don’t have a caper ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
Yo dawg, I heard you like fail…
^ ^
yo nonny, so i hurd u liek dipsihts
>Yo dawg, I heard you like fail…
Seems like part of my post got cut off last time. Will CoalGirls modify this line from episode 9, seeing as it was a part of Crunchy’s subs and therefore a part of most every other group’s subs?
>Yo dawg, I heard you like fail, so we put some fail in your fail, so you can facepalm while you facepalm.
Ooooh yeah, that one. That was so absurd it made me laugh. I’d also be interested in knowing if you guys/gals did anything about it.
that line was honestly hilarious for me. I don’t care about accuracy for that one line, since I already know what they really say. also curious what cyras used.
No 10bit love for this serie? =(
I’ll love if this is in 10bit.
CR subs were more natural to read than Commie’s. Steins;subs just had much better typesetting and fixed some errors. Also TL notes on the 2ch memes would be nice.
spotted video glitch at 09:36
did anyone spot this, too?
You should check so that your file isn’t corrupt, cause that video glitch is not there for me.
ahhh that was a screenshot from S;G eps 7
damn….mine was corrupted (ノ `Д´)ノ ~┻━┻
I regret watching some of this with both subtitle streams running on screen at the same time. Now I’m not sure how much I like either one. While the localization sucks in my opinion, I didn’t like a lot of the other changes made. The “fail” line mentioned above was changed to be like the CR version for one. Mainly though I didn’t like how they kept dumbing it down, specifically in episode 3. They would change “utilize” to “use” and crap like that. Some of the changes were even more superficial than that. I’m starting to wonder if I need to just edit it myself and say to hell with seeding it in the future.
Kind of hoping the final batch of this’ll be in 10-bit 264.. the big load of dark scenes in steins;gate kind of screams for 10-bit treatment
@ Verix – While I hope the same, I don’t think it’s totally necessary.
I’m wondering if anyone else thinks the audio sounds rather crappy. I know it’s FLAC, so I’m not blaming CG, but I wonder if it was really recorded that bad or if it’s just something related to my setup. Admittedly it only starts becoming a problem when I try to turn the volume up a good bit.
can,t wait for you to finish this anime,this is going to become my favoriate after code geass. Thanku so much for subbing this and please to this as early as posible.