Hyakka Ryōran Samurai Girls


Audio – 2.0 FLAC 16bit

Subs – Ryuumaru

720 – 01-02
1080 – 01-02

Series is canceled due to Ryuumaru picking up blu-rays.

85 Responses to Hyakka Ryōran Samurai Girls

  1. Black_Raven writes:

    woah, you’re doing this series?
    Unlike CoalGirl I don’t announce my releases beforehand. She actually only found out 3 days ago 😉
    great, now i can enjoy jyuubei’s tits *without the ink of course*

  2. Name-kun writes:

    Man, where is specials?((
    Kira is the only one I am aware of that are subbing them. Since they are doing their own BD I am not going to bother.

  3. amen665 writes:

    awesome… i haven’t passed ep4 soz i’ll wait on this ^^

  4. 1337 writes:

    yay cant wait for 1080p

  5. Gammed writes:


    tenshi you know your ecchi anime 😉 *thumbs up*

  6. Zanz writes:

    Thank you Tenshi!. A non-share raw encode.

  7. ♦Tenshi♦ writes:

    It should be noted that 1080s are looking to be some of the largest yet. At around 2.7 – 3gb with audio.

  8. John writes:

    that means no DDL ? 🙁

  9. jorma writes:

    Thanks so much for this, one of my favorite shows this season and overall awesome ecchi show 😉

  10. suiton writes:


    :: deletes TV episodes ::

  11. Tempus writes:

    How noticeable in the difference between 720p and 1080p?

  12. Lier writes:

    Awesome! ヽ( >∀< )ノ Just wanted to say thanks for this <3

  13. banger writes:

    3gb for 1080p? BRING IT ON. i just hope there won’t be any v2s haha

  14. Cool Guy writes:

    Glad someone besides KiraSubs is doing this, considering KiraSubs seems to not know English.

  15. tormaid writes:

    Coalgirls doesn’t always announce her releases (Eden of the East). I sort of figured you would be doing this show.

  16. IZEROII writes:

    2.7-3GB per episode….

  17. Desert_Fox writes:

    f*ck off tv series! i’ll drop it!

    time to get the glorious BD! 😀

  18. Bloodios writes:

    Great job! I truly appreciate this.

  19. reculeor writes:

    For TV series there’s rarely any gain to be had with 1080p. These shows are produced for broadcast after all, most of which air in 1440x1080i.

    So for the most part you should only be concerned with getting 1080p when it comes to OVAs or movies, but even then not all of them have much to gain.

    Not to mention that these encodes are severely bloated. That doesn’t negate my previous comments when it comes to other encodes however.

  20. ♦Tenshi♦ writes:

    You can keep your DDLs. I don’t upload to DDL sites for any of my releases.

  21. S.J. writes:

    okiedokie, and thanks for the hyakka bd’s! C:

  22. DragoZERO writes:

    Awesome. I was hoping someone was going to do this series properly.

    And I’ll be waiting for my 1080p breasts.

  23. common-sense writes:

    722 MB? Holy shit, I thought kira-subs were bad at 500MB, but coalgirls (as usual) takes the cake. Although I guess it’s better than your 1-1.5GB/episode Sekirei release.

    @Cool Guy: Kira uses the same subs (ryuumaru).

  24. Vision writes:

    The opening and ending won’t link with the episodes
    Huh? Care to elaborate?

  25. black_lightning writes:

    Blasphemy, the ink blots are the best part of this show.

  26. Modhesh writes:

    without the ink, it’ll be your average ecchi show… not really.. no. I’ll take my word back. XD

  27. paul writes:

    why no mkv chapters? makes me sad 🙁
    I don’t chapter my releases. Your only the 2nd person I know that uses em.

  28. ChrisK writes:

    3rd here. Chapters needed to skip over Op/Ed. Sucks if there aren’t chapters.

  29. banger writes:

    4th. for skipping op/ed too hehe

  30. DmonHiro writes:

    No chapters? That’s stupid. It takes 1 minutes to make a simple .txt file. Lazy lazy lazy.

  31. Billy writes:

    delete op and ed from video
    (saves a lot of time when im watching 5 eps in a row)

  32. Alfredonm writes:

    thanks for 1080p

  33. Alfredonm writes:

    can someone megaupload or fileserve the 1080p eps?, torrent is big and its slow. thankz

  34. paul writes:

    I use chapters to skip op/ed too. One click on mouse5 or pagedown and i can enjoy what matters.

  35. ♦Tenshi♦ writes:

    I usually just use the seek bar for skipping stuff.

  36. fnord writes:

    Hey Tenshi, at least you can respond to people who critize FLAC for bloating by saying that your encodes make the file gignormous anyway.

  37.    writes:

    Yeah, but Tenshi, that takes like .2 seconds more to use than being able to press a button to skip it automatically.

  38. Billy writes:

    but tenshi some of us watch that stuff on wdtv live,ps3 and other media players
    so that is killing us and mkv merge 4.30 is killing us please use older version like 4.0

  39. Alfred writes:

    torrent, to slow, 10 ~ 40 kbp/s please, can someone upload this to some servers?
    Rideback is seeding from the seedbox too. I only have a 100mbit link

  40. qurious writes:

    Someone must have Western Digital or Seagate stocks, to make these files so big 🙂

  41.    writes:

    @Retard Above

    Seriously? Can you not read comments?

  42.    writes:

    The above comment was meant for Alfred, not Qurious.

  43. Alfred writes:

    what the cutting op and end? are you serious??

  44. Chris7 writes:

    Yeap, someone uploading 1080p on servers? torrent is super slow, 50kbps

  45. Ross writes:

    i have no complaints or anything but why are the 1080p episodes so big.

    ~inb4 yelling at me for being stupid.

  46. Masx writes:

    What resolutions do people here usually download? I’m curious as to whether I should change from 720p to 1080p. I have decent amount of space and a display that is 55″ but is it worth the time and space?

  47. ♦Tenshi♦ writes:

    I always encode 1080s to overkill. Better to be overkill than undersized IMO. The 1080s are larger in this series mainly due to the artwork.

  48. qaz writes:

    Tenshi, i disagree: people use reencodes to have them in reasonable size for the actual quality. If they wanted an ‘overkill’ – they’d keep BDISO. There is absolutely no reason to encode to bigger filesize that you can’t distinguish (say which is definitely better, not just ‘they are different somehow’) at 1:1 alt-tabbing.

    To people complaining about skipping op/ed: it’s trivial without chapters – just press ‘1.5 minutes forward’ button as most of them has standard length. The same 1 button.