Projects (coalgirl)


Ongoing Projects (Listed by priority) Sub Source Status
1. Aikatsu Mezashite 152/178
2. Owarimonogatari Commie (Re-styled, Modified) 7/13
3. Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka Season 2 Vivid 2/12
4. Yuru Yuri Season 3 FFF (Re-styled) 4/12
5. Gakusen toshi Asterisk FFF 4/12
Complete Projects Sub Source
Aikatsu the Movie Mezashite
Ano Hana m.3.3.w, UTW
Bakemonogatari Koharubi (Script, re-styled), qIIq (1-12, 15, Typesetting), pem (13-15, re-styled, modified), CoalMayoi (13-14, Typesetting)
Black Rock Shooter Mochi, R1, L-A
Canaan * Anbu-Menclave
Cardcaptor Sakura ^ R1 (Re-styled, Heavily Modified)
Clannad SS-Eclipse (Re-styled)
Clannad ~After Story~ SS-Eclipse (Re-styled)
Cross Ange * Commie (Modified)
Darker than Black sudo (Re-styled)
Darker than Black: Ryuusei no Gemini Anbu, BSS (Specials, Re-styled)
Dennou Coil Ureshii
Eden of the East Frostii
Evangelion 1.11/2.22/3.33 R1/UTW
Fate/Stay Night * Eclipse (Re-styled, Modified)
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works UTW (Re-styled, Modified)
Fate/Stay Night R1, UTW
Ga Rei Zero * Aniyoshi (Re-styled)
Ghost Hound * R1 (Re-styled, Modified)
Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu Ka? Vivid
Grisaia no Meikyuu Chihiro
Grisaia no Rakuen Chihiro
Haibane Renmei * R1 (Re-styled)
Hidan no Aria * Chihiro
Highschool of the Dead gg-weeaboo (Modified), gg
Hyakko # Static Subs
Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha Vivid, Anime-Koi (OVA, Re-Styled)
Kaichou wa Maid-sama * Eclipse (1-22), FFFPeeps (23-27, Re-Styled, Modified)
Kampfer gg (Heavily modified)
Kanamemo # R1
Kannagi * R1, Shin_GX
Kanon SS-Eclipse
Katanagatari Mazui (Re-styled)
Kemono no Souja Erin * Static Subs
Kiddy Girl-and Anbu
Kiddy Grade Movie Trilogy *^ R1 (Re-styled, Modified)
Kiki’s Delivery Service R1
Kill Me Baby * Mazui-UTW
Kimi ni Todoke * Eclipse (Re-styled)
Kimi ni Todoke 2nd Season * Eclipse (Re-styled), m.3.3.w (Re-styled)
Kiss x Sis Ryuumaru (Re-styled, modified)
Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate pomf
Laputa – Castle in the Sky R1 (Re-styled)
Little Busters * UTW, Refrain (OVA, Re-styled, modified)
Little Busters Refrain FFF (Re-styled, modified)
Macross Frontier AOGM, Shinsen
Magical Girl Madoka Magica Chihiro, gg, yesy
Magical Girl Madoka Magica Movie Trilogy R1
Mai Hime/Mai Otome *^ R1
Minami-ke Tadaima UTW
Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn R1
Monogatari Second Season Node (Dialogue 1-13, Modified), CoalNadeko (Typeset, Commie Base), CoalMayoi (Dialogue 14-28, Extra typesets, Extra TLs)
My Neighbor Totoro R1
Nanoha Movie BSS (Re-styled), R1
Nanoha Movie 2 R1
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind R1 (Re-styled)
Nekomonogatari UTW (Re-styled)
Nichijou @ R1
Nisekoi FFF (Re-Styled)
Nisekoi OVA CoalOnodera, FFF (OP)
Nisekoi Second Season FFF (Re-styled)
Nisemonongatari CMS (R1)
Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu * AQS (Re-styled, modified)
Ookami to Koushinryou * sudo (Re-styled)
Ookami to Koushinryou II Mazui (Modified)
Ookami-san Mazui (Modified)
Ore no Imouto * Mazui, Static Subs (ED2, ED5, ED8), CoalKirino (ED1, ED3, Extra TLs)
Ore no Imouto Season 2 Evetaku (Re-styled), CoalKirino (ED1, ED9)
Ore Twintails ni Narimasu P (Re-styled)
Porco Rosso R1
Princess Mononoke R1
RideBack Frostii (Re-styled)
Seitokai Yakuindomo Ryuumaru (Re-styled, modified)
selector infected WIXOSS ASenshi
Serial Experiments Lain ^ R1 (Re-styled)
Shakugan no Shana * SS-Eclipse (Re-styled)
Shiki R1 (Re-styled, Modified)
Sora wo Kakeru Shoujo ASF, II (Re-styled, modified)
Spirited Away R1
Star Driver gg (Modified)
Suite Precure Doremi-Curecom
Summer Wars Frostii (Script, Re-styled), TMD-UTW (Typeset, Karaoke)
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu * afk, Chihiro (Re-styled, Modified)
Tales of the Abyss Abyssal Chronicles (Re-styled)
Tamayura Mamiko
Tayutama: Kiss on my Deity Ayako (Re-styled, modified), CoalAmeri (Specials)
The Borrower Arrietty R1
The Idolmaster Chibiki, Doki
To Aru Kagaku no Railgun S UTW (Modified)
To Aru Majutsu no Index Eclipse
To Aru Majutsu no Index II * UTW (Re-styled, modified)
Toradora * gg (1-4, modified), qq (5-11, modified), Coalguys (12-25, OVA, Heavily modified), Hiyono (SOS, re-styled, modified), CoalAmi (12-25, Typeset)
True Tears * m.3.3.w (Re-styled), Shinboku (Specials, Restyled), CoalHiromi (SP8)
Tsukimonogatari Typesetting – CoalNadeko, Dialogue – R1 (Heavily Modified)
Twin Angel * R1
Valkyria Chronicles Ayako, Doremi, gleam, Seto-Otaku
White Album Eclipse, Tomodachi (Restyled, modified)
White Album 2 UTW
Whisper of the Heart R1
Yumekui Merry * gg (Modified)
Yuru Yuri R1
Yuru Yuri Season 2 R1, CoalYui (TS 6, 9-12)
Dropped Projects Sub Source Status Reason
Kobato @ gg 6/24 Show sucks
Omamori Himari # Frostii 6/12 Source Dropped
Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu Purezza CR 2/12 No motivation

Future Projects – *monogatari, Macross Delta

Notes on notation –

* – Encoded in 720p only
^ – Encoded in 4:3 only
# – DVD (480p) Release
@ – TV (720p) Release

A sub that is listed as Modified has had enough changed for me to take notice. These can be as small as reversing name orders to removing occasional trolls. For exceptionally large changes I will use the tag “Heavily modified”

A sub that is listed as re-styled has had their styling changed from the original group because I simply did not like it.

Minor changes like lowering alpha opacity of a style, or fixing 1-2 typos, will not be tagged.

All Blu-Rays are encoded with FLAC audio, and DVDs are encoded with whatever I feel like.

210 Responses to Projects (coalgirl)

  1. Ma15 writes:

    When you have time or feel like it, perhaps an update on this page to add in recently finished projects. Also, perhaps adding a future project section

  2. Ma15 writes:

    Sorry, disregard the second part of my previous post. It’s late and didn’t quite read the future projects.

  3. Sayer writes:

    What exactly do you mean by Audio splitting when it comes to Darker than Black season 1?

    • coalgirl writes:

      Bit late, but I was not at the level of skill to properly split the audio of season 1 at the time when I did it.

  4. Anonymous writes:

    So you people have something against karaoke? Angel Beats has songs and if you cut out the karaoke, it doesn’t help to make it better.

  5. CTS writes:

    Please seed Tayutama 1080p torrent. Thanks.

  6. kaZ writes:

    Could I ask or a request. I was wondering if you guys could sub
    Air Gear: Kuro no Hane to Nemuri no Mori -Break on the Sky- (OAV) there is no sub yet and I really wish I could watch it. Thanks guys!

  7. Laovniux writes:

    Is there some kind of ETA (estimated time available) for each anime? ( Please note that I have no idea where I could look up BD realease dates πŸ˜› )

  8. Minh writes:

    will coalgirls be doing releasing the Gundam 00 movie sometime in the future?

  9. CTS writes:

    Any chance you guys will pick up K-On! BD’s? I know Thora did it but they used AC3 audio. And they didn’t release any flac audio pack either as far as I know. Please do consider it. Also K-On!! BD’s would be awesome too.

  10. Yuu writes:

    I’d like to request that you look at episodes 16 and 17 of the Kaichou wa Maid-Sama. The Fileshare links and DDL arent working.


  11. alex writes:

    9 and 10 of highschool of the dead have some bugs when using hardware acceleration. it’s only a minor inconvenience since I can play it without, but if it was redone I would be eternally grateful (maybe not eternally). if not, w/e. thanks

  12. James Axelrad writes:

    Evangelion 2.22 has an definite audio mismatch on the English side only. the Japanese audio track is in synch.

    • coalgirl writes:

      See, as much as I love Shana, I hated season 2. I’d be interested in doing season 1, but that would obligate me to do season 2. I’ll think about it, but I really doubt I’ll be interested in it.

  13. Timmo writes:

    Loving you guys right now, just finished watching Kanon after previously watching Clannad. That made me think about Air TV, have guys considered doing that one?

  14. one writes:

    i need more seed for Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind 1280Γ—692 ver.

  15. Guyver01 writes:

    LOVE your work, top quality in all anime. Iam here to recomend you 2 series to sub: Star Driver and Sengoku Basara Seassion 1 and 2.

  16. Deagle writes:

    Could I ask you to encode the Blu-rays for Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei and its sequels?
    The Blu-ray complete set was released last month I think, but right now I think the only fansubs available are in SD, most notably a.f.k.’s (in 704×384 resolution).

    Although their subs are pretty thorough, they use TV video source, which has some really weird censoring that isn’t present in DVD and Blu-ray versions. I was thinking that maybe you could use a.f.k. subs as source and combine with HD video. That would be really awesome!

  17. noside writes:

    i am having some issues with this. when i play this on vlc, after the preview, it loops back from the start of the vid. when i play this on some other players (WMP, DivX, Zoom), the vid and the audio and the subtitles are not in sync. anyone who could help me with this? :S

  18. kyperioth writes:

    I hate to ask this like a noob, but isn’t there more than 5 episodes in Clannad After Story? If there isn’t then just shut me down right here.

  19. demonicchibi writes:

    u guys should do The melancholy of Haruhi-chan Suzumiya (chibi-version)

  20. nope writes:

    Sayonara Zetsubou Senei. WILL YOU DO IT? All seasons. I can’t believe how hard it is to find good quality rips with consistant subs for a series so awesome.

    You must do it. You simply must.

  21. Manuel writes:

    it may be off topic, but does anyone know: did NyaaT’s go off the deep end? I had to search for you folks due to the absence of a number of familiar subbers listed there. Did they get cracked or just turn into a bunch of ‘folks you don’t want to know’? Any reply would be greatly appreciated. ~8) manuel

  22. Crapini writes:

    I have downloaded some of your anime and it turns out that a few of them have a slight problem with time skipping.
    For example in Fractale, Bakemonogatari, Darker Than Black and Canaan episodes none of them allow me to click at the point I want to watch it from but instead it throws it to random time usually near beginning. Other anime works perfectly fine just those 4.
    Could you please help me out here?

  23. anim3spy writes:

    Toradora bluray box got a release date.

  24. AlexTo writes:

    I was wondering if you could consider Towa no Quon as a possible project

  25. Mandy writes:

    Hi coalgirl do you guys do vampire knight encoding??If so can you encode vampire knight guilty i cant find it anywhere if it isnt possible then it’s cool hope to get your reply soon:)

  26. akiba-kei writes:

    Dear @Coalgirl, wich of your projects are already on 10-bits?
    … don’t scold me XD

  27. Hayato Isamu writes:

    Is it possible if you guys continue Omamori Himari? because currently I found the DVD version of it subbed, although I’m not exactly sure if you use torrents as a source :/

  28. Last Exile writes:

    Hi Coalgirl, I was wondering if you consider doing Last Exile, since all eps of the BD verison is out. Since the new Last Exile – Fam is airing right now, don’t you think it good idea to do the first one and then continue with Last Exile – Fam when BD is out for it? please say yes to it.

    Ps. keep up the good work . Thank

  29. Nettosama writes:

    ^^ Tormaid is doing a BD box rip of Last Exile. It’s supposed to be @ Enconding.

  30. Last Exile writes:

    Great to hear that someome is doing it, can’t wait to re-watch it in BD.

  31. My Required Name writes:

    Who is doing Dantalian no Shoka?
    (Just saiyan since RSS picked it up)

  32. Kly writes:

    Aparently you girls are the only ones subbing Stein’s Gate. And even then while its on your ongoing projects list its not a priority… could you please lift its priority a little? lol, all those animes you have ongoing have quite a few episodes (kudos on almost finishing Aria btw)

  33. anon writes:

    You guys mind picking up Sengoku Basara: The Last Party, seems like no one is willing to sub it nor is there a raw ):

  34. puma99dk| writes:

    erm i dunno if it’s wrong to ask her but will u do Mayo Chiki! ? ^^;

  35. randomfaggot writes:

    Can you pick Steins;Gate please? I mean, PLEASE.

  36. kisamakun writes:

    Thank you for posting. My winter break has consisted of 50% watching anime you encode.

  37. Crypted writes:

    I seen that you’d released the first half (ep 1-13) Of Steins;Gate on NyaaT.
    Any plans to do the other half?

  38. uzgzigiu writes:

    Could you release Kiss Dum Engage Planet, please? I don’t trust Hadena-Subs.

  39. Amario writes:

    Will you be doing the omamori himari blue ray? Was released 27th January

  40. Nettosama writes:


    I hope so, both disks are already up on Share.

  41. Anon writes:

    Would you consider doing Please Teacher?
    The ISO parts are on Share.

  42. Kachu writes:

    Sengoku Basara Season 2?

  43. Cloudstrife192 writes:

    I don’t want to bother anyone, but is the irc chat thing working or not? I’ve never used irc so I don’t know if it is or not because everytime I click it nothing shows up.

  44. Lord Phrozen writes:

    Would you be interested in doing Saki BDs? I could extract the subs from Underwater-Mahjong if you want (or if you don’t have it yet).

    Saki BDMV torrent could be found here:

    Also, thank you for your hard work. I find your releases much better than the other staff.

  45. Numb writes:

    Coalgirl, will you marry me?

  46. Yangorang writes:

    Would you guys perhaps consider releasing a 720p/1080p Blu-Ray of Chobits? The only one I can find so far of this classic is from Virus123 ( and it isn’t encoded particularly well.

  47. Michael writes:

    I was wondering, do you or any of the others have plans to release the blu ray version of ‘Another’? Underwater has released the completed TV subbed version which was unfortunately slightly censored in some episodes.

  48. Mercury writes:

    Great subs. I hope you’ll be able to do a Ghibli Studio movie collection one day. <3