Cross Ange


Episodes – 25
Video – 1280×720 @ crf 15
Audio – 2.0 FLAC (24-bit)
Subs – Commie (Modified)



80 Responses to Cross Ange

  1. Mkaze writes:

    Wow nice i though nobody is going to do Cross.

    Thanks Coalgirls.

  2. blackice85 writes:


  3. Anon writes:

    >less anatomy


  4. ichigo writes:

    Thank you for all the hard work you have put in and will put in for this project!

  5. skiddiks writes:

    Wow, why are you doing this? I already said I was doing BDs without the penis. Are you just trying to steal my downloads or something? Is that the only reason why you’re doing this?

  6. Neko-chan writes:

    I love you so much right now for doing this Coalgirl!!!!!!!!!! However, when you say “honorifics in a few places” what do you mean? I watched CR’s version which had honorifics everywhere and loved it for that. I know Commie hates them and I’m not sure how picky you will be with it.

    • coalgirl writes:

      At least the first 3 episodes had very few instances of honorifics, as to be expected in a mecha show.

  7. rude writes:

    Modified. Honorifics. It sounds good but worried there’s some remnant of crap Commie subs still remaining. Checking it.

  8. bloodiOS writes:

    Today is a good day~

  9. Vx writes:

    Thank you so much for doing this! Thanks again for your lovely work.

  10. Someone writes:

    Why didn’t just use CR subs?

  11. nx6 writes:

    Can’t tell if Kristen is being serious or not asking who Skiddiks is.

    Nonetheless Coalgirls doing this show means I might actually watch it now. Not interested in “visual artistic license joke” subtitles and less memes is good.

    • coalgirl writes:

      I am. Who’s Skiddiks?

      BTW, episode 1 kinda surprised me. Outside of the anatomy, there really were like no commie-isms the entire episode. Episode 2 and 3 though, we got right back to their “‘Sup Bro!” ways.

  12. Kei writes:

    Thanks CoalGirls šŸ˜€

  13. Max writes:

    I love You! <3

  14. coalgirl writes:

    Little patch for episode 01. Big thanks to that guy from Commie who PM’d me on IRC to “troll” me that the insert lyrics weren’t upgraded and some terminology was wrong!

  15. Kei writes:

    how to patch the episode 01…???

  16. nx6 writes:



    Unzip it into a new folder, put your version 1 file in and double-click the file that says to.
    After it finishes, take your new v2 and put it wherever, and you can toss the folder your created for this.

  17. 1xx7 writes:

    skiddiks is that guy from commie who added the dicks in the opening. CGi’s release is superior anyways.

  18. Kei writes:

    how many Disc total…?? 12 discs..??

    • coalgirl writes:

      8. 5 are out right now, but disc 5 won’t be released until disc 6 is out so I can incorporate the NCED.

  19. bex39 writes:

    so, your cross ange 720p rip is look better than any 1080p rip that out nowadays? šŸ˜®

  20. Keith writes:

    @coalgirl: Just googled for “Skiddiks”. He / She is an editor of Commie Subs.

  21. coalgirl writes:

    I’ll do 7-9 tomorrow.

  22. Kei writes:

    i think i know why this is the worst BD after Toradora…
    is it because every bo*bs not complete, true..??

  23. Neko-chan writes:

    After watching the first episode I found a few problems. Julio says mother at 17:33 and there’s nothing there. Twice Ange’s name is said but we see “Your Highness” at 6:15 and 6:41. There’s a few other minor issues but I’ll fix them on my end for the batch.

    • coalgirl writes:

      Yeah, some of the softer and less important lines have gone unsubbed by preference. Your Highness is also acceptable in both cases.

  24. JustATroller writes:

    CoalGirl, u said no ecchi anime, no Commie subs but in the end u were attracted to Commie’s dick version of Cross Ange, which is an ecchi anime.

  25. matthew machado writes:

    Hi, I like horrible subs a lot more then commie subs because commie subs were much more inaccurate in my opinion, for example tusks people were called the ancient humans not the predecessors. Why did you choose commie subs over horrible subs? is commie more accurate? is there any chance that you could include horrible subs as well?

    • coalgirl writes:

      If I didn’t use Commie subs, I wouldn’t have done this show in the first place.

  26. frosty writes:

    hi, do any of you happen to be kino no tabi fans, because there are no good releases of this great anime atm, maybe you could change that? šŸ˜€

    i know you release what you want but you gotta try, right?

  27. random writes:

    thanks for doing this, will wait the batch though

  28. xlacrimax writes:

    disc 6 when?

    thanks for the good work!

  29. Donnie writes:

    Early thanks for the upcoming episodes

  30. Robert writes:

    Thanks please continue

  31. Kei writes:

    Finally, its here…
    btw, there is one question, which country you guys from?

  32. Steele writes:

    I just noticed that Episode 4 at 10:27 there is a misspell, it reads “wapon” instead of weapon.

    Thanks very much for the hard work

  33. Knight of Ange writes:

    Hello there Coalgirls, I love the fact that you guys are doing Cross Ange. One of my favorite anime in recent years.

    I’d like to ask, and this is probably a long shot. If you guys would consider putting Horriblesubs/Crunchyroll subs as an option too. I find commie’s subs to be hard to read when they have Ange saying lines like “Hello please, no I didn’t” or Salia “Pear shaped all around” instead of something like “fat ass”.

    And yet again, thanks a lot for all the hard work you do. I really appreciate it as a Cross Ange fan, we hardly get any love out there and you guys are a blessing right now.

  34. Meme Master writes:

    Woohoo! Keep the episodes comin’!!

  35. nx6 writes:

    “Since this looks to be the only BD that will be completed for this series, Iā€™d like to make the batch perfect.”

    What does that mean? Did Commie drop their own BD releases of this?

    • coalgirl writes:

      No, just like they didn’t drop their own BD releases of Nisekoi Season 1. Doesn’t mean it’ll ever be done though.

  36. Takala writes:

    must make room on hard drive qq

    thanks always coalgirl :3

  37. Steele writes:

    On episode 13 – 4:13 I think the girl’s name is “Olivia”, it is written “Oliver” and pronounced Olivera by the voice actress. In the same episode -18:36 There is a misspell, it writes “Breate” which should be “Breathe”.

    Episode 15 – 13:07 it should be “me” not “my”.

  38. nks writes:

    Thank you.

  39. Ikk writes:


    Episode 11 @ 06:48, are these names on the gravestones encoded or in the raw?

  40. yami D guns. writes:

    Hay, I a new fans
    Are u any have fanpage in Facebook?

  41. yolo writes:

    BD vol 8 already release right

  42. random writes:

    this may be the only show where not only nipples are missing but some scenese are more censured in the BD than the tv air

    ex: naked apron become non naked apron lol

  43. mawaru writes:

    >ex: naked apron become non naked apron lol
    gimme proof pls

  44. tobi writes:

    hi guys, i just want to inform u guys in case u not notice that BD release of Cross Ange is already complete…i just hope u can make the sub soon…tq in advance šŸ™‚

    source : (…)

  45. random writes:

    @ mawaru
    here proof

    • coalgirl writes:

      Yeah, but they did add in a 20 second sex scene in episode 22 and removed some shadows.

  46. anon writes:

    >having to apologize for doing BDs
    What the fuck is going on here?

  47. nx6 writes:

    Gonna agree with Anon here, you have nothing to apologize for.

    Commie does not “own” Cross Ange. Anyone’s free to do their own version. At least you give them credit for the original subs, and we’re talking about a group that steals Crunchyroll/Funi’s script most of the time. Ironically, their translator for this show is named “krysten”.

    Noteworthy: Commie has yet to progress past volume 2.
    Can’t steal downloads that don’t exist, skiddiks. šŸ˜›

  48. spacecowboy writes:

    1080p incoming?

  49. Cyras fan girl writes:

    pls do shigatsu plox