Type: | Movie (45m) |
Video: | 1920×1080, 1280×720 |
Audio: | FLAC 5.1 (24 Bit) – Japanese |
Subs: | Retail – English (restyled) |
Torrent: | 1080p – 720p |
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Name coincidence, I’m sure of it, but I will watch it either way 🙂
I wonder if School Days Movie is out of the question, would be fun if they actually did it hahah 🙂
Well, Thanks for encode 🙂
Nah, it’s not School Days. I was about to download it yesterday but thankfully read the summary. I download it now you guys released it. 😀
Also, Havoc… i never thought i’d see you again. 😮
It has been a while since we talked. Try coming to the regular channel once or just send send me a pm somewhere.
It’s not offered on nyaa??? Why? Or did i miss it?
And that missing line at the last was added right???
It was already there …
And and I thought you guys have the 1080p at around 5-6 GB atleast. I am disappoint
give me a BD remux of this!!
Already there as in? I thought the official subs didn’t have it.
That “missing line” (could be wrong here) was because that release was translated from the Jap subs to Chinese to English – they didn’t use the retail subs.
The name on phone at 17:30 (which is not typeset in official subs either) is actually important to know.
Not happening, find me if you want to talk to me.
On Topic:
I totally enjoyed this movie, if anyone has 45 mins to spare on a good quality anime, this is definnitely one worth the time spent on it.
I give it 10/10
How am i supposed to find you? 😐
I don’t have your e-mail address nor do i know any trackers you are part of. You haven’t shown up on BakaBT for over 3 months now and the channel stats say “last seen – 26 days ago”
Also, i’m confused. 720p or 1080p?
It’s a good movie so i want 1080p, but i’d hate an upscale.
Oh well since it’s ChrisK i’ll take 1080p.
This is full native 1080p glory.
I shall partake. Thank you. 🙂
Why are people complaining about the file size? It’s a decently sized file…
#1 – it’s 45 minutes long
#2 – it’s a romance movie, what kind of action are people expecting to warrant a big file?
Thanks ChrisK.
thanks for subbing this. I just wish you guys had bots since I can’t torrent for various reasons. 🙁
There’s a bot in #nibl that has this. They have lots of other stuff (including CGi releases) as well.
OMG its not 1.2TB, 8K UHD with Hamasaki 22.2 surround sound 192kHz 24 bit FLAC audio…
I am disappoint 🙁
Hot fucking damn. Thank you.
Filesize is too big. I’ll wait for the YIFY 23MB version.
I am disappoint 🙁
um.. can someone upload softsubs for this?
I already downloaded from ruel-subs a day ago..
Well, this was incredible to experience regardless of my own personal opinions on the subject. Very powerful and great character development. Thank you for providing this. It was incredibly enjoyable.
Please typset that sign on the phone!! It’s important!!! ~17:30
Here are patches to add the missing sign:
Coalgirls_Kotonoha_no_Niwa_Patches.zipConsider these versions unofficial, more changes may follow.
I may upload new final torrents later.New torrents and new patches up, see post.
AKA “The Garden of Words”
Woo! the release date is 06/21 http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=TBR-23169D
Are you goings to do Nerawareta Gakuen which is coming out in a few days?
Oh the latest Shinkai, many thanks!
Does this version contain subs for the japanese commentary?
i have a question about this anime, i’ve downloaded it from animetosho.org, and i choose sharebe*st to download it, there are 10 parts which i have to download. Than, after everything was downloaded, i split it with HJsplit, right, now the video is appear, BUT, in the middle of video, i got a problem, around 25:05, the video isn’t continue to play anymore, then i try to use a different player, VLC (newest), MPC (newest), but they’re gimme same result, the video is still stuck in 25:05, then i opened it in aegisub, and error, hm…
i also opened the sub from it, but, it’s just 260+ line in it, hm? is it odd?
finally, i checked the crc number from it, and i got it
the crc number of this anime is NOT OK, can you explain something about this? Please?
well thats whats going if you split it into part and then put it back together with hjsplit, get the torrent from here.
Im gonna mirror DeckuZora’s words, Thank you for the encode, was very nice.
Ah, man. I’ve been eagerly awaiting this film–it looks absolutely gorgeous, and I cannot wait to watch it. Thank you!
Is it me or file with patches is borked somehow…. only delta files show up after unpacking….
I downloaded the patch file (v2) and found 4 xdelta files in it. Then, what should I do with them?
Please explain how to use those patch files.
Download the torrent if you can’t figure it out yourself.
lonewolf: get xdelta3.exe from the internet
then create a batch (*.bat) file with the following content:
@echo off
set program=xdelta3.exe
%program% -d -s “source_file_name.mkv” “patch_file_name.xdelta” “target_file_name.mkv”
put the xdelta3.exe, the source file and the *.xdelta file in the same folder and then run the batch file.
if you have all the names right you should have the v2 file as soon as the cmd box closes again.
duh If I could do that I wouldn’t bother posting here…. besides it doesn’t take much >>effort<< to put execution file (or w/e is missing) in patch
Is it so difficult to properly explain how to use the patches? I am donwloading the torrent again, but still…
Explanation wasn’t listed when I posted, sorry. However, it takes even less effort to include a notepad file with, dare I say it, links. Just a thought.
Effort much appreciated and thank you for the release.
Multipatch- put xdelta3.exe and .xdelta files in the torrent folder, then save this as notepad document and raname it from .txt to .bat
IF EXIST [Coalgirls]_Kotonoha_no_Niwa_(1280x720_Blu-ray_FLAC)_[8C4F6CA1].mkv xdelta3.exe -d -s “[Coalgirls]_Kotonoha_no_Niwa_(1280x720_Blu-ray_FLAC)_[8C4F6CA1].mkv” “[Coalgirls]_Kotonoha_no_Niwa_(1280x720_Blu-ray_FLAC)_[8C4F6CA1_to_B3C42369].xdelta” “[Coalgirls]_Kotonoha_no_Niwa_(1280x720_Blu-ray_FLAC)_[B3C42369].mkv”
IF EXIST [Coalgirls]_Kotonoha_no_Niwa_(1280x720_Blu-ray_FLAC)_[13C9D53E].mkv xdelta3.exe -d -s “[Coalgirls]_Kotonoha_no_Niwa_(1280x720_Blu-ray_FLAC)_[13C9D53E].mkv” “[Coalgirls]_Kotonoha_no_Niwa_(1280x720_Blu-ray_FLAC)_[13C9D53E_to_B3C42369].xdelta” “[Coalgirls]_Kotonoha_no_Niwa_(1280x720_Blu-ray_FLAC)_[B3C42369].mkv”
IF EXIST [Coalgirls]_Kotonoha_no_Niwa_(1280x720_Blu-ray_FLAC)_[C6D567CA].mkv xdelta3.exe -d -s “[Coalgirls]_Kotonoha_no_Niwa_(1920x1080_Blu-ray_FLAC)_[C6D567CA].mkv” “[Coalgirls]_Kotonoha_no_Niwa_(1920x1080_Blu-ray_FLAC)_[C6D567CA_to_ED03F005].xdelta” “[Coalgirls]_Kotonoha_no_Niwa_(1920x1080_Blu-ray_FLAC)_[ED03F005].mkv”
IF EXIST [Coalgirls]_Kotonoha_no_Niwa_(1280x720_Blu-ray_FLAC)_[D3F30342].mkv xdelta3.exe -d -s “[Coalgirls]_Kotonoha_no_Niwa_(1920x1080_Blu-ray_FLAC)_[D3F30342].mkv” “[Coalgirls]_Kotonoha_no_Niwa_(1920x1080_Blu-ray_FLAC)_[D3F30342_to_ED03F005].xdelta” “[Coalgirls]_Kotonoha_no_Niwa_(1920x1080_Blu-ray_FLAC)_[ED03F005].mkv”
Run It
i have tried and tried so many method to solve my problem, and finally, i got the answer, the problem, why the video is just play until the half way is, because the filename of part 6 is different from the another part, there are “_2” in it, i hope it’s not a human error (error when namening the anime).
@ferg; i apreciate (_ _)
I forgot the link for xdelta3.exe http://code.google.com/p/xdelta/downloads/list
download the .XDELTA file
make a .txt file, copy the code and rename it to .bat
run xdelta3.exe and wait it until finish.
the code:
xdelta3 -d [Coalgirls]_Kotonoha_no_Niwa_(1920x1080_Blu-ray_FLAC)_[D3F30342_to_ED03F005].xdelta
Thanks for the advice! Certainly your code works in this case.
Thanks very much!
Really enjoyed and the release was great as always!
don’t mind me asking, but
why are there two different versions of the patch each for the 720 and 1080 files?
I have the 720p [13c…] mkv file; so, which patch file should i use? Do i need to use both versions of the 720p patches?
Im kinda late, but to the idiots that complain about not adding an executable to the patch, or demanding instructions.
Kindly read the about page, and be happy that you got a patch.
Thanks ChrisK =)
Are u subbing Nerawareta Gakuen?
Just a thought but are you going to do Nerawareta Gakuen too?
I’m too dumb to do the patches this way. I really wanted this too. Oh well. I don’t need to know the name on the phone. Movie was good anyway.
@EruGuy The name on the phone is Itou-san, the gym teacher in the school.
To patch this nice movie, this one worked fine for me: http://www46.zippyshare.com/v/35167007/file.html
Just extract the whole zip content in the same folder as the .mkv and run the batch.bat
Good luck!