Kimi ni Todoke 2nd Season

Episodes – 13
Video – 1280×720 @ crf 16
Audio – 2.0 FLAC (24 bit)
Subs – Eclipse (Re-styled, 1-9), m.3.3.w (Re-styled, 10-12)


16 Responses to Kimi ni Todoke 2nd Season

  1. Arjen writes:

    Really thanks! Finally a good one available!

  2. Havoc10K writes:

    Thank you a lot ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Anthony writes:

    I’ll be grabbing this one, too. :]
    Also.. Have you guys ever thought of giving us the opportunity to donate..?

  4. mascthemoney writes:

    @ Anthony…..
    I can’t donate since money is tight, but if you want to donate……..

  5. IZEROII writes:


  6. Kalegrim writes:

    The pancake, and ั‡ะต isn’t present not a season with ED?

  7. Spearit writes:

    Thanks a lot

  8. Ken writes:

    Simply an amazing anime (having order chps for the ED is kind of lame tho – only downside for this torrent)

  9. jaime writes:

    thank you for this wonderful series, its a guilty pleasure of mine to watch this type on anime.
    and not to look a gifted horse in the mouth but, i think there is something wrong with the video all the episodes of season 2 and 1 seem to have flaws in them most of the scenes graphical irregularities that take away from the beauty of the scenes. i will keep seeding these since you all went thru the trouble of making them available to us

    sorry if i offended anyone

  10. fgh writes:

    What about the specials?

  11. Julio writes:

    So this is bluray?

  12. Michael Nollen writes:

    What about the specials? can you upload it please!

  13. HawkEye writes:

    I absolutely love this series.
    Thank you so much for the update.

  14. yinyan writes:

    Coalgirls, the best an otaku can get.
    Thanks for another great release.

  15. nicky writes:

    thanks for sharing coalgirls..i really appreciate how u dont know…millions of thank u to u….:)