Type: | Series (24+2 Episodes) |
Video: | 1920×1080, 1280×720 |
Audio: | FLAC 2.0 (Japanese) FLAC 2.0 (English) |
Subs: | AnCo^2 (Main Dialogue) gg, Ecliptic-BSS, Commie (Typesetting, Modified) |
Torrent: | 1080p β 720p |
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Thanks :D.
Wow, you’re not dead?
Rise from the dead?
btw Thanks!!
Thanks, its about time someone did this series!
I’ll assume 12.5 and 25 use AnCo^2 subs?
Now that’s unexpected.
You guys would do this just weeks after i finished watching it :s
Not that its a good series or anything.
Thx a lot man, been waiting for a good quality release for this one!
How lucky of me.
The day I decide to download this series is the day it’s released. Thanks :].
My God, thanks! Been waiting for someone to do this great series π
OMG, OMG, OMG!! I literally spent the last 30 minutes looking to see if anyone had done DVD/BD releases of this epic show. Thank you.
Finally BD versions. Can replace the HDTV rips now >.>
Thanks Cyras!
Thank you!
BD version has been out for at least a year, at least thats how long its been on bakabt..
I love you.
@Tyler: lol no. The version currently accepted on BBT is a HDTV rip.
Cyras returns stronger than ever
Ah your right
But TLC released his last month i think, confused it with that.
There’s an error in the karaoke of the first opening: around 00:39, correct lyrics are “muimi ja nai ano ashita” which means “Those tomorrows are not without meaning”.
I used the same lyrics as AnCo^2, and according to them it’s based on the official lyrics.
why do you do this too mee.
i just finished downloading a 1080p release that had eng/jpn/commentary audio all flac which when i removed all but jpn and converted too aac managed to shrink to 9gb.
now you release this gloriously also me guesta even though i reconvert your audio to 320kb/s aac i think i shall invest in some more HDD space your releases are worth my bandwidth.
side note is this 10bit just curious?
PS:my hard drives hate you
been waiting for coalgirls, before i downloaded this.
always worth waiting for!
@squee666 everything is 10-bit, 8-bit is dead
Only fansubs use 10bit so its very much alive.
Sweet!!! AnCo^2’s translation, 720p, and no ordered chapters!!! Gonna replace my 720p encodes I have from AnCo^2 now!
>I used the same lyrics as AnCo^2, and according to them itβs based on the official lyrics.
I don’t know AnCo^2’s releases, but I guess you are not using the official lyrics correctly sir.
such a boring anime, but I like the girl without head… so hot!
@Cyras: Yes these are part of the official lyrics, but this line (ano ito ga) is used later in the song, at 00:39 it says ano ashita.
Hmm, guess i’ll rewatch it again then.
PS: Who gives a damn about a slight miss lyrics translation, no1 really gives a fuck about lyrics anyway or am i wrong? p_p Don’t start another drama over nothing peeps.
I love you so much right now! Thank you for doing one of my favorite series!
Why did you not use the R1 subs?
@Lord Merkadis: Nobody is starting a drama here, I was just stating a fact. If Cyras does not want to correct, and if people don’t care about a lyrics mistake, that’s completely fine with me. I’m going to correct them on my end anyway, because I care.
@Anonymous: Because R1 subs are a pain in the *** to rip in this particular release.
Just a random question are the endings credited and if so, are those credits for their proper episode? Since I see it’s not ordered chapter.
I actually like to read the credits lol (specifically just the voice actors). Thanks in advance.
Thanks for doing this awesome show.
I bet it will look even more amazing with BD quality.
Guess it’s finally time to sell those pricy (R1) DVDs I bough on a whim back then…
Is there any noticeable difference between the 1080p and 720p versions? I’m tempted to download this release but they’re quite large in size.
So instead of finishing some of your project you do some new shit?
What the fuck?
Yeap, I had been waiting on these BDs since when I first joined CGi.
Did you expect me to never pick up new projects? I just have less time, and this project took me way longer than it could have.
thanks coalgrils team! loveya!!
I like Durarara!! -_-
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
My absolute favorite series. I want to buy the Blu-ray lunchbox set when its comes out, but currently unemployed, this is going to help hold me over until I can actually afford it. CoalGirls FTW!
Thanks for doing this. I had the old anco version and this will be replacing it.
Now I can replace my current rips – the typesetting is just awful on mine. Now I can get past the first few episodes, hopefully without the ugly fonts. |:
Sweet! I’ve been searching for this for weeks. Tnx
Thank you
thank you so much this really great anime
Thank You!
Man I left my laptop on while at work and someone must be very happy since I was seeding at 700kb/s for just this torrent!! there was hardy any seeders while I was downloading this.. But anyways thanks for this!!
a lot of missing sign in eps 25
english subbed?