Episodes – ??
Video – 1280×720 @~2200kbps (CRF 17)
Audio – 2.0 FLAC
Subs – Chibi-Doki
Torrent: 01-03
No 1080p for this, even 720p might be a bit high, but it can’t be helped. :p
Episodes – ??
Video – 1280×720 @~2200kbps (CRF 17)
Audio – 2.0 FLAC
Subs – Chibi-Doki
Torrent: 01-03
No 1080p for this, even 720p might be a bit high, but it can’t be helped. :p
It can’t be helped.
Thanks for the release!
Second time I have to say this: This is pointless, as Chibi-Doki is revising ALL episode subs and releasing v2 Bluray episodes. (BTW, first time was with Kira-Fansubs).
Wait, what? I wasn’t expecting this one by this group.
Anyways, thanks, now I can watch it without risking my eyes and get eye-cancer.
thats why i dont take too much interest for this release..even it is BD..pointless..
so… Why are you releasing this? Chibi-Doki are gonna do it… SFW-YuS are gonna do it… so… why the release? o.o
Our original Qwaser subs were poor, they were not TLCed. They are getting TLCed when we release the BDs!
This is by coalgirls or anon-chan?
DmonHiro, apparently Kira only took a share raw and muxed it with the subs, and that raw appears to be encoded by a pro encoder -> http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_3JYYpLntYuc/S9Je8cK3vYI/AAAAAAAAAak/fIQ0soarZBk/s1600/%5BKira-Fansub%5D+Seikon+no+Qwaser+-+01+%28BD+1920×1080+x264+AAC%29.mkv_snapshot_20.17_%5B2010.04.23_22.37.26%5D.jpg
While ours -> http://xs.to/image-769E_4BD4AE55.jpg
Holo, so you’re saying you released a file that wasn’t even ready? I don’t think so. Maybe you could be doing a second TLC for all I know, but releasing a file without TLC is not the Doki I know ๐
John, apparently it’s me, lol.
anon-chan: I know, I am just talking about the subs. I told both CG and Kira that the subs were flawed, so they should either not use them, or use others. But neither cared and released anyway.
PS: Yes, your video quality is much better then Kira, there’s no doubt about that.
I don’t remember or at least I didn’t notice you/anyone saying anything like that. I’ll just keep going on as it is, downloaders know what to choose in the end. :p
*fail* lol
>Maybe you could be doing a second TLC for all I know, but releasing a file without TLC is not the Doki I know ๐
You forget that Qwaser early eps was released when we just started getting TLs (LvB and Chu-Bra). Before that we were using CR. So Ep 1 and 2 was released at a time when there was no TLC around to TLC it. Also, I knew that I was going to release it on BD anyway and I would have TLCs by then.
Just can’t wait to download this one…. Waiting the other to get this subbed, be my guest. Thanks for the release, just keep going & don’t bother to hear the other!
There’s no such a thing as pointless releases.
Are you going to do special too? Even it’s just drama picture, though it worth to get it encoded too….
how about a Doki-Coalgirls(Anon-chan)Collaboration on this?
Censored or not? Director’s cut or not?
@Your Future
Yes it’s censored so it’s better you watch tv version, because for you it will point less. ๐
How about forgetting this one and focusing on Seikon no Blacksmith instead? :d
Thanks for the release
Geez…I spat a mouthful of green tea after first few seconds, I mean seriously, this is borderline hentai here (never have I seen any show gone this far into the realm of perversion), is there any normal Blu-ray version of this show?
these commentators best be trolling
i was expecting you people would correct the translation errors of doki..
try taking a closer look.. there’s several of them in the 1st episode alone
We’re no translators, nor Japanese.
I think I just got promoted. Thanks. 720p is totally fine.
Commenters be quiet it’s nice to have choices
and why would blue ray be censored? 8/
I have feeling BDs are goin to catch up to Doki , at least until Holo gets back. <3
what episodes are these? 1, 2 and 3?