Seikon no Qwaser

Episodes – ??

Video – 1280×720 @~2200kbps (CRF 17)

Audio – 2.0 FLAC

Subs – Chibi-Doki

Torrent: 01-03

No 1080p for this, even 720p might be a bit high, but it can’t be helped. :p

26 Responses to Seikon no Qwaser

  1. Fap writes:

    It can’t be helped.

    Thanks for the release!

  2. DmonHiro writes:

    Second time I have to say this: This is pointless, as Chibi-Doki is revising ALL episode subs and releasing v2 Bluray episodes. (BTW, first time was with Kira-Fansubs).

  3. Lier writes:

    Wait, what? I wasn’t expecting this one by this group.

    Anyways, thanks, now I can watch it without risking my eyes and get eye-cancer.


  4. qwertyuiop writes:

    thats why i dont take too much interest for this release..even it is BD..pointless..

  5. Paยฎadin writes:

    so… Why are you releasing this? Chibi-Doki are gonna do it… SFW-YuS are gonna do it… so… why the release? o.o

  6. Holo writes:

    Our original Qwaser subs were poor, they were not TLCed. They are getting TLCed when we release the BDs!

  7. John writes:

    This is by coalgirls or anon-chan?

  8. anon-chan writes:

    DmonHiro, apparently Kira only took a share raw and muxed it with the subs, and that raw appears to be encoded by a pro encoder ->×1080+x264+AAC%29.mkv_snapshot_20.17_%5B2010.04.23_22.37.26%5D.jpg
    While ours ->
    Holo, so you’re saying you released a file that wasn’t even ready? I don’t think so. Maybe you could be doing a second TLC for all I know, but releasing a file without TLC is not the Doki I know ๐Ÿ™
    John, apparently it’s me, lol.

  9. DmonHiro writes:

    anon-chan: I know, I am just talking about the subs. I told both CG and Kira that the subs were flawed, so they should either not use them, or use others. But neither cared and released anyway.

  10. DmonHiro writes:

    PS: Yes, your video quality is much better then Kira, there’s no doubt about that.

  11. anon-chan writes:

    I don’t remember or at least I didn’t notice you/anyone saying anything like that. I’ll just keep going on as it is, downloaders know what to choose in the end. :p

  12. John writes:

    *fail* lol

  13. Holo writes:

    >Maybe you could be doing a second TLC for all I know, but releasing a file without TLC is not the Doki I know ๐Ÿ™

    You forget that Qwaser early eps was released when we just started getting TLs (LvB and Chu-Bra). Before that we were using CR. So Ep 1 and 2 was released at a time when there was no TLC around to TLC it. Also, I knew that I was going to release it on BD anyway and I would have TLCs by then.

  14. ingrid00 writes:

    Just can’t wait to download this one…. Waiting the other to get this subbed, be my guest. Thanks for the release, just keep going & don’t bother to hear the other!
    There’s no such a thing as pointless releases.

    Are you going to do special too? Even it’s just drama picture, though it worth to get it encoded too….

  15. Gaarara writes:

    how about a Doki-Coalgirls(Anon-chan)Collaboration on this?

  16. Your Future writes:

    Censored or not? Director’s cut or not?

  17. MegaPuload writes:

    @Your Future

    Yes it’s censored so it’s better you watch tv version, because for you it will point less. ๐Ÿ˜€

  18. Perplexing writes:

    How about forgetting this one and focusing on Seikon no Blacksmith instead? :d

    Thanks for the release

  19. Bloodios writes:

    Geez…I spat a mouthful of green tea after first few seconds, I mean seriously, this is borderline hentai here (never have I seen any show gone this far into the realm of perversion), is there any normal Blu-ray version of this show?

  20. Hotel_Moscow writes:

    these commentators best be trolling

  21. wut writes:

    i was expecting you people would correct the translation errors of doki..

    try taking a closer look.. there’s several of them in the 1st episode alone

  22. anon-chan writes:

    We’re no translators, nor Japanese.

  23. Alex writes:

    I think I just got promoted. Thanks. 720p is totally fine.

  24. Unellmay writes:

    Commenters be quiet it’s nice to have choices
    and why would blue ray be censored? 8/

  25. ahena writes:

    I have feeling BDs are goin to catch up to Doki , at least until Holo gets back. <3

  26. Eric writes:

    what episodes are these? 1, 2 and 3?