Summer Wars

Video – 1920×1080 @ ~7300 kbps, 1280×720 @ ~2800 kbps
Audio – 5.1 FLAC (Japanese, English)
Subs – Frostii (Dialogue, Re-styled), UTW-TMD (Typesetting, ED)

1080p – Torrent

720p – Torrent

46 Responses to Summer Wars

  1. Gyzome writes:

    Looking forward to this one.

  2. Wall writes:

    Nice. πŸ˜€ Also looking forward to it. <3

  3. flashtoons writes:

    awwww. I already bought this on BD. LOL

  4. chronos writes:

    What’s the video source? Jap BD , US, or UK one?

  5. Tiago writes:

    Thanks a lot for this.
    I watched it from frostii and the quality was very good (1080p), but I was waiting for a release like yours so I could archive this movie πŸ˜€

  6. puma99dk| writes:

    nice, i just don’t hope that it will be a 10gig version, that will be said, when Frostii can do 4,09gb @ 1080p, but it will be awesome =^_^=

  7. IZEROII writes:

    Ya Cman21 was the first to do this I believe and his 1080p is 3.9GB crf 17. No qualms with his release. But I’ll check this version out anyway ; )

  8. John writes:


  9. Sophora writes:

    キタ━━━( οΎŸβˆ€οΎŸ )━━━!!

    Thank you, coalgirl.

  10. tormaid writes:

    Very nice! I’m really not a fan of the styling used in UTW/TMD’s release. Now I have something I can really archive.

  11. tormaid writes:

    “UTW-TMD (Typesetting, ED)” *facepalm

    Oh well, I’ll take the dual audio in any case :\

  12. coalgirl writes:

    Tomorrow = Friday

  13. banger writes:

    i wish the anime looked like that pic!

  14. Sayer writes:

    How big did it end up being?

  15. spellbuzzer writes:

    Is the video quality better than UTW-TMD 720p BD release ?
    Coz I felt it was a let down as they went for truHD audio compromising with video clarity
    or correct me if its the source itself ???

  16. tormaid writes:

    A comparison screen would be nice.

  17. NekoZabuza writes:

    um….i was wondering how I can download this since my torrent says “this file exceeds system save size” or w/e (which is a load of bull) and I am unable to connect to fileserve for some reason so I can download NOTHING from them….

  18. Gaka writes:

    @Neko: trying to put it on FAT32 partition? That’s what came to my mind after reading your comment.

  19. S.J. writes:

    REWATCH IT YES, as always, awesome work guys :3

  20. Iron Sand-G writes:

    This picture reminds me of Nene Anegasaki from Love Plus <3

  21. kosyak writes:

    I’ve tried to download 1st part of 1080p several times: downloading interrupts at the same place at very end. Isn’t it broken?

  22. kosyak writes:

    I mean DDL.

  23. NekoZabuza writes:

    yeah i think so why is that why it won’t do it sometimes? cause I have had other files that are bigger download no problem and sometimes even smaller ones won’t go.

  24. dane writes:

    @Spellbuzzer: A comparison screenshot would be much appreciated πŸ™‚

  25. Kimmy writes:

    Thanks for this show.. Watched it last night and all I can say is that it was AWESOME.
    Natsuki rocks. Get better picture does not do her justice.

  26. kyosukeamiscosa writes:

    Hmm…..found some translation errors, hope you dont mind

    1. Todai (Tokyo Daigaku)—> Tokyo University

    2. August 2, 1924 —> August 2, 1585

    well so far that’s what I have gotten so far.. will continue to watch…

  27. Gaka writes:

    Well, most weaboos know what To(u)dai means (ever since Love Hina!), so if you’re leaving eastern name order, honorifics and some other shit, then leaving Todai is okish, maybe some TL Note at first appear could do better, but meh.

  28. Swaps4 writes:

    Gah, this isn’t 5.1 is it?

  29. zaockle writes:

    translation errors and such wouldn’t be such a problem if you just bought the official licensed version from your respective region.οΌˆΒ΄βˆ€ο½€οΌ‰

  30. Daraku writes:

    is it normal to hear in the beginning japanese AND englisch dub?

    • coalgirl writes:

      Yes. I thought it was an error myself, but the English track is clearly different in terms of VA. And the Frostii release, which used the R2 BD, had the same thing.

  31. Amon81 writes:

    Thankyou very much for this!

    No question when it comes out im my region I’m buying it. But this will be my digital copy.

    Also I edited edited your file as I didn’t want the English dub and signs subtitle file. Taking them out makes the file a hell of a lot smaller, for 5.6 to 3.9 gb, I used mkvmerge to do it.

    Thanks again!

  32. Anon1 writes:

    Is there possibly a problem with the release’s audio? It did not seem to be 5.1. Additionally, it may have been intentional, but background music seems to be awfully silent in the movie. The audio sounded oddly muffled at times too as if it was missing channels or something.

  33. Amon81 writes:

    There is no problem with it, I just didn’t want to waste the space as I’ll never watch it dubed. For the 20 seconds of the dub I checked out it seemed alright. Dubs and me just dont get on, for anything thats not in English, I’d rather watch them with subtitls in there native language.

  34. dragonsword50 writes:

    plz seed the 720p torrent some more plz

  35. fathom2821 writes:

    Any chance of this getting a 10 bit re-encode? Just wondering cause I know you guys are re-encoding some stuff. Thanks.

  36. waqasj writes:


  37. akiba-kei writes:

    I hope you do this in 10-bits

  38. fanofanime writes:

    plz seed more

  39. Crismas writes:

    Thanks Coalgirl

  40. JacobSwaggedUp writes:

    Please seed the 720p version!

  41. Ftw writes:

    Seed pls. 720p. πŸ™‚ Thanks.

  42. Mr Archiver writes:


  43. Neel writes:

    So 720p torrent is Jap audio and Eng sub?

  44. Mr Need Seed writes:

    Seed.. Don’t stop seed!!!
    Thanks.. This is Jap Dub Eng Sub??
    You rock!!!