The End 2 – Mostly.

Due to inactivity, we decided to reduce the groups footprint. For now this means that our tracker has been shut down and all links to torrent files were removed. We added links to other trackers where you can find our releases.

The website will stay up for the foreseeable future.

Thanks for your support over the years.

24 Responses to The End 2 – Mostly.

  1. v-cardholder writes:

    Truly, the end of an era.

  2. sadage writes:

    RIP coalgirls

  3. skyhack writes:

    Well, dang. Thanks for all of the fine work.

  4. muma writes:

    Thank you for everything, I first came here for Cardcaptors in 2012 and I dunno why but your site always felt like home since then. Whenever I was going through tough times I would come back and pick a random series I never heard of on here to watch and escape a bit. Good luck to you all in life

  5. khalid writes:

    i really kept hoping for you to get back i even never shut your page i kept it always opened in my browser

  6. Sad Chihuahua writes:

    Can you add public trackers to your .torrents and magnet links? I can do that for you (write a script) if that’s too bothersome.

    • ChrisK writes:

      We also won’t be hosting any torrent files in the future, to prevent any DMCA notices. We will just point people to public tracker listings.

  7. Kuro writes:

    Loved everything that you guys have done for the community. Thank you for everything!

  8. BTime writes:

    I haven’t visited here in awhile, but it’s sad to see another great Fansub group shutter down.

    Thanks again for all your contributions over the years, it’s been a great ride.

  9. JSpaces writes:

    Truly a sign of the end for Coal Girls. It is sad another great fan subbing group has permanently retired but life goes on. Everyone deserves the joy of doing what they want on their own time.
    The anime subbing community that existed since the nineteen nineties until about two thousands was awesome. I am glad I was able to enjoy so many great anime releases done by fans. The fan subs have more style to them then the stuff we can see now. Most are just raw encoding with little to no effort on the text, signs and karaoke seems to be almost extinct.

    I personally wish all the Coal Girls members for a long and happy life. The amount of time you have shared with the community is truly one of the outstanding examples selflessness I have seen. The amount of work to go into these archival quality releases is just beyond what most people would be willing to do for free. The joy you provided over the years to your viewers reaches the stars. I have enjoyed each title that Coal Girls has produced from the beginning with your first release. The IRC channel was quite interesting at times. Those were the days my friends.
    Thank you.
    Take care and have fun.

    PS: From an old classic “Hi-hikers Guide to the Galaxy” line:
    “So long and thanks for the all the fish.”

  10. McCrackin writes:

    Damn.. this is quite sad. I thought CoalGirls was gonna come back. I will miss you guys, thanks for everything. I wish you all the best!

  11. M j writes:

    Thank you so much for all the great shows over the years

  12. Bradely Yob writes:

    honestly it’s whatever long overdue

  13. AR Ryaa writes:

    I miss you guys very much. I’ve been religiously seeding some of my favorites and rare shows that you released. I found you guys while I was in college back in 2013. From the bottom of my heart thanks for all you did – even with stiff competition. Doing all this without significant financial gain is hard on anyone. And life is hard in general. Amazing it lasted as long as it did.

    Thank you for paying to keep the site up. I will visit it from time to time for nostalgia sake.

    And thank you personally for doing Valkyria Chronicles. It has a special place in my heart and I consider it a very rare piece.

  14. Kaga writes:

    sad 🙁

  15. tsuivo writes:

    I enjoyed your content for years. Thank you, and I wish you all well

  16. FrashPrince writes:

    The work you all did over the years helped make anime accessible to so many people and helped lay the foundations for the mainstream base that exists today. It must be bittersweet to be relieved of the undertaking that comes with fansubs with studios and streaming services supplanting the work of fansub groups but losing out on the labor of love, dedication, and translator quirks that went into these.

    Thank you for everything.

  17. scmstr writes:

    Super ultra sad and depressing to see another fantastic group and culture start to fade away.

    It’s another step towards dead internet, zero culture, and corporate late stage capitalism and low quality subs with no karaoke, translators notes, and a sense of community and real passion. I hate it. Highest priority I think is not letting the files and all the hard work y’all have put in turn to dust like so many before you. Things get not-new, they shouldn’t disappear.

    Your work and products are just as important as the original works from Japan. And if those things are forgotten, the availability of those things is lost, the quality of the experience goes down, and it just becomes consumerism. It’s a frustrating, gray reality, I get it. But I still don’t like the trend and the loss.

    It may not be everybody’s community, and I know I’m guilty of being silent and just consume and enjoy, but it’s MY community – my philosophy, and I think it’s important, and not only because I’m a weirdo. I think there is REAL value and integrity that fansub groups with a spine add to the experience. I don’t think it’s arbitrary. Gah… I wish I could help with my skillset, but my confidence and the societal capitalistic need for money is so, so important.

    Don’t be like K-F and let your files disappear. Archive all of this shit and come back with it in like 5 or ten years when DMCAs for these things disappear. The shows will still exist and have demand and will still need to be translated to be watched. I hate to just see stars go out forever.

  18. Allan Locke writes:

    Well this sucks. So can’t finish my downlaods, where can I go? ?

  19. Allan Locke writes:

    This was my go to site. Fuck! Thanks for everything though. Bye. Finally got new drives and now this. Fuck!

  20. Fajar writes:

    Was looking up older anime on torrent sites and came across one of your old works, then googled because I realized it has been some time since I last saw release from you guys. Coalgirls used to be my go to fan sub. You or HorribleSubs. Nowadays its Subsplease or Erai Raws. Oh how merciless the march of time.

    I have great fond memories of watching anime you guys have subbed. Hope all the members are doing well going forwards with your personal lives.

  21. Lynette_hugger writes:

    Thank you for never doing Dual-Audio shite

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