Warning: Undefined array key "scheme" in /var/www/vhosts/mqnwpxay.host269.checkdomain.de/coalgirls.wakku.to/wp-includes/canonical.php on line 752 Grisaia no Meikyuu | Coalgirls
“We at Chihiro don’t recognize nor aknowledge this torrent as joint, therefore it should be removed. We’ll do our own BDs with our own translations for the specials.”
Oh boy
Question, near the end of the video (not of the special)
it start to slow down for a few seconds, My fine is uncorrupted and my gear is strong enough to run it
what the issue? I have the last ver of cccp and don’t have issue with any other BDs so far
may as well post it in chihiro-subs just so they know
Damn… you if you guys were 2 days early 🙁
Anyways thanks for posting it regardless!
Any plans to do Rakuen in some form?
Yes. No current idea as to what the tag will be as, but it will be done.
Wait, what? I thought you led Chihiro?
Thanks for the release! Is this the unannounced project that you had mentioned in your previous post?
Yeah, I was gonna say the same thing.
“We at Chihiro don’t recognize nor aknowledge this torrent as joint, therefore it should be removed. We’ll do our own BDs with our own translations for the specials.”
Oh boy
Coalgirls, You guys brighten up my weekeend
chihiro is being shit . i saw Grisaia no Meikyuu post in their http://postimg.org/image/e5c2ysofr/ website it was up 10 min and then deleted the post.
Yep. In an agreed upon joint, they decided to just go against the agreement and say they had nothing to do with it. The spite from them is real.
this says she led the group http://postimg.org/image/mzfzbb1xx/
Yeah I though you were the head huncho and all over there. Either way, really enjoyed the first season, so thank you for this. Enjoy your break!
They deleted your comments with the IRC log. lol
are u guys planning on doin Grisaia no Kajitsu ?
What happened to Cyras?
Question, near the end of the video (not of the special)
it start to slow down for a few seconds, My fine is uncorrupted and my gear is strong enough to run it
what the issue? I have the last ver of cccp and don’t have issue with any other BDs so far
may as well post it in chihiro-subs just so they know
*My file
Whatever fonts you used makes my media player crach. Every time.
Yes, I have everything up to date.
Too bad the HS subs don’t perfectly time to the BD video. 🙁
@someone i watched the whole thing, nothing crashed for me. something wrong on your end.
Sorry for my ignorance, i want to make sure, this is an uncensored BD right? Thanks for your kind response
all of the episodes are in this?