Warning: Undefined array key "scheme" in /var/www/vhosts/mqnwpxay.host269.checkdomain.de/coalgirls.wakku.to/wp-includes/canonical.php on line 752 Nagi no Asukara | Coalgirls
It was mentioned earlier in the comments that you used the batch scripts. Is this the case from 18 through end? According to git I don’t see batch scripts for 18+ for Nagi no Asukara.
Well, not to be ungrateful or anything, but you’re kind of dumb tenshi
You forgot NCED3 again. yes, the whole video was coloured in that one. while NCED2 is frozen and black and white. Anyway..
Watching this two years after working on it with Kaylith really is an experience. Reliving all the time spent over certain lines, the rush to get it out on time… This show really hits hard.
I did notice the batch scripts didn’t make it into your release though, which is a shame.
ep 9 16:59 has a sign error.
Great Job and Thank You!
where is OP 3? song same but the video is different
Thats a oversight on my part. Torrents have been updated.
Wow, I have to say I’m very surprised how good this series is.
Thanks a lot for all the effort CG.
great :3 i’ve been waiting for your release, thank coalgirls
Nyaa is up, having this there would be neat.
Any particular reason why you’re using Nyanko instead of UW?
It was mentioned earlier in the comments that you used the batch scripts. Is this the case from 18 through end? According to git I don’t see batch scripts for 18+ for Nagi no Asukara.
This is great, you are awesome! I like this series~
Well, not to be ungrateful or anything, but you’re kind of dumb tenshi
You forgot NCED3 again. yes, the whole video was coloured in that one. while NCED2 is frozen and black and white. Anyway..
Found Underwater-Vivid subs to be a bit better than Nyanko. Any particular reason you picked Nyanko over the other?
Great job as always.
Thank you, you guys are the best!
nice work!
Underwater-Vivid is half Commie. Plus FFF… lol.
So you guys should pick this release without hesitation. This show (and Hyouka) both deserve to be watched in 1080p.
Watching this two years after working on it with Kaylith really is an experience. Reliving all the time spent over certain lines, the rush to get it out on time… This show really hits hard.
I did notice the batch scripts didn’t make it into your release though, which is a shame.
Even when i downloaded this almost one year ago and all i can say is thanks, wonderful series.
@Lann094 What changes were made in the batch scripts? Just wondering.
This show is so fucking good. I know you all moved on from encodes and subbing but this among other releases will remain irreplaceable